आमची ओळख

ज्ञानाची उपासना हा समाजाच्या संस्कृतीचा मानदंड असतो. ज्ञानाला स्थल कालाच्या मर्यादा नसतात, तसेच त्याच्या उपासनेलादेखील जाती, धर्म, पंथ, भाषा, प्रांत यांची संकुचित बंधने अडवू शकत नाहीत. हेच ब्रीद मनाशी ठेवून गेली १६० वर्षे करवीर नगर वाचन मंदिर वाटचाल करीत आहे.


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Pramukh Type Pad is used for typing easily into Indian languages. It follows 'The way you speak, the way you type' rule. Following image shows which character will be shown by pressing which corresponding English letter. Example for various combination of letters are given only for one character but it is true for each alphabet.
character map

Total Records : 166

Accession No. Book Name Author Publisher Subject Claim Book
32110 Industrial Evolution of India. Gadgil D. R. University . Press. Oxford. Business. Claim Book
32219 Indial Shipping. Walts F. & Freeman W. G. John Murray . London. Business. Claim Book
32266 How to Make Money. Freedly Edwon T. R. George . Lon. Business. Claim Book
32267 Records ofthe Govt. of Indian Home Department. Suprintendent Government Printing Press. S. G.P. Cal. Business. Claim Book
32268 Narrative of the Bombay Inam Commission. Etheridge Alfred Thomas. Govt. Cent. Press. Bom. Business. Claim Book
32269 Co- Opertive Book Keeping. Alferd Wood --- Business. Claim Book
32270 Book Keeping. James Haddom. John wlale .Lon. Business. Claim Book
32271 Museum of science & Art. Lardner Dyonysius. Lock wood . LOn. Business. Claim Book
32272 Board Of Regents Of The Smothsonan Institution. Government Printing Office. G. P. O. Washingtion. Business. Claim Book
32273 Budget and After. Academicus. Hind kitab . Bom. Business. Claim Book
32274 How to take Minutes. Martin Ernest. Issac Pitman . Lon. Business. Claim Book
32275 Book Keeping. Thornton J. Macmillion . LOn. Business. Claim Book
32286 Land Marks In English Industrial History. Warner George Townsend. Blackie . Lon. Business. Claim Book
32287 Museum of science and Art. Lardner Dyonysius. lockward . Lon. Business. Claim Book
32288 Manual of Auditing. Wood Thomas Co- Operative Union . Manches. Business. Claim Book
32289 Memoranda on Indian States 1932. Goverment Of India. Aurthority . Calcutta. Business. Claim Book
32290 System Of Book Keeping. Co-opertive Union Ltd. Co-Opertive Union Ltd. Manchester. Business. Claim Book
32291 Daily Mail Year Book for 1934Associated. Williamson David --- Business. Claim Book
32292 Whither India. Sen Dhirendranath. R.D. Gupta . Calcutta. Business. Claim Book
32293 Deccan Riots Commission. Goverment Central Press. G.C.P. Bom . Business. Claim Book
32294 Empire Of Bussiness. Carnegie Andrew. Harper & Bros. London. Business. Claim Book
32295 Decan Riots Comission. Goverment Central Press. G.C.P. Bom. Business. Claim Book
32301 Modern Dratting. Jain R. C. & Mohan M. C. Malhotra.Delhi. Business. Claim Book
32302 Audit Programmes. Spicer E. E. & Pegler E. C. H.F. L. London. Business. Claim Book
32310 Public Speaking And Influencing Men IN Business. Carnegie Dale. D. B. Taraporwalla. Bombay. Business. Claim Book
32311 How to Succeed InBusiness. Mead Shepherd. Worlds work . Surrey. Business. Claim Book
32312 Shop Management and System. Jones Franklin D. & Hammond E. K. Instustrial Press. N. York. Business. Claim Book
32313 Ploughshare and the Sickle. Namboodripad E. M. S. Peoples . pub. Bom. Business. Claim Book
