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ज्ञानाची उपासना हा समाजाच्या संस्कृतीचा मानदंड असतो. ज्ञानाला स्थल कालाच्या मर्यादा नसतात, तसेच त्याच्या उपासनेलादेखील जाती, धर्म, पंथ, भाषा, प्रांत यांची संकुचित बंधने अडवू शकत नाहीत. हेच ब्रीद मनाशी ठेवून गेली १६० वर्षे करवीर नगर वाचन मंदिर वाटचाल करीत आहे.


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Total Records : 507

Accession No. Book Name Author Publisher Subject Claim Book
29529 Sex And the Love -Life . Fieldeng William. Haleyon House .N. York. ENGLISH SCIENCE. Claim Book
29530 Internet: Instant Reference. Paul E. Hoffman. BPB Publciations New Delhi. ENGLISH SCIENCE. Claim Book
29531 After Democracy . 1. Wells H. G. Watts & co. London. ENGLISH SCIENCE. Claim Book
29532 Shape Of Things TO come . 1. Wells H. G. Hutchinson & co .London. ENGLISH SCIENCE. Claim Book
29534 Parliament and the Consumer. Alexander A. V. Ernest Benn . ltd. ENGLISH SCIENCE. Claim Book
29535 Democrancy . 1. Hobson John A. John lane .London. ENGLISH SCIENCE. Claim Book
29536 Swaraj or suarrender . Ezekil Jassac A. A. Jssac .Bom. ENGLISH SCIENCE. Claim Book
29537 Better Villages.1. Brayne F. L. Oxford University Press. London. ENGLISH SCIENCE. Claim Book
29539 Guide To Goverment Servics . 1. Mohan M. C. --- ENGLISH SCIENCE. Claim Book
31674 New Path ways in science. Eddington Arthur. Cambridge Uni. Cambridge. ENGLISH SCIENCE. Claim Book
31675 Limitations of Science. Sullivan J. W. N. Cahalto & windous. London. ENGLISH SCIENCE. Claim Book
31678 New Background of science. James Jeans. Cambridge Uni. Cambridge. ENGLISH SCIENCE. Claim Book
31681 Science Today. Thomson Arthur. Eyre & Spottish wood . London. ENGLISH SCIENCE. Claim Book
31683 Scientific Research And Social Needs. Huxley Julian Walts & co. London. ENGLISH SCIENCE. Claim Book
31689 Mysterious Universe. James Jeans. University of Calcutta. ENGLISH SCIENCE. Claim Book
31690 Birth Of The Future. Calder Ritchie. Arthur Barker. London. ENGLISH SCIENCE. Claim Book
31692 Great Design. Mason Francis. Duck wourth . London. ENGLISH SCIENCE. Claim Book
31693 Scientific Progress. Jeans James Geoarge Allen . London. ENGLISH SCIENCE. Claim Book
31696 March of Science. Jean James. Jssac Pitman . London. ENGLISH SCIENCE. Claim Book
31698 Science Front 1939. Sherwood Taylor F. S. Cassell. London. ENGLISH SCIENCE. Claim Book
31702 Short historyof Science. Sherwood Taylor F. S. Scientific Book Clum . Bom. ENGLISH SCIENCE. Claim Book
31707 Science And Reality. Bedfranklin T. G. Bell. London. ENGLISH SCIENCE. Claim Book
31708 Science Advances. Haldane J. B. S. George Allen . London. ENGLISH SCIENCE. Claim Book
31711 Compte Philosophy of Sciences. Lewis G. H. George Bell . LOndon. ENGLISH SCIENCE. Claim Book
31712 Science and Culture and other Essays. Huxley Thomas H. Macmillon &co. LOdon. ENGLISH SCIENCE. Claim Book
31713 Banned Broader. Haldane J. B. S. Chalto & Windus . London. ENGLISH SCIENCE. Claim Book
31714 Rough ways made Smooth. Proctor Richard A. Chalto & windus . London. ENGLISH SCIENCE. Claim Book
31715 Jsis Unveiled. Balvatsky H. P. J. Button . London. ENGLISH SCIENCE. Claim Book
31716 Science of things About Us. Rush C. E. & Winslaw A. Little Brown . London. ENGLISH SCIENCE. Claim Book
31717 Pleasant ways in science. Proctor Richard A. Chatta & windus . London. ENGLISH SCIENCE. Claim Book
