आमची ओळख

ज्ञानाची उपासना हा समाजाच्या संस्कृतीचा मानदंड असतो. ज्ञानाला स्थल कालाच्या मर्यादा नसतात, तसेच त्याच्या उपासनेलादेखील जाती, धर्म, पंथ, भाषा, प्रांत यांची संकुचित बंधने अडवू शकत नाहीत. हेच ब्रीद मनाशी ठेवून गेली १६० वर्षे करवीर नगर वाचन मंदिर वाटचाल करीत आहे.


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Total Records : 1046

Accession No. Book Name Author Publisher Subject Claim Book
53377 Ayodhya : Archaeology Demolition. Mandal D. Orient Longman. India. ENGLISH RELIGION. Claim Book
53379 Sitas Kithchen. Gandhi Ramchanda. Wiley Eastern Ltd. ENGLISH RELIGION. Claim Book
53400 Quranic Sufism. Valiuddin Mir. Motilal Banarsidass . Delhi. ENGLISH RELIGION. Claim Book
53401 Kabir: The Apostle of HIndu - Muslim Unity. Hedayetullah Muhammad. Motilal Banarsidass . Delhi. ENGLISH RELIGION. Claim Book
54217 Centres of Islamic Learning In India. Desai Ziyaud Din. Pub Divi. Delhi. ENGLISH RELIGION. Claim Book
54264 Festivals. Agrawal S. P. Pub Division. Delhi. ENGLISH RELIGION. Claim Book
54267 Temples of South India. Publication Division Government of India. Pub Division. Delhi. ENGLISH RELIGION. Claim Book
55356 Koran. Cleary Thomas. UBs pub . Calcutta. ENGLISH RELIGION. Claim Book
55857 The Ramayana Retold for Children. Vikas Publication House. Delhi. Vikas pub. Delhi. ENGLISH RELIGION. Claim Book
56356 Temples and Legends of Maharashtra.- 3. Mate M. S. Bharatiya Vidya Bhavan. Bombay. ENGLISH RELIGION. Claim Book
56357 Hindu Gods and Goddesses . Harshananda Swami. Ramakrishna Math. Madras. ENGLISH RELIGION. Claim Book
57124 EnduracneA Droll Saga. Patel Pannalal. Sahitya Akadmi Delhi. ENGLISH RELIGION. Claim Book
57289 The Harshacharita. Kane P. V. --- ENGLISH RELIGION. Claim Book
57295 The Panchatantra. Ryder Arthur W. Jaico P. House Bom. ENGLISH RELIGION. Claim Book
57305 A New Approach to the Ramayana. Navalkar N. R. N.R. Navlekar Jablapur. ENGLISH RELIGION. Claim Book
57312 The Bible Speaks To You. Brown Robert Mcafee. The Westiminster Press. ENGLISH RELIGION. Claim Book
57325 Saundraya Lahari -2. Sastri S. Subrahamanya. The Osophical pub. house Madras. ENGLISH RELIGION. Claim Book
57330 Devatma Shakti -2. Maharaj Vishnu Tirtha. Gopinath Kaviraj Banaras. ENGLISH RELIGION. Claim Book
57344 Vikramoryasiyam. Paranj ape Keshav Balkrishna. --- ENGLISH RELIGION. Claim Book
57762 Bhagvadgita. Belvalkar Shripad Krishna. Bilvakunja P. House poona. ENGLISH RELIGION. Claim Book
57780 Shrimad Bhagvad Gita.2. Bengali Baba. R. A. Joshi. Pune. ENGLISH RELIGION. Claim Book
57785 Notes on the Abhignana Sakuntala. Govt. Of Maharashtra. Govt. Of Maharashtra. ENGLISH RELIGION. Claim Book
57799 Srimad Bhagavad Gita -15. Gita Press Gorakhapur. Gita Press Gorakhapur. ENGLISH RELIGION. Claim Book
57803 Walmikis Ram and His Poliitcs. Jamdar Yadav Shankar. B.k. Tare Nagpur. ENGLISH RELIGION. Claim Book
57824 The Holy Bible. Scofield C. I. Oxford un. London. ENGLISH RELIGION. Claim Book
57841 The Holy Lake of the acts of rama. Ramacharitamanasa Tulasi. Oxford University press . London. ENGLISH RELIGION. Claim Book
57843 The Ramayana and the Mahabharata. J. M. Dent. London. J.M. Dentand London. ENGLISH RELIGION. Claim Book
57887 Thus Spake Gurudeo. Rande R. D. --- ENGLISH RELIGION. Claim Book
57889 Sculpture Inspired By Kalida. Sivaramamurti C. Samskrta Ac. Madras. ENGLISH RELIGION. Claim Book