32314 Selection from the records of the Goverment of india. Home Department. Authority . Calcutta. Business. Claim Book
32315 Report of the Industrial Survey ofthe Kolhapur Territory. Education Society Press. Authority . Calcutta. Business. Claim Book
32316 Business Organization. Davar Sohrab R. R. Govind. Bom. Business. Claim Book
32317 How to do More Business. G. C. M. --- Business. Claim Book
32318 Methods And Machinery Of Business. Clemson H. Buterworth. London. Business. Claim Book
32319 Indian Shipping. Metha Ashok. N. T. Shorff . Business. Claim Book
32320 Electrotyping. Urqugart J. W. Crosby Lockwood . Lon. Business. Claim Book
32321 Memorandum of the Indian States People. Indian States Peoples Conference. G.R. Abyan. bom. Business. Claim Book
32322 Scrutiny of the Revised Surinjam andPension lists. Indian Government. --- Business. Claim Book
32323 Records of Delhi Presidency and Agency. Punj ab Government Press. P. Govt. press . Lahora. Business. Claim Book
32324 Principles of Planning. Shah Khushal Thomas. Padma . Bom. Business. Claim Book
32326 Filling Systems. Cape Edward A. Issac Pitman . Lon. Business. Claim Book
32371 Bombay Forest. Copleston W. E. G.P.O. Washington. Business. Claim Book
32372 Industrial Arts of India. Birdwood George C. M. Chapman. Carden. Business. Claim Book
32373 Pigments Paint & Painting. Terry George. E& P.N. Spon . London. Business. Claim Book
35297 Times of India Directory. Bennett --- Business. Claim Book
35298 TImes of India Directory. Bennett Times of India . Bombay. Business. Claim Book
35299 Times of India Directory 1950. Bennett Times of India . Bombay. Business. Claim Book
35304 Times of India Calender and Directory. Times Of India. Times of India . Bombay. Business. Claim Book
35324 Times of India Directory of Bombay 1942. Times Of India. Times o fIndia . Bombay. Business. Claim Book
35387 Shopping In India. Ministry Of Transport. Tourists Trafic . N. Delhi. Business. Claim Book
35388 Princes Indira Raje Gaekwar. Gaekwar. Sayaj i Vijay Press. Baroda. Business. Claim Book
35639 20th Century Business Practice. Grierson Walter. Home Lib. London. Business. Claim Book
35640 20th Century Business Practice. Grierson Walter. Home . Lib. LOndon. Business. Claim Book
35641 20th Century Business Practive. Grierson Walter. Home Lib. London. Business. Claim Book
35642 20th Century Business Practice. Grierson Walter. Home Lib . London. Business. Claim Book
35643 20 th Century Business Practice. Grierson Walter. Home Lib. London. Business. Claim Book
35644 20th Century Business Practice. Grierson Walter. Home Lib . London. Business. Claim Book
35973 Pitmans Typewriter Manual. Pitman E. R. Issal Pitman . London. Business. Claim Book
36014 Development Programme. Government Of Bombay. G of B. Bombay. Business. Claim Book
36018 Bharat Year Book. Malhotra. Malhotra . Delhi. Business. Claim Book
36019 World Year Book 1952. Shridharani Krishnalal. Malhotra . Delhi . Business. Claim Book
36148 Draft outline of Third Five Year Plan. All India Congrees Commitee. A . I. C. Delhi. Business. Claim Book
36149 Studies in family Planning. Ministry Of Health. G. I. P. Delhi. Business. Claim Book
36150 Reoprt of the Indian Delegation to China on Agrarian Co - operatives. Government Of India Planning Commission. G. I. P. Delhi. Business. Claim Book
36176 World Almanac & Book of Facts 1959. Hansen Hanj . N. Y. W. T. N. York. Business. Claim Book
