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ज्ञानाची उपासना हा समाजाच्या संस्कृतीचा मानदंड असतो. ज्ञानाला स्थल कालाच्या मर्यादा नसतात, तसेच त्याच्या उपासनेलादेखील जाती, धर्म, पंथ, भाषा, प्रांत यांची संकुचित बंधने अडवू शकत नाहीत. हेच ब्रीद मनाशी ठेवून गेली १६० वर्षे करवीर नगर वाचन मंदिर वाटचाल करीत आहे.


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Total Records : 350

Accession No. Book Name Author Publisher Subject Claim Book
30130 Digest fo Civil Cases . 1. Lawyer. --- Law. Claim Book
30131 Two Historic Trials InRed Fort . 1. European Military Commission. Moti Ram . New York. Law. Claim Book
30132 Nazi Conception of law . 1. Walter Jones J. Clarendon . oxford. Law. Claim Book
30133 Treaty Of Brest Litvask And Germanys Eastern Policy.1. Benett J. Wheeler. Claerndon & Co. Oxford. Law. Claim Book
30134 Greek Constitutional History . 1. Greenidge A. H. J. Macmillan &co. London. Law. Claim Book
30135 History of the British constitation. 1. Howard J. & Masterman. B Macmillan &co.London. Law. Claim Book
30136 India inTransition. 1. Khan Aga. bennett coleman Bom. Law. Claim Book
30137 Lord Morely Dispatch. 1. Morley John Viscount. G.A. Nateson .Madras. Law. Claim Book
30138 Law of sanction to prosecute . Roy S weekley Notes . Calcutta. Law. Claim Book
30139 Institutes of Justinion . 1. Thomas C. Sandars. longmans green . London. Law. Claim Book
30140 Constitutional History ofEngland.2. Stubbs William. clarendon .Oxford. Law. Claim Book
30141 Constitutional History of England .3. Stubbs William. clarendon . Oxford. Law. Claim Book
30142 Manual of Hindu law. 1. Grady S. G. Gantz Bros . Madras. Law. Claim Book
30143 Eassay on Female Infanticide . 1. Mody Coorerjee R. B.E.S. press. Bom. Law. Claim Book
30144 Code of Criminal Procedure act of 1872. Prinsep H. T. T. Spink co. Calcutta. Law. Claim Book
30145 Constitutional History of England . 1. Hallam Henry. John Murray London. Law. Claim Book
30146 Indian Diary. 1. Montagu Edwin S. W. Heinemann.London. Law. Claim Book
30147 Report Of The Trial At The Bombay 3rd Criminal Sessions 1882. Barve M. W. Bombay. Law. Claim Book
30148 Elements of Jurisprudance . 1. Reid R. T. --- Law. Claim Book
30149 Victorious India . Ketkar Shridhar V. M.J. Mandal Poona. Law. Claim Book
30150 Report on Indian constitutional Reforms . 1. Goverment Of India. S.G.P. India . calcutta. Law. Claim Book
30151 Full and Autheritic Report of the Tilak Trial . 1. Tilak Bal Gangadhar. Hindu Prakash Steaw press. Bom. Law. Claim Book
30152 Full and Autheritic Report of the Tilak Trial. Tilak Bal Gangadhar. Hindu Paralash stesw presssd. Bom. Law. Claim Book
30153 Political Institutions and theories ofHindu. 1. Sarkar B. K. --- Law. Claim Book
30154 Growth of Indian constitation and Administaration. 1. Sapre B. G. B.G. Sapre . Sangli. Law. Claim Book
30155 India Old And New.1. Chirol Valentine. Macmillan & Co. London. Law. Claim Book
30156 Goverment of India . 1. Ilbert C. Clarendon & co. Oxford. Law. Claim Book
30157 Manual of Stamps Registration Khandekar D. G. Law Printing .Poona. Law. Claim Book
30158 Constitution Of East India Company.1. Bhownaggre M. M. Dutter. Bombay. Law. Claim Book
30159 Poor Law . 1. Fowle T. W. Macmillan London. Law. Claim Book
30160 Justice and Politics . 1. Maitland F. W. Macmillan London. Law. Claim Book