58371 Hinduism -2. Chaudhary Nirad C. Oxford un. press Madras. ENGLISH RELIGION. Claim Book
58774 Islam in India. Sinha N. K. P. Khuda Baksh lib. Patna. ENGLISH RELIGION. Claim Book
58775 The Historical Role of Islam. Roy M. N. Khuda Bakhsh oriental lib. patna. ENGLISH RELIGION. Claim Book
58820 Reflections on the Mahabharata War. Mehendale M. A. Indian In. Shimla. ENGLISH RELIGION. Claim Book
59388 Thousand Names of Vishnu. Easwaran Eknath. Jaici Pub House. ENGLISH RELIGION. Claim Book
59538 Society in the atharvaveda. Kharade B. S. D.k.Print world ltd. Delhi. ENGLISH RELIGION. Claim Book
59702 V. Balakanda. Raman Varadaraj a. --- ENGLISH RELIGION. Claim Book
60445 Vedanta Modarn Science. Maukhyananda Swami. Vikas pub. Delhi. ENGLISH RELIGION. Claim Book
60453 Buddha for the Young. Bhattacharya S. National book India. ENGLISH RELIGION. Claim Book
60820 Yatharth Geeta. Adgadanand Swami. Ashram Tr. India. ENGLISH RELIGION. Claim Book
60933 Religion as Emancipatory Indenttity. Allen W. H. New Age Int. ltd. Delhi. ENGLISH RELIGION. Claim Book
60995 Buddhism. Murti T. R. V. UBS. Pub Delhi. ENGLISH RELIGION. Claim Book
62122 The Book Of Hindu Festivals And Ceremonies. Bhadur Om Lata. UBS. Publication. Delhi. ENGLISH RELIGION. Claim Book
62158 Muslim Indentity And Community Consciousness. Chakrabharti Asimpada. Minerva Ass. Kolkata. ENGLISH RELIGION. Claim Book
62206 Festival of India. National Book Trust. India. National book Tr. India. ENGLISH RELIGION. Claim Book
64185 Christ - A Myth. Varma Thakur Kahan Chandra. . ENGLISH RELIGION. Claim Book
64190 Kamba Ramayana. Aiyar V. V. S. Surjeet pub./. ENGLISH RELIGION. Claim Book
64469 Religion and culture. Radhakrishanan Sarvepalli. New. American . Lib. N. York. ENGLISH RELIGION. Claim Book
65058 Dharma Skolimowski Henryk. Concept Pub. Comp. Delhi. ENGLISH RELIGION. Claim Book
65317 Dictionary ofReligions. Sharma Amrita. Sterling pub. Delhi. ENGLISH RELIGION. Claim Book
65321 Buddhism : Its Various Manifestations. Madan G. R. Mittal pub. Delhi. ENGLISH RELIGION. Claim Book
65332 Gita Made Easy by Gita. Kishore Kamal. Inter India Pub. Delhi. ENGLISH RELIGION. Claim Book
65351 Humanism Reveivalism and the Indian Heritage. Roy M. N. Renaissance Publishers. Calcutta. ENGLISH RELIGION. Claim Book
65365 Hinduism: The Eternal Religion. Singh Karan. Sahitya Akadmi. Delhi. ENGLISH RELIGION. Claim Book
65428 Basic Buddhishm: Exploring Buddhim And Zen. Huai Nan. Jaico publishine House Mumbai. ENGLISH RELIGION. Claim Book
65432 Hindu Festivals Singh Chitralekha. Crest Pub. House Delhi. ENGLISH RELIGION. Claim Book
65434 Hindu Manneers Singh Chitralekha. Crest Pub. House. Delhi. ENGLISH RELIGION. Claim Book
65566 The Beloved- 2. Rajneesh. Rajneesh Foundation ENGLISH RELIGION. Claim Book
65574 Sanatana Dharma. Rajneesh. Raj neesh Foundation ENGLISH RELIGION. Claim Book
65576 The Book of the secrets II. Rajneesh. Rajnessh Foundation Pune. ENGLISH RELIGION. Claim Book
65581 Bhagwan : the God that Failed -. Hugh Mitrne. St. Martins press. N. York. ENGLISH RELIGION. Claim Book
65595 The Ultimate Game. Strelley Kate. Harper and Raw pub. ENGLISH RELIGION. Claim Book
65596 The Bhagavadgita - 7. Radhakrishanan Sarvepalli. Harper and Raw Pub. ‘. ENGLISH RELIGION. Claim Book
65599 Bhakti Sagar. Shri Paramhans. Advait Mat Publication ENGLISH RELIGION. Claim Book
65608 Vedanta. Rajneesh. Rajnessh Foundation Pune. ENