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ज्ञानाची उपासना हा समाजाच्या संस्कृतीचा मानदंड असतो. ज्ञानाला स्थल कालाच्या मर्यादा नसतात, तसेच त्याच्या उपासनेलादेखील जाती, धर्म, पंथ, भाषा, प्रांत यांची संकुचित बंधने अडवू शकत नाहीत. हेच ब्रीद मनाशी ठेवून गेली १६० वर्षे करवीर नगर वाचन मंदिर वाटचाल करीत आहे.


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Total Records : 750

Accession No. Book Name Author Publisher Subject Claim Book
29096 India Need Not Starvel !. Brown Michel. Longmans SOCIAL SCIENCES. Claim Book
29097 Communism - 8. Laski Harold J. Thornto Bultetrnietb Ltd .London. SOCIAL SCIENCES. Claim Book
29098 Food planning For Four Hundred Millions .- 1. Mukerj ee Radhakamal. Macmillen & co . London. SOCIAL SCIENCES. Claim Book
29099 Economic Condition In India ._-1. Pillai P. Padmanabha. George Routledge and sons .London. SOCIAL SCIENCES. Claim Book
29100 The Peoples Year Booking 1946. Co-operative Wholeale Society. Co-operative Wholeale Society Ltd. Manchester. SOCIAL SCIENCES. Claim Book
29101 Story of Money . Norman Angell. Cassell& Company Ltd. London SOCIAL SCIENCES. Claim Book
29102 Living Thoughts of Tolstoi - 3. Zweig Stefan . Cassell& Comp . SOCIAL SCIENCES. Claim Book
29103 Soviet Industry . . 1. Lokshine E. kieabistan / Allagabad. SOCIAL SCIENCES. Claim Book
29104 Industrial Capital In India (1938- 39)-1. Divatia M. V. & Trivedi. N. M. Tripathi Ltd. Bombay. SOCIAL SCIENCES. Claim Book
29105 Studies in Industrial organization. - 1. Silverman H. A. Methuen & co.London. SOCIAL SCIENCES. Claim Book
29106 Currency and prices in India - 1. Vakil C. K. C. K. Vakil . Bombay. SOCIAL SCIENCES. Claim Book
29107 Indian Public Debt . 1. Dubey D. L. D. B. Taraporevala Sons SOCIAL SCIENCES. Claim Book
29108 Deprciation In Relation To Income Tax and its Record . Singh Gurumukh. A. V. Patvaradhan . Poona. SOCIAL SCIENCES. Claim Book
29109 Present - Day Barking In India . 1. Rao B. Ramachandra. University of calcutta . calcutta. SOCIAL SCIENCES. Claim Book
29110 Co-operation in India and Abroad . 1. Talmaki S. S. Bassel Mission Press . Mangal. SOCIAL SCIENCES. Claim Book
29111 Friendly Talk With Socialists And Others.1. Bibby Joseph. P. P. Press. Liverpool. SOCIAL SCIENCES. Claim Book
29112 Forward from Liberlism . 1. Spender Stephen. Voctor Gollancz. ltd . London. SOCIAL SCIENCES. Claim Book
29113 Conquest of Bread . 1. Kropotkin P. Chapman &I Hall .London. SOCIAL SCIENCES. Claim Book
29116 Modern Foreign Exchange. and Foreign Banking . 1. Philips H. W. Macdonald & Evans . London. SOCIAL SCIENCES. Claim Book
29118 Socialism And The National Revolution. Deva Narendra A. Padma Publication. Bombay. SOCIAL SCIENCES. Claim Book
29122 Essays on Economics . 1. stanley Jevons H. Macmillan and co . London. SOCIAL SCIENCES. Claim Book
29123 History of Political Economy . 1. Ingram J. K. Macmillan and co . London. SOCIAL SCIENCES. Claim Book
29124 Problem of the Unemoloyed . 1. Hobson John A. Methuen & comp . London. SOCIAL SCIENCES. Claim Book
29125 Theory of the _ eisure class. 1. Veblen Thorstien. Modern Library. New York SOCIAL SCIENCES. Claim Book
29126 History Principles and Practice of Banking . 2. Gilbert J. W. Georage Bell . London. SOCIAL SCIENCES. Claim Book
29127 Problem of Freedom . 1. Roy M. N. Renaissance pub . calcutta. SOCIAL SCIENCES. Claim Book
29128 Satyagraha. Diwakar R. R. Hind Kitabs. Bombay. SOCIAL SCIENCES. Claim Book
29129 Depresssd classes.. 1. Singh Mohinder. Hind kitabs . Bombay. SOCIAL SCIENCES. Claim Book
29130 Union Finances . 1. Lanka Sundaram. Kusum Nair . Bombay. SOCIAL SCIENCES. Claim Book
29131 Salt Industery ofBombay . 1. Shinde K. K. k.k. Shinde . Bombay 4. SOCIAL SCIENCES. Claim Book
29132 Forgign capital in Poland . 1. Wellisz Leopold. Geroge Allen.London. SOCIAL SCIENCES. Claim Book
