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ज्ञानाची उपासना हा समाजाच्या संस्कृतीचा मानदंड असतो. ज्ञानाला स्थल कालाच्या मर्यादा नसतात, तसेच त्याच्या उपासनेलादेखील जाती, धर्म, पंथ, भाषा, प्रांत यांची संकुचित बंधने अडवू शकत नाहीत. हेच ब्रीद मनाशी ठेवून गेली १६० वर्षे करवीर नगर वाचन मंदिर वाटचाल करीत आहे.


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Pramukh Type Pad is used for typing easily into Indian languages. It follows 'The way you speak, the way you type' rule. Following image shows which character will be shown by pressing which corresponding English letter. Example for various combination of letters are given only for one character but it is true for each alphabet.
character map

Total Records : 51

Accession No. Book Name Author Publisher Subject Claim Book
31825 Elementary Meteorology. Scott Robert H. Kegan paul. LOndon. Earth Scin. Claim Book
31828 Popular Treatise on wind. Ferrel William. Macmillon . London. Earth Scin. Claim Book
31832 Illusions : a Psychological study. Sully James. Kegan paul . London. Earth Scin. Claim Book
31833 Volcanoes. Judd John W. Kegan paul . LOndon. Earth Scin. Claim Book
31835 Geology. Pavagee Narayan B. Ary Bhushan . Poona. Earth Scin. Claim Book
31838 Century of science. Sherwood Taylor F. S. Willilam Heinmann. Lodnon. Earth Scin. Claim Book
31842 Wonderful Century. Wallace Alfred Russel. Swan S. Lodnon. Earth Scin. Claim Book
31853 Coral Reefs. Darwin Charles. word luke . LOdon. Earth Scin. Claim Book
31854 Popular lectures and addresses. Thomson WIlliam. Macmillin and co. london. Earth Scin. Claim Book
31865 Ocean. Murray John M. Williams & Norgate . London. Earth Scin. Claim Book
31866 Making of the Earth. Gregory J. W. Williams & Noregate . London. Earth Scin. Claim Book
31868 Climate And Weather. Dickson H. N. Williams & Norgate. London. Earth Scin. Claim Book
31910 Photography. Hunt Robert. Richard G. London. Earth Scin. Claim Book
31958 Adventures in Nature. Teale Edwin Way. Dodd . Meed. N. York. Earth Scin. Claim Book
39149 Planet earth. Scienctific American. Simon & Schuster N. Y. Earth Scin. Claim Book
39178 Planet Earth. Scienctific American. American Lib Bombay. Earth Scin. Claim Book
40921 Guide to the moone. Moore Patrica. London. Earth Scin. Claim Book
43284 Discovery of the oceans. Nair N. Balakrishnana. N.Concil of F.R.& T. Delhi. Earth Scin. Claim Book
43285 Discovery of the oceans. Nair N. Balakrishnana. N.Concil of F.R.& T. Delhi. Earth Scin. Claim Book
43286 Discovery of the oceans. Nair N. Balakrishnana. N.Concil of F.R.& T. Delhi. Earth Scin. Claim Book
43287 Discovery of the Oceanes. Nair N. Balakrishnana. N.Concil of F.R.& T. Delhi. Earth Scin. Claim Book
43288 Discovery of the oceans. Nair N. Balakrishnana. N.Concil of F.R.& T. Delhi. Earth Scin. Claim Book
44876 Black cloud. Hoyle Fred. Penguins book. Earth Scin. Claim Book
45520 Journey Through The Univers. Narlikar Jayant Vishnu. D.Na. B. Tr. N. Delhi. Earth Scin. Claim Book
45523 Water. Basu Suddhasattwa D. Na. B. Tr. N.Delhi. Earth Scin. Claim Book
45530 Science of the Oceans And Human life. Ummerkutty A. N. P. National b. N. Delhi. Earth Scin. Claim Book
48530 Rocks and Soil. Jennings Terry. Oxford Uni .Press. Earth Scin. Claim Book
48649 Air. Jennings Terry. Oxford Uni. Press. Earth Scin. Claim Book
48653 Our weather . Menon P. A. National Book Trust . India. Earth Scin. Claim Book
49051 Our Universe. Jennings Terry. oxford Uni. Press. Oxford. Earth Scin. Claim Book
50637 This Earth of Ours . Futehally Laeeq. National Book India. Earth Scin. Claim Book
60454 Earthquakes. Hemmadyh A. K. R. National book Tr. India. Earth Scin. Claim Book
65041 WOnders of the Sea. Mohanty Jagannath. UBS. Pub Delhi. Earth Scin. Claim Book
65045 Call of the OCean. Pakshirajan T. UBS. Pub Delhi. Earth Scin. Claim Book
68679 Water : The Matrix of Life. Mishra K. K. National Book Trust . India. Earth Scin. Claim Book
68698 Our Water Resources. Rama. National Book Trust . India. Earth Scin. Claim Book
73910 The Mighty And Mystical Rivers of India. Shankar Alaka. Prakshna Vibhag. Calcutta. Earth Scin. Claim Book
75869 Earthquake. Band Ruskin. Scholastic N.York. Earth Scin. Claim Book
79229 The Sun. Sheth Parul R. National book Tr. India. Earth Scin. Claim Book
87586 Natural Deisasters. Newson Joyce E. Shloka pub. Delhi. Earth Scin. Claim Book
87589 The Solar System Mars. Asimov Isaac. Shloka pub. Delhi. Earth Scin. Claim Book
89695 River Nama. Pinto Arati Linthra. IETS Pulication Mumbai. Earth Scin. Claim Book
89703 Ocean Adventure. Pinto Arati Linthra. IETS Publications Mumbai. Earth Scin. Claim Book
89708 Boondis Adventure. Pinto Arati Linthra. IETS Publication Mumbai. Earth Scin. Claim Book
113681 Old Routs. Banerji Arup. Three Essays Gurgaon. Earth Scin. Claim Book
113696 Good Earth Keeping. Khaira Surjeet Singh. Bookwell New Delhi. Earth Scin. Claim Book
140541 Water Efficiency And Conservation A Practioners Guide. Sharda Chhavi. Centre For Science And Environment Delhi. Earth Scin. Claim Book
140542 Water Sensitive Urban Design And Planning. Matto Mehreen. Centre For Science And Environment Delhi. Earth Scin. Claim Book
141227 The Himalayas A Journey To Nepal. Kazami Takehide. Allied Publishers ltd. Delhi. Earth Scin. Claim Book
141982 A Journey To The Centre of the Earth. Verne Jules. Peter Haddock Ltd. Earth Scin. Claim Book
143914 Urban Water Sustainability. Banerjee Souparno. Centre For Science And Environment Delhi. Earth Scin. Claim Book
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