31759 Geology. Geikie Archibald. Macmillion . London. ENGLISH SCIENCE. Claim Book
31760 Geology. Page David. W. Blackwood . London. ENGLISH SCIENCE. Claim Book
31761 Seismology. Milne John. Kegan Paul. London. ENGLISH SCIENCE. Claim Book
31762 Earthqukes. Milne John. Kegan paul . London. ENGLISH SCIENCE. Claim Book
31763 Meteorology. Kaemtz L. F. Baillier . London. ENGLISH SCIENCE. Claim Book
31764 Physiography. Huxley Thomas H. Macmilllon . London. ENGLISH SCIENCE. Claim Book
31765 Earths Begining. Ball Robert Stawell. Cassell. LOndon. ENGLISH SCIENCE. Claim Book
31766 Elementory Instruction In Practical Biology. Huxley Thomas H. Macmillon . London. ENGLISH SCIENCE. Claim Book
31767 Antiguity of man. Lyell Charles. John Murray. London. ENGLISH SCIENCE. Claim Book
31768 Man and Nature. Roy M. N. Indian Renaince . Dehradun. ENGLISH SCIENCE. Claim Book
31769 Musium Of Science & Art. Diowy Larduer. --- ENGLISH SCIENCE. Claim Book
31776 New Conceptions in science. Snyder Carl. --- ENGLISH SCIENCE. Claim Book
31789 Grammar of Secience. Pearson Karl. Adam & Charles . LOndon. ENGLISH SCIENCE. Claim Book
31802 Science in sport. Routledge Robert. G. George. LOndon. ENGLISH SCIENCE. Claim Book
31803 Fragments of Science. Tyndall John. Longmans . LOndon. ENGLISH SCIENCE. Claim Book
31809 Modern science and Modern Thought. Laing Samuel. Walts & co. London. ENGLISH SCIENCE. Claim Book
31847 Nature Studies. Allen Grant. Longmans Green . London. ENGLISH SCIENCE. Claim Book
31858 First Year Of Scientific Knowledge. Bert Paul. Ralee Bros. London. ENGLISH SCIENCE. Claim Book
31874 Essays In popular Science. Huxley Julian Penguin . London. ENGLISH SCIENCE. Claim Book
31888 Boys playbook of science. Papper John Henry. George R. London. ENGLISH SCIENCE. Claim Book
31891 Science and Everday life. Haldane J. B. S. Penguin . London. ENGLISH SCIENCE. Claim Book
31893 Foundations Of Science. Dampier William Cecill. T. C. & E. C. Jack. London. ENGLISH SCIENCE. Claim Book
31903 Connexion on Physical Sciences. Somar Mary. --- ENGLISH SCIENCE. Claim Book
31915 Science and the Moral Life. Otto Max C. N. American . N. York. ENGLISH SCIENCE. Claim Book
31916 Universe And Dr. Einstein. Barnett Lincon. N. American Lib. ENGLISH SCIENCE. Claim Book
31928 Soviet Science : Thirty Years. Vavilov S. I. F.L.P. Moscow. ENGLISH SCIENCE. Claim Book
31933 Man In the Modern World. Huxley Julian N. American . lib. N. York. ENGLISH SCIENCE. Claim Book
31938 Flying saucers from the moon. Wilkins Harold T. Peter Owen . London. ENGLISH SCIENCE. Claim Book
31940 Limitations of Science. Sullivan J. W. N. N. American Lib. N. York. ENGLISH SCIENCE. Claim Book
31947 Voice of the uninvolved. Rajagopalachari C. Nation book Trust. N. Delhi. ENGLISH SCIENCE. Claim Book
31953 Impact of science & Society. Russell Bertrand. Blackie. Bom. ENGLISH SCIENCE. Claim Book
31955 Atomic Nucleus. Korsunsky M. F.L.P. Moscow. ENGLISH SCIENCE. Claim Book
31956 Science and The Modern Man. Whitehead Alfred North. Scientific Bk. Club. London. ENGLISH SCIENCE. Claim Book
31959 Science and Moral Life. Otto Max C. N. American . Lib. N. York. ENGLISH SCIENCE. Claim Book
31960 Peaceful Atom In Foreign Policy. Kramish Arnold. Del. Book. N. York. ENGLISH SCIENCE. Claim Book
31961 Man on the Moon. Fairely Peter. Mayflower . N. York. ENGLISH SCIENCE. Claim Book