29133 Manual of political Economy . 3. Fawcett Henry. Macmaillan & Co . London. SOCIAL SCIENCES. Claim Book
29134 Manual of Political Economy . 1. Rogers Thorold E. James. The clarendon press . oxford. SOCIAL SCIENCES. Claim Book
29135 Saving Inveslment & Employment.1. Battin William J. Arthur W. Cross. New Jersy. SOCIAL SCIENCES. Claim Book
29136 Great Britain 1750 to the Present Day . 2. Kuczyndki Jargen. Fernclick muller . London. SOCIAL SCIENCES. Claim Book
29137 Britisg Empire 1800 To the Present Day . Kuczyndki Jargen. Frendick muller . London. SOCIAL SCIENCES. Claim Book
29138 Germany 1800 to the present Day . 1. Kuczyndki Jargen. Frendick Muller . London. SOCIAL SCIENCES. Claim Book
29139 Germony under Fascism 1933 to the Present Day . 1. Kuczyndki Jargen. Frendick muller . London. SOCIAL SCIENCES. Claim Book
29140 Case for Family Allowances . 1. Rathbone Eleanor F. Pengwin books . U.S. A. SOCIAL SCIENCES. Claim Book
29141 World Labour comes of Age. 1. Wallace Betty. Jawrence & W . London. SOCIAL SCIENCES. Claim Book
29142 Intelligent Mans Guide Through World Chaos. Coles G. D. H. & Cole Margarate. Victor G. Ltd. London. SOCIAL SCIENCES. Claim Book
29143 Problems of Asocialist Govt. 1. Addison & Christopher etc. Victor G. Ltd. London. SOCIAL SCIENCES. Claim Book
29144 Practical Economics. Coles G. D. H. & Cole Margarate. Penguin Books Ltd. London. SOCIAL SCIENCES. Claim Book
29145 Leisure In The Modern World. Delisle Burns C. G. A. & Unwin. London. SOCIAL SCIENCES. Claim Book
29146 Prospects of Industrial Civilization . 1. Russell Bertrand. George Allen & Unwin Ltd .Lon don. SOCIAL SCIENCES. Claim Book
29147 Paying For The War. Crowther Gefforey. Claerndon Press. Oxford. SOCIAL SCIENCES. Claim Book
29148 Labour under Nazi Rule . 1. Robson William A. clarendon press . oxford. SOCIAL SCIENCES. Claim Book
29149 Indian Liberilism. Naik V. N. --- SOCIAL SCIENCES. Claim Book
29150 It I were Dictator . 1. Huxeley Julian. Methun & co . London. SOCIAL SCIENCES. Claim Book
29151 Karl Marks (living Thoughts)1. Trotsky Lenon. cassell & co . Sydney . SOCIAL SCIENCES. Claim Book
29152 Intelligent Mans Guide Through World Chaos. Coles G. D. H. & Cole Margarate. Victor Co. Ltd. London. SOCIAL SCIENCES. Claim Book
29153 Postulates of English political Economy . 1. Bagehot Walter. Longmans SOCIAL SCIENCES. Claim Book
29154 Guides Principles Of Political Economy. Desai H. M. Grorge & Harrap & Co. London. SOCIAL SCIENCES. Claim Book
29155 Poverty or Plenty ? .1. Roy M. N. Renaissance pub . calcutta. SOCIAL SCIENCES. Claim Book
29156 Industrial India.1. Barlow Glyn. G. A. Nateson & Co. Madras. SOCIAL SCIENCES. Claim Book
29157 My Expenience InChina . 1. Roy M. N. Renaissance pub.calcutty. SOCIAL SCIENCES. Claim Book
29158 Essays on some unsettled questions of political Economy . 2. Mill J. S. Longmans SOCIAL SCIENCES. Claim Book
29159 National system of political Economy. 1. List Fridenich. Long mans Green & co. London. SOCIAL SCIENCES. Claim Book
29160 Syndicalism . 1. Macdonald Ramsay J. Condtabte & co . London. SOCIAL SCIENCES. Claim Book
29161 Syndicalism. Harley J. H. J. c. & e.cJack . N. York. SOCIAL SCIENCES. Claim Book
29162 Socialist Movement . 1. Macdonald Ramsay J. Williams & Morgate . London. SOCIAL SCIENCES. Claim Book
29164 Dawn of Modern Finance inIndia . 1. Kale V. G. patvardhan A. V. SOCIAL SCIENCES. Claim Book
29165 Indian Currency Macleod H. D. Long mans Greeen & co \ London. SOCIAL SCIENCES. Claim Book
29167 Sixty Years of Indian Finance . 1. Shah Khushal Thomas. Bomabay conntcal bombay. SOCIAL SCIENCES. Claim Book
29168 A. B. C. of Indian Finace . 1. Purkayastha K. M. purkayasth . calcutta. SOCIAL SCIENCES. Claim Book
29169 Socialism : Critical and constructive . 1. Macdonald Ramsay J. Cassell & comp . Ltd. SOCIAL SCIENCES. Claim Book