30161 Punishment And Prevention Of Crime.1. Cane E. F. Macmillan. London. Law. Claim Book
30162 Land Laws . Pollock Frederick. Macmillan &co. London. Law. Claim Book
30163 Foreign Relations . 1. Spencer Walpole. Macmillan .London. Law. Claim Book
30164 Englilsh Rule and Native Opinion inIndia . 1. Routledge James. Trubner. London. Law. Claim Book
30165 Poverty of India. 1. Naoroj i Dadabhai. Aldine press. London. Law. Claim Book
30166 Enlist India for freedom . 1. Thompson E. Victor .London. Law. Claim Book
30167 Comentraties On The Hindu Law.1. Bhattacharya Jogendranath. Thacker. Spink & Co. Kolkata. Law. Claim Book
30168 Digest of the unreported printed judgements and criminal Rulings. Jamietram N. & Setavad C. H. Iron prinnting press. Bom. Law. Claim Book
30169 Constitution and Finance 7 English scottish & Irish . 3. Scott William Robert. university press. Cambridge. Law. Claim Book
30170 Constitution and finance of English Scottich & Irish. Joint stock companies to. 1720. Scott William Robert. univer.press cambridge. Law. Claim Book
30171 Constition and finance of English Scottich & Irish joint stock companies to1720. Scott William Robert. Uni. press. Cambridge. Law. Claim Book
30172 Works Of Right Hounarabke Edmund Burke. Burke Edmund. Bell & Dadlly. London. Law. Claim Book
30173 Law Acts . 1. B. G. P. B.G.P. Bom. Law. Claim Book
30174 Digest of Equity.1. Kenrick G. H. B. Batterworth &co. London. Law. Claim Book
30175 Ancient Law. 1. Maine Henry Sumner. John Murry . London. Law. Claim Book
30176 Comstitution Of The East India Company.1. Bhownagre M. M. Dufter Ashoka Press. Bombay. Law. Claim Book
30177 Constitutional History ofEngland . Maitland F. W. university press. Cambridge. Law. Claim Book
30178 Commentory onthe code ofthe criminal procedure act vol1898. Annadurai Aiyar C. Grant &co Madras. Law. Claim Book
30179 Manuel of the Law of Punjab History . Spitt C. H. w. e. ball Law. Claim Book
30180 Futuree Of India. Coupland R. Oxford University. Oxford. Law. Claim Book
30181 Constitution of the U.S.S.R. . 1. Stalin Joseph. pepoles pub. h. Bom. Law. Claim Book
30182 Famous Trials . Gandhi Nehru & Azad. Hero pub. H. Lohore. Law. Claim Book
30183 History Of Law Of Sendition . Donogh W. R. Thacker & Spink. Kolkata. Law. Claim Book
30184 Commentries onthe transfer of property Act. 1882. Shephard H. H. Lawernce Asylum press. Madras. Law. Claim Book
30185 Princes Of India. Deo N. G. Times Press. Bombay. Law. Claim Book
30186 Will Making Made safe and Easy. 1. Rumsey Almaric. John Hogg. London. Law. Claim Book
30187 Indian Law Examination Manual. Currie Fendall. --- Law. Claim Book
30188 Indian Constitutional Doucments . Mukerjee Panchananddas. Thacker Spink Calcutta. Law. Claim Book
30189 Bombay Act No. XVIII of 1925. Goverment Central Press. G.C.P. Bom. Law. Claim Book
30190 Advocacy and Examination ofwitness . Morison Henry N. Thacker spink . Calcutta. Law. Claim Book
30191 Full and authentic Report of the trial of the hon Mr. Bal G. Tialk. Setkur S. S. Education society press. Law. Claim Book
30192 Indias Constitution At Work . Chintamani C. Y. & Masani. Allied Law. Claim Book
30193 Trust and Trustees. Underhill Arthur. butter wouth &co. London. Law. Claim Book
30194 Commentanies onthe laws of England .2. Stephen Henry John. --- Law. Claim Book