31965 Steps to the Stars. Eileen & Schussler R. Ladder . N. York. ENGLISH SCIENCE. Claim Book
31969 Coil of Life. Moore Ruth. Dell Book. N. York. ENGLISH SCIENCE. Claim Book
31970 Build The Unknown. Stamble Irwin. Berkley . N. York. ENGLISH SCIENCE. Claim Book
31972 Science Speaks. Stoner Peter W. Moody . Chicago. ENGLISH SCIENCE. Claim Book
31973 Inventive Man. Mudler Robert E. Lanrnce Book. N. York. ENGLISH SCIENCE. Claim Book
31974 On Understanding Science. Conant James Bryant. N. American Lib. New York. ENGLISH SCIENCE. Claim Book
31975 Inventive Man. Muller Robert E. Lancer . N. York. ENGLISH SCIENCE. Claim Book
31976 Common Sense Of Science. Bronowski J. Penguin. New York. ENGLISH SCIENCE. Claim Book
31978 Nature of the Universe. Fred Hoyle. N. American lib. London. ENGLISH SCIENCE. Claim Book
31979 Crowded Planet. Otlyde Margaret. N. American lib. London. ENGLISH SCIENCE. Claim Book
31980 Peaceful Atom in Foregin policy. Kramish Arnold. Dell Book. London. ENGLISH SCIENCE. Claim Book
31985 Jmmense Journey. Eisley Loren. Bern. M. Aue. LOndon. ENGLISH SCIENCE. Claim Book
31987 Earth we live on. General Education R. Material. Asia . Pub London. ENGLISH SCIENCE. Claim Book
35303 Year book of facts in Science and arts. Timbs John. D. V. Fleet . London. ENGLISH SCIENCE. Claim Book
35655 Science In Modern Life. Ainsworth Davis J. R. Gresham London. ENGLISH SCIENCE. Claim Book
35656 Science In Modern Life. Ainsworth Davis J. R. Gresham London. ENGLISH SCIENCE. Claim Book
35657 Science In Modern Life. Ainsworth Davis J. R. Gresham . London. ENGLISH SCIENCE. Claim Book
35658 Science In Modern Life. Ainsworth Davis J. R. Gresham . London. ENGLISH SCIENCE. Claim Book
35659 Science In Modern Life. Ainsworth Davis J. R. Gresham . London. ENGLISH SCIENCE. Claim Book
35740 Cyclopaedic Science simplified. Pepper J. H. F. Warne . London. ENGLISH SCIENCE. Claim Book
35834 Outline of Science. Arthur Thomson J. George Newness. London. ENGLISH SCIENCE. Claim Book
35847 Cassells Popular Science. Cassell. Casssell. London. ENGLISH SCIENCE. Claim Book
35859 Miracles of Invention & Discovery. Odhams Press Ltd. London. Odhmas . London. ENGLISH SCIENCE. Claim Book
35860 How it works And How Its Done. Hawks Ellison. Odhams London. ENGLISH SCIENCE. Claim Book
35862 Boys Book of Modern Scientific Wonders & Inventions. Ranshaw G. S. Burke . London. ENGLISH SCIENCE. Claim Book
35951 Philosophical Aspects of The Modern Science. Joad C. E. M. G. Allen . London. ENGLISH SCIENCE. Claim Book
35968 Classical & Modern Physics. White Harvely E. Von . Nostrand. London. ENGLISH SCIENCE. Claim Book
35996 Social Function Of Science. Bernal J. D. G. Routledg. London. ENGLISH SCIENCE. Claim Book
35997 Makers of Mathematics. Hooper Alfred. Faber . London. ENGLISH SCIENCE. Claim Book
35998 Science for the Citizen. Hogben Lancelot. G. Allen . London. ENGLISH SCIENCE. Claim Book
35999 Science for the Citizen. Hogben Lancelot. G. Allen . London. ENGLISH SCIENCE. Claim Book
36566 Beside Book of Dicoveries. Readers Digest Association. R.A.D. ENGLISH SCIENCE. Claim Book
39381 On Understuding Sceince. Conant James Bryant. New Amerocam Lib. New York. ENGLISH SCIENCE. Claim Book
39406 Scientists Behind The Inventors. Burlingame Roger. U. S. Infotrmation Lab. Bombay. ENGLISH SCIENCE. Claim Book
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