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Total Records : 187

Accession No. Book Name Author Publisher Subject Claim Book
32105 Ures Dictionary of Arts Manufactures and Mines. Ure Peter. Longmans . LOndon. ARTS. Claim Book
32342 Sexual Faith & Birth Comfrol. Roul Ettie A. Pioneer Press . LOn. Land.& civic Arts. Claim Book
32343 Plain Home Talk. Foote Edward B. Murray hill. N. York. Land.& civic Arts. Claim Book
32354 Building And Planning. Coles G. D. H. & Cole Margarate. Cassell. London. Land.& civic Arts. Claim Book
32375 Design in Natures Story. Kidd Walterl. James Nibet . London. Land.& civic Arts. Claim Book
32377 Films SInce . 1939. Powell Dilys. British Council. ARTS. Claim Book
32387 Hints on Gardening In India. Marshall Wood Row G. Education So. Bom. ARTS. Claim Book
32397 Art of Leather Manufactuning. Watt Alexander. C. Lockwood . Lon. Land.& civic Arts. Claim Book
32398 Science Lectures. Nagarkar B. B. Anglo Vernucular . Bom. ARTS. Claim Book
32412 Tchaikovasky. Abraham Gerald Londsay . Lon. ARTS. Claim Book
32418 Fostors Auction Made Eady. Foster R.F. Simpkin . Lon. ARTS. Claim Book
32419 Start Planning Britain Now. Calder Ritchie. Kegan Paul. London. Land.& civic Arts. Claim Book
32427 Atrts and The Man. Edman Irwin. New American lib. N. York. ARTS. Claim Book
32428 Fundamentals of Indian Art. S. N. Dasgupta. B. Vidya Bhavan . Bom. ARTS. Claim Book
32445 Theory and Practice ofArchitecture. Reilly C. H. Victor G. London. Land.& civic Arts. Claim Book
32446 Algebra forBeginners. Todhunter I. Macmillon . LOn. Land.& civic Arts. Claim Book
32471 Whither Woman. Rege Y. M. Popular Book . Bom. ARTS. Claim Book
35343 Outline of Art. William Orpen. George Newnes . London. ARTS. Claim Book
35383 Ideals of Indian Art. Hovell E. B. John murray . London. ARTS. Claim Book
35395 Curry and Rice. Atkinson George F. W. Thacker . London. ARTS. Claim Book
35698 Ures Dictionary of Arts Manufactures & Mines. Ure Peter. Longmans . London. ARTS. Claim Book
35699 Ures Dictionary of the Manufactures & Mines. Ure Peter. Longmans . London. ARTS. Claim Book
35855 The Universal Book Of Hobbies and Handicrafts. Hedges Sid G. Odhams press Ltd. London. ARTS. Claim Book
35871 Quest. Infeld Leopold. V. Gollancz. London. Land.& civic Arts. Claim Book
35902 Our Childern. Williams Flora H. Oriental. Poona. Land.& civic Arts. Claim Book
39403 Eat and Reduce. Lindahr Victor H. Perma Books. N. York. ARTS. Claim Book
39799 Gandhis India Unity In Diversity. National Commitee for Gandhi Centemary. National Book Trust. ARTS. Claim Book
40128 Meaning of art. Tagore Abindranath. L. Kala Akadami N. Delhi. ARTS. Claim Book
40342 Marg (Magazine). Anand Mulk R. Mary Pub. Bom. ARTS. Claim Book
40343 His Imperial Maj . King George V.& the Prin. India & Indian Empire. Khosla K. R. The Imperial pub. Lahore. ARTS. Claim Book
41947 Art Treasures of the world. Hamlyn Publication Group Ltd. The Hamlyn pub. group ltd. L. Land.& civic Arts. Claim Book
42665 Indian Folk Arts And Crafts. Dhamij a Jasleen. National Book Trust Delhi. ARTS. Claim Book
42666 Indian Folk Arts And Crafts. Dhamij a Jasleen. National Book Trust. Delhi. ARTS. Claim Book