30195 New commentanies onthe laws ofEngland 5. Stephen Henry John. Butterworth London. Law. Claim Book
30196 Limitation Act. Trikamal and Desai. Lawyer office . Bom Law. Claim Book
30197 Principles of Comapany Law. Tophamk Alfred F. Butterworth London. Law. Claim Book
30198 Indroduction to India law of Transter . Sen Satyaranjan. A.N. Chatterjee . Calcutta. Law. Claim Book
30199 Paresidency Small cause court. Khandekar D. G. Khandekar. Poona. Law. Claim Book
30200 Commentary of the code . 2. Aiyar C. A. Grant & co. Madras. Law. Claim Book
30201 Concise Precedents Inconvepancing. Davidson M. G. Sweet & Maxwell. London. Law. Claim Book
30202 Commentaies on the Indian Penal Code . 1. Mayne John D. Higginbotham .Madras. Law. Claim Book
30203 Indian Law Reports . 1. Woodman J.W. G.C.P. Madrs. Law. Claim Book
30204 Public works epartiment code . Goverment Of India. S.U. G.P . Calcutta. Law. Claim Book
30205 Report of the Trial At the Bom. 3rd Criminal sessions. Government Of Bombay. Bom . Gazettle steam .Bom. Law. Claim Book
30206 Indian Companies A Act. Buckland P. L. Thacker & Co. Kolkata. Law. Claim Book
30207 Indian court fees Act. Khandekar D. G. Khandekar . Poona. Law. Claim Book
30208 Sea Power inthe Next war . 1. Grenfell Rusell. Geoferey Bles.LoNdon. Law. Claim Book
30209 Acts and Regulations of the Legislature . West Raymond. Education soc. press. Bom. Law. Claim Book
30210 Soviet press. Vera Golekina. foreign Long.P. Moscoo. Law. Claim Book
30211 Bombay 1924 -25 a Review of the Aministration presidency. Goverment Central Press. G .C.P.BOM. Law. Claim Book
30212 Report on the Goverment. Govt. Administration. Jainendra.Kolh. Law. Claim Book
30213 Indian Law Reports Calcutta series . Indian Law Report. Thacker Spink Calcutta. Law. Claim Book
30214 Rights And wrongs. Fonblanque Albany. Rautledge warne .London. Law. Claim Book
30215 Soverignty & Independence of India. Ketkar Shridhar V. Rautledge warme . Poona. Law. Claim Book
30216 Manual ofHindu Law. Thomson Reginald. J. Higgin botham . Madras. Law. Claim Book
30217 Defence of Britain . Hart Liddell. Faber & faber . london. Law. Claim Book
30218 Tanks in the Next war. Sheppard C. W. Geoffrey bles. London. Law. Claim Book
30219 AirPower inthe Next war. Spaight. Geoffrcy Bles. London. Law. Claim Book
30220 Indian Defence Problem . Modak G. V. Samarth Bharat .Poona. Law. Claim Book
30221 Bombay Local Boards Mannual &account code 1938. Khandekar D. G. Priting p. Poona. Law. Claim Book
30222 Military system of Marathas. Sen Surendranath. Book. co . calcutta. Law. Claim Book
30223 Victory and the Goverment central ofIndia. Rudra A. B. H.Milfor .Oxford. Law. Claim Book
30224 Agrarian Reform law of pepoles Rupublic of China. Foreign Language Press. F.L. press. Peking. Law. Claim Book
30225 Land Revenue Rules 1921. for bom . state. Gupte K. S. western India Law press .Poona. Law. Claim Book
30226 Industrial Court Report . Thomas C. Sandars. Bombay. Law. Claim Book
30227 Marriage Law of the Peoples Republic of China. Foreign Language Press. F.L.Press. Peking. Law. Claim Book
30228 All Parties conference 1928. General Secretory. A.I.C.C. Allahabad. Law. Claim Book
30229 Cases In Court. Hestings Patrick. Heinewann. London. Law. Claim Book
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