आमची ओळख

ज्ञानाची उपासना हा समाजाच्या संस्कृतीचा मानदंड असतो. ज्ञानाला स्थल कालाच्या मर्यादा नसतात, तसेच त्याच्या उपासनेलादेखील जाती, धर्म, पंथ, भाषा, प्रांत यांची संकुचित बंधने अडवू शकत नाहीत. हेच ब्रीद मनाशी ठेवून गेली १६० वर्षे करवीर नगर वाचन मंदिर वाटचाल करीत आहे.


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Pramukh Type Pad is used for typing easily into Indian languages. It follows 'The way you speak, the way you type' rule. Following image shows which character will be shown by pressing which corresponding English letter. Example for various combination of letters are given only for one character but it is true for each alphabet.
character map

Total Records : 82

Accession No. Book Name Author Publisher Subject Claim Book
30696 International social science Bulletin. Unesco. unesco . General Periodicals. Claim Book
30697 Quaterely Journal. Bartivala Chunilal D. Local self GOvt. Bom. General Periodicals. Claim Book
30704 Science And The People. Ashby Aric. Casement. Bombay. General Periodicals. Claim Book
30711 Forest Administraton Report. Bombay Government Press. Bombay Government Press. Bombay. General Periodicals. Claim Book
30712 Annual - Forest Administration Report. Baroda Govt. Press. J & R Tonson. Baroda. General Periodicals. Claim Book
30713 Spectator. Tonson Jand R. --- General Periodicals. Claim Book
30714 Selections from Addisons spectator . Addison Blackie & sons. London. General Periodicals. Claim Book
30717 Delta Autumm. Netherlands Institute. N.S.S.C.R. Netherland. General Periodicals. Claim Book
30718 Journal of the National Indian Association. Arrowsmith J. W. Kenan Paul. London. General Periodicals. Claim Book
30719 Journal of the National Indian Association. Arrowsmith J. W. Kegan Paul. London. General Periodicals. Claim Book
30720 Quarterty Journal Of Poona Sarvajanik Sabha. Chiplunkar S. H. Dnyam Prakiashan. Pune. General Periodicals. Claim Book
30721 Quarterly Journal Of Poona Sarvajanik Sabha. Chiplunkar S. H. Dnyam Prakashan. Pune. General Periodicals. Claim Book
30722 International social science Bulletin vol. VII no. 2. Unesco. U.N.E.S.O. Australlya. General Periodicals. Claim Book
30723 International social science Bulletin Vol. II No. 1. Unesco. U.N.E.S.O. Australlya. General Periodicals. Claim Book
30724 International social science Bulletin Vol. II UNESCO. U.N.E.S.C.O. Australlya. General Periodicals. Claim Book
30725 Census of India 1962. Publication Division Government of India. P.D. India. General Periodicals. Claim Book
30726 Forest Department Annual Administaration Report. Government Of Bombay. G.B.P. Bombay. General Periodicals. Claim Book
30727 Education inthe State of Bombay. Government Of Bombay. G.B.P;]. Bombay. General Periodicals. Claim Book
30728 Report From Red China. Forman Harrison. Robert Hale . London. General Periodicals. Claim Book
30733 Museum science & art. Lardner Dyonysius. Lockwood. London. General Periodicals. Claim Book
30734 U.S.S.R Questions & Answers. Novosti Press Agency. Moscow. Novoshi . P. Moscow. General Periodicals. Claim Book
30735 English II. Weinhold Cylde E. Hott Renehard . & winston . N. York. General Periodicals. Claim Book
30736 Peport of the committee on Emotional Intergration. Ministry Of Education Of India. M. E. G.I. India. General Periodicals. Claim Book
35314 TImes of India Directory and Year Book Including whos who 1954-55. Moraes Frank. Times of India . Bombay. General Periodicals. Claim Book
35394 Rupam. Gangoly Ordhendra Coomar. Editorial Office . Calcutta. General Periodicals. Claim Book
35828 Penny Magazine. Knight Charles. C.Knight London. General Periodicals. Claim Book
35829 Penny Magazine. Knight Charles. C.Knight London. General Periodicals. Claim Book
35830 Penny Magazine. Knight Charles. C.Knight London. General Periodicals. Claim Book
35933 Soviet Literature. Malenkov G. M. Kegan Paul. N. York. General Periodicals. Claim Book
35946 Iscus : Journal of the Indo Soviet Cultural Society. Indo Soviet society. I. S. S. General Periodicals. Claim Book
35947 Iscus : Journal of the Indo Soviet Cultural society. Indo Soviet society. I. S. S. General Periodicals. Claim Book
35948 Iscus : Journal of the indo - soviet cultural society. Indo Soviet society. I. S. S. General Periodicals. Claim Book
35949 Iscus: Journal of the Indo soviet cultural society. Indo Soviet society. I. S. S. General Periodicals. Claim Book
36152 National Geographic Magazine. National Geographic Society. N. G. S. washington. General Periodicals. Claim Book
36153 National Georgraphic Magazine. National Geographic Society. N. G. S. Washington. General Periodicals. Claim Book
36154 National Georgraphic Magazine. National Geographic society. N. G. S. Washinton. General Periodicals. Claim Book
36171 National Geographic Magzine. National Geographic Society. N. G. M. Washington. General Periodicals. Claim Book