42667 Indian Folk Arts And Crafts. Dhamij a Jasleen. National Book Trust. Delhi. ARTS. Claim Book
42668 Indian Folk Arts And Crafts. Dhamij a Jasleen. National Book Trust. Delhi. ARTS. Claim Book
42669 Indian Folk Arts And Crafts. Dhamij a Jasleen. National Book Trust. Delhi. ARTS. Claim Book
43171 Museums and art galleries. Publication Division Government of India. Publications Division . N. Delhi. ARTS. Claim Book
44906 Glimpses on art and literature Orissa. Panigrahi Kalindi Charan. cuttak student. Land.& civic Arts. Claim Book
45524 Flowers And I. Jafa Manorama. D. Na. B. Tr. N. Delhi. Land.& civic Arts. Claim Book
50023 Red Flower. Hashmi Safdar. Illustratrion Mona Rai. Land.& civic Arts. Claim Book
51133 Photography. Mare Eric De. Penguin Books. N. York. ARTS. Claim Book
54214 Beauty. Dehej ia Vidya. pub Division. Delhi. ARTS. Claim Book
89473 The Cosmic Dance of Shiva. Ghosh Mandira. Virgo Pub.New Delhi. ARTS. Claim Book
93618 The Art Of Indian Asia. Zimmer Heinrich. Motilal Banarsidass Publishers Delhi. ARTS. Claim Book
93619 The Art Of Indian Asia. Zimmer Heinrich. Motilal Banarsidas Publishers Delhi. ARTS. Claim Book
95914 Odissi The Dance Divine. Gauhar Ranjana. Niyogi Books Delhi. ARTS. Claim Book
95968 Dance And Music Of South India. Sharma V. S. International School Of Dravidian Linguistics Thiruvananthapuram. ARTS. Claim Book
98394 Chhau. Deo Juga Bhanu Singh. Eastern Zonal Cultural Centre Kolkata. ARTS. Claim Book
98724 Rangoli. Ananth Anuradha. Tulika Prakashan Delhi. ARTS. Claim Book
98727 I Want to be in the Creative Field. Jha Makhan. Vikas Publishing House Delhi. ARTS. Claim Book
98728 I Want to be in Media. Jha Makhan. Vikas Publishing House Delhi. ARTS. Claim Book
98920 My Little Book Of Jobs. Venki. D. C. Books India. ARTS. Claim Book
98921 My Little Book Of Home. Venki. D. C. Books India. ARTS. Claim Book
101128 Tigers And Tigerwallahs. Corbett Jim. Oxford Publishers. Delhi. ARTS. Claim Book
101263 Sangeet Vimarsha. Thatte Arawind. Swanandi prakashan. ARTS. Claim Book
101999 Drawn Thread Work. Dillmont Editions. D. M. C. Library London. ARTS. Claim Book
102333 The Royal Art Of Tanjore Paintings. Yadav Smita Shirole. English Edition Publishers Bombay. ARTS. Claim Book
102454 Down Memory Lens. Guha Shyamal. Shymal Guha Kolkata. ARTS. Claim Book
104153 For Husain at 94. Rahman Ram. Safdar Hashmi Memorial Trust Delhi. ARTS. Claim Book
106393 Illustrated Dictionary Archaeology. Books Solution . Books Solution Delhi. ARTS. Claim Book
106449 Handkerchief Magic Tricks. Ranga Prithvi Raj. Preeti Prakashan Jaipur. ARTS. Claim Book
107489 In the Shadows. Mohanka Payal. Niyogi Books Delhi. ARTS. Claim Book
107529 A Writers Palette. Das Prabir. Chiarantan Mukherji Kolkata. ARTS. Claim Book
108775 Romance Of The Chamba Rumal Art. Ganjoor Vidhu. Samvedana Culture and Heritage Trust Delhi. ARTS. Claim Book
112504 Variegated Vista. Bhatnagar Shefali. Shubhi Publications Delhi. ARTS. Claim Book
112507 Numismatica Indica : Festschrift to Prof. Raja Reddy. Reddy Chenna. Research India Press Delhi. ARTS. Claim Book
112508 Manipuri Dance. Bandopadhyay Sruti. Shubhi Publications Delhi. ARTS. Claim Book
112614 Krishna In Indian Art. Misra Neeru. Shubhi Publications Delhi. ARTS. Claim Book