29170 42 Annual - Co - Operative Congress . Gray J. C. Co . operative Union Ltd . Manches. SOCIAL SCIENCES. Claim Book
29171 History of the Rochdale Pioneers . 1. Holyoake George J. Swan Sonnenscgein & co . SOCIAL SCIENCES. Claim Book
29172 Self - Help A Hundred years ago . 1. Holyoake George J. Swan Sonnenscgein & co . SOCIAL SCIENCES. Claim Book
29173 Indian currency & Finance . 1. Keynes J. M. Macmillen & co . London. SOCIAL SCIENCES. Claim Book
29175 Mannual For Co -operative societias inthe bom presidency .1. Ewbank R. B. Gov. central press .bombay. SOCIAL SCIENCES. Claim Book
29178 Pepole‘s Banks 4. Wolfe Henry W. P. S. king & son . London. SOCIAL SCIENCES. Claim Book
29179 Economics of Industry ed. 4. Marshall Alfred. Macmillen & co . London. SOCIAL SCIENCES. Claim Book
29180 Co -operative Manager‘s Text book . 1. Wilson R. J. (ed). Co .- operative union Ltd . Manches. SOCIAL SCIENCES. Claim Book
29181 Co-operative Production.1. Benj amin Jones. Clarendon Press. Oxford. SOCIAL SCIENCES. Claim Book
29182 Co- operative Movement today ed. 4. Holyoake George J. Methuen & co.london. SOCIAL SCIENCES. Claim Book
29183 Elements Of Political Economy.1. Bonar James. John Murray. London. SOCIAL SCIENCES. Claim Book
29184 Socialism and Modern Thoughts . 1. Lautmann M. Methuen & co . London. SOCIAL SCIENCES. Claim Book
29186 Co- operative secretary ed. 1. Wood Alfred co - operative union Ltd . Manches. SOCIAL SCIENCES. Claim Book
29187 Co - operting Banking . 1. Wolfe Henry W. p. s. King & son . London. SOCIAL SCIENCES. Claim Book
29188 Britains Dilemma . 1. Webb M. De. P. p.s. King & son . London. SOCIAL SCIENCES. Claim Book
29191 Studies in the Evolution Of The Industrial society . 1. Ely Richard T. The Macmillan comp . N. York. SOCIAL SCIENCES. Claim Book
29192 Problems of today . 1. Marx Karl. Georage Allensons London. SOCIAL SCIENCES. Claim Book
29193 History of Co- operation . 1. Holyoake George J. T. Fisher unwin. SOCIAL SCIENCES. Claim Book
29194 Money And The Stock And Share Markets. Davies Emil. Jssac Pitman & Sons. London. SOCIAL SCIENCES. Claim Book
29195 Investment An Exact Science . 1. Lowenfeld Henry. The financial Review of ReviewsLondon. SOCIAL SCIENCES. Claim Book
29196 All about Investment . 1. Lowenfeld Henry. The financial Review of ReviewsLondon. SOCIAL SCIENCES. Claim Book
29197 Co- operative congress 1909. 1. Gray J. C. Co .opertive union ltd . Manchaes. SOCIAL SCIENCES. Claim Book
29199 Protection : The Views Of A Manufacturer.1. Byng G. Eyre & Posttiswoode. London. SOCIAL SCIENCES. Claim Book
29200 Money _ Market Primer; and Key to the Exchanges .1. George Clare. Ettinghamwilson. London. SOCIAL SCIENCES. Claim Book
29201 Our Empire under Protectoion and Free Trade . 1. Molesworth Guilford L. Locks & Ltd . N. York. London. SOCIAL SCIENCES. Claim Book
29206 Book - Keeping.1. Ball John Clarendon Press. Oxford . SOCIAL SCIENCES. Claim Book
29207 American Capitalism . 1. Galbraith John Kenneth. The NewAmericak Lib. SOCIAL SCIENCES. Claim Book
29208 Amnicans Hansen Alvin H. GeorgeAllen Ltd. London. SOCIAL SCIENCES. Claim Book
29209 Banking 3. Leaf Walter. Thounton B/ Ltd. London. SOCIAL SCIENCES. Claim Book
29210 Development of Economic ideas in India. Gopalakrishna P. K. Peoples Pub . Delhi. SOCIAL SCIENCES. Claim Book
29211 Introduction to Public Finunce .1. Plehn Carl C. The Macmillen Co . New York. SOCIAL SCIENCES. Claim Book
29213 Agrarian system In Ancient India . 1. Ghoshal U. N. University of Calcutta. SOCIAL SCIENCES. Claim Book
29215 Public Finance 1. Asdtable C. F. Macmillen & Co. London. SOCIAL SCIENCES. Claim Book
29218 Property or Peace ?. Brailsford H. N. Victor G. Ltd. London. SOCIAL SCIENCES. Claim Book
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