36172 National Geographic Magazine. National Geographic Society. N. G. M. Washington. General Periodicals. Claim Book
36216 Indian Publisher And Book Seller. Bhatkar Sadanand. B. I. Bombay. General Periodicals. Claim Book
36287 Times of India Dixectory & Year Book. Nanporia N. J. T. I. P. Bombay. General Periodicals. Claim Book
36391 History of Sansknt Literarure. Vidya C. V. Vaidya Poona. General Periodicals. Claim Book
36395 Cataloguing Theory And Practice. Vishwanathan C. G. Asia Bombay. General Periodicals. Claim Book
36426 U.S.S.R. Questions & Answers. Novosti Press Agency. Moscow. Novosti Moscow. General Periodicals. Claim Book
36459 U.S.S. R. Questions & Answers. Novosh. Novosti. General Periodicals. Claim Book
36483 U.S.S.R.Questions & Answers. Novosti Press Agency. Moscow. Novosti N. York. General Periodicals. Claim Book
39199 Story Of Albert Einstein. Blacker Freeman Mae. U. S. Infotrmation Lab. Bombay. General Periodicals. Claim Book
40404 Bombay Beggers act.1945. Goverment Of India. Govt. of India. N. Delhi. General Periodicals. Claim Book
40405 Handicrafts in Maharastra. Maharashtra Government. Central Press Bom. General Periodicals. Claim Book
40406 District Statictical Abstract of Kolhapur Dis. 1964-65. Maharashtra Government. Centeral press Bom. General Periodicals. Claim Book
40407 Kurdu A Socio Economic Study Of Life Irrigation. Collage Of Agricaltures. College Of Agricalture. Kop. General Periodicals. Claim Book
40408 Handcifafts in Maharastra. Government Of Maharashtra. Central Press.Bom. General Periodicals. Claim Book
40409 Weekly Markets in Maharastra. Government Of Maharashtra. Central Press Bom. General Periodicals. Claim Book
41238 Times of India Directory & Year book. Jain Girilal. Times of India Prees Bombay General Periodicals. Claim Book
41239 Dyana Probodhini. Kirloskar. --- General Periodicals. Claim Book
41240 Dyana Probodhini. Kirloskar. --- General Periodicals. Claim Book
57815 Kalyana Kalpataru. Gaswami C. L. --- General Periodicals. Claim Book
87689 The Dawm Vol 5. Mukherj ee Satis Chandra. National Council of Education Bengal. General Periodicals. Claim Book
87690 The Dawn Vol 6. Mukherj ee Satis Chandra. National Council of Education Ben. General Periodicals. Claim Book
87691 The Dawn Vol 7. Mukherj ee Satis Chandra. National Council of Education Bengal. General Periodicals. Claim Book
94879 Mythology Quiz Book. Obrien Terry. UBS Publisher Delhi. General Periodicals. Claim Book
96192 The English Revolution. Barg M. A. Progress Publishers Moscow. General Periodicals. Claim Book
96218 The Philosophy Of Survival. Ivanov Vladimir. Progress Publisher Moscow. General Periodicals. Claim Book
96219 The Enclopedia Of Dreams. Guiley Rosemary Ellen. Berkley Books New York. General Periodicals. Claim Book
98043 The Gretness Guide. Sharma Robin S. Jaico Publishing House Delhi. General Periodicals. Claim Book
98048 The Greatness Guide. Sharma Robin S. Jaico Publishing House Delhi. General Periodicals. Claim Book
100352 The Secret To Teen Power. Harrington Paul. Simon Pulse London. General Periodicals. Claim Book
100361 Discover The Diamond You. Chaudhary Arindam. Vikas Publishing House. Delhi. General Periodicals. Claim Book
100368 The Ulitimates Happiness Precription. Chopra Deepak. Rider Publication London. General Periodicals. Claim Book
102499 Vaisnava Periodicals in Bengal. Basu Hena. Basu Research and Documentation Service India. General Periodicals. Claim Book
104142 Leadership Whispers. Mehendale Tarita. Shri Chanakya Education Society Pune. General Periodicals. Claim Book
107471 Mass Communications and Journalism in New Millennium. Singh Manoj Kr. Saad Publications Delhi. General Periodicals. Claim Book
109622 The Penguin English Dictionary. Garmonsway G. N. Penguin Books Delhi. General Periodicals. Claim Book
116417 Modern Journalism Mass Communications And Media Management. Pande B. D. Anamika Publishers Delhi. General Periodicals. Claim Book
120014 Modern Journalism. Shrivastava C. S. Crescent Publishing House Delhi. General Periodicals. Claim Book
120121 Advertising. Kumar Anil. Knowledge Book Distributors Delhi. General Periodicals. Claim Book
124195 History Of Journalism. Mathur S. K. Tanmay Books Allahabad. General Periodicals. Claim Book
131357 Gendered Media. Kohli Manish. Chandra Publication Allahabad. General Periodicals. Claim Book
134468 Advanced Journalism. Kohli Manish. Sampark Prakashan Allahabad. General Periodicals. Claim Book
135415 98th Akhil Bharatiya Marathi Natya Sammelan. Mahakavi Kalidas Natyamandir. --- General Periodicals. Claim Book
135893 Jounalism through RTI. Yadav Shyamlal. Sage Publication Delhi. General Periodicals. Claim Book
141909 THE GREATNESS GUIDE. ROBIN SHARMA. Jaico Pulishing House Bombay. General Periodicals. Claim Book
147038 The Secret To Teen Power. Harrington Paul. Simon Pulse London. General Periodicals. Claim Book
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