112651 The Traditions Of Rothern India. Gulia Bhup Singh. Shubhi Publications Delhi. ARTS. Claim Book
114139 Female Dance Trdition Of Assam. Borgohain Nilakshi Phukan. Puranchal Prakashan Guwahati. ARTS. Claim Book
114288 Temple Architecture Of Bengal. Halder Sibabrata. Urbee Prakashan Kolkata. ARTS. Claim Book
114289 Rabindranath Portraits and Self Portraits. Ray Rajat Kanta. Visva Bharati Delhi. ARTS. Claim Book
114298 Negotiating Tradition Navigationg The Present. Ghosal Arnab. Visva Bharati Kolkata. ARTS. Claim Book
114368 The Vision Of Ray. Ray Satyajit. Sahara Publication Delhi. ARTS. Claim Book
115135 Rasa 1 (Music And Dance). Mukherjee Bimal. Research Foundation Delhi. ARTS. Claim Book
115136 Rasa 2 (Theatre And Cinema). Lal Ananda. Research Foundation Delhi. ARTS. Claim Book
115147 Comprehensive Dictionary Of Music. Hue Christina. Delhi Book Bureau Panchkula. ARTS. Claim Book
115152 Great Masters Of Hindustani Music. Brahaspati S. V. Swastik Prakashan Panchkula. ARTS. Claim Book
115182 Asian Dance Multiple Levels. Vatstyayan Kapila. B. R. Rhythms Delhi. ARTS. Claim Book
115183 Traditional Jewelry Of Himachal. Ganjoor Vidhu. Samvedana Culture and Heritage Trust Delhi. ARTS. Claim Book
115215 The Darbhanga Gita Govinda. Vatsyayan Kapila. Abhinav Publication Delhi. ARTS. Claim Book
115411 Durga The Story Untold. Kundu Vivik. Saptrarshi Prakashan Kolkat. ARTS. Claim Book
115414 Costumes Of Indian Tribes. Mehta Prakash Chandra. Discovery Publishing House Delhi. ARTS. Claim Book
115696 Folk Arts of West Bengal and the Artist Community. Santra Tarapada. Niyogi Books Delhi. ARTS. Claim Book
116248 Erotic Sculptures Of Eastern India. Bhattacharya Malaysankar. Sagnik Books Kolkata. ARTS. Claim Book
116424 The Last Harvest : Paintings of Rabindranath Tagore. Kumar R. Siva. Mapin Publishing Delhi. ARTS. Claim Book
117565 Origin and Evolution of Odissi Dance. Bandyopadhyay Sukla. Natanam Kolkata. ARTS. Claim Book
119359 Introduction to Screen Printing. Khadke Bhalchandra. Mag Enterprises Delhi. ARTS. Claim Book
120023 Abhinaya Darpanam. Vallabh Anita. B. R. Rhythms Delhi. ARTS. Claim Book
121082 Nectar Of Indian Culture. Mohan Kumud. Culture India. ARTS. Claim Book
121121 Music Dance Cinema. Sundaram Lakshmi. Palaniappa Brothers Chennai. ARTS. Claim Book
121125 Classical Dances Of India. Vaidyanathan Saroja. Ganesa Natyalaya Delhi. ARTS. Claim Book
121988 Bharatnatyam. Dwivedi Richa. Point Publication Allahabad. ARTS. Claim Book
121992 Folk Arts of India. Sheetal. Rini Publication Allahabad. ARTS. Claim Book
121999 Cultural Dances Of India. Saraf Ritu. Shabad Prakashan Allahabad. ARTS. Claim Book
122001 Medieval Art And Culture. Singh Dinesh. Chandra Publication Allahabad. ARTS. Claim Book
122482 Traditional Bridal Sarees Of India. Shakar Promilla. Promilla Shankar Haryana. ARTS. Claim Book
123747 Stone Craft Of India 1. Chhiber Neelam. Crafts Council Of India Chennai. ARTS. Claim Book
123748 Stone Craft Of India 2. Chhiber Neelam. Crafts Council Of India Chennai. ARTS. Claim Book
124677 Hindustani Classical Music. Singba Vijay Prakash. Roli Books Delhi. ARTS. Claim Book
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