36190 Maharashtra State Gazetteers. Government Of Maharashtra. Govt of India . Bombay. Business. Claim Book
36496 Salesmabship & Publicity. Patel J. S. K. Sutlan Delhi. Business. Claim Book
39065 Pitamans Shorthand Instructor & Key. Africa & Asia Edition Isac Pitamans & Sons Ltd. The Africas Asia Edition. Business. Claim Book
39200 Industrial Engineering hand book. Maynard H. B. U.S.Infotrmation Lab Bombay. Business. Claim Book
39207 Some Problems in Market Distribution. Shaw & Arch W. American Lib Bombay. Business. Claim Book
39262 Printing And Promotion Handbook. Bowker R. R. U. S. Infotrmation Lab. Bombay. Business. Claim Book
39270 Advertising Handbook. Barton Roger . American Lib. Bombay. Business. Claim Book
39278 Administrator. Glover John Desmond. American Lib Bombay. Business. Claim Book
39312 Shorthand Dictionary Phrase Book. Dabfon Short Hand School. Da. S. H. School. Delhi. Business. Claim Book
39313 System For The Million. Danton Short Hand Book. Da. S. H. School. Delhi. Business. Claim Book
39730 Advanced accountancy. Patkar M. G. Koshe G.S. Poona. Business. Claim Book
39737 Advanced Accountancy. Patkar M. G. Rao N.D.Poona. Business. Claim Book
39738 Advanced Accountancy. Patkar M. G. Rao B.D. Poona. Business. Claim Book
39739 Advanced Accountacny. Patkar M. G. Rao B.D. Poona. Business. Claim Book
39749 Accountancy. Pixley Francis W. Isaac Pitman London. Business. Claim Book
39757 Fundamentals Of Business Organisation & Managment. Bhushan Y. K. Sultan Chand & Co. Delhi. Business. Claim Book
39758 Practical auditing. Tandon S. N. Sultan Chand & Co. Delhi. Business. Claim Book
40109 Key to Carters advenced accounts. Goodman R. A. Sir Isaacpitman & Son. ltd. London. Business. Claim Book
40110 Principles and Pratice of Marketing in India. Mamoria C. B. & Joshi Ramanlal. Kitab Mahal p.ltd. Alahabad. Business. Claim Book
40178 Up the Organization. Townsend Robert. Coronet books London. Business. Claim Book
40261 Printing press India. Priolkar Anant Kakba. A.K.Priolkar Bom. Business. Claim Book
40412 Indian Merchants chember. अज्ञात. --- Business. Claim Book
40874 Elementary Accounting. Homes A. W. R.D.Iruin Inc. N. Y. Business. Claim Book
41113 Elements of Commerce & Business Methods. Bahl J. C. and Dhongde E. R. New book co. ltd. Bom. Business. Claim Book
41125 Commercial products of India. Watt George. --- Business. Claim Book
41428 Electronic Data processing. Emery Glyn. London. Business. Claim Book
41681 Theory z. Ochi William G. Avon Books . N. York. Business. Claim Book
42057 Successful Stock Market Investing. Grewal S. S. & Grewal Navj ot. S.S.Grewal. Business. Claim Book
42545 Industrial Development. Kulkarni M. R. National book trust Delhi. Business. Claim Book
42546 Industrial Development. Kulkarni M. R. National book trust Delhi. Business. Claim Book
42547 Industiral Development. Kulkarni M. R. National book trust Delhi. Business. Claim Book
42548 Industrial Development. Kulkarni M. R. National book trust Delhi. Business. Claim Book
42549 Industrial Development. Kulkarni M. R. National book trust Delhi. Business. Claim Book
43205 Indian Systems of writing. Publication Division Government of India. Publications Division . N. Delhi. Business. Claim Book
45338 Small Industries Management. Karmarakar M. B. Kullkarni V.G. Pune. Business. Claim Book
52413 How To win Customers. Goldmann Heinz M. Rupa andco. Delhi. Business. Claim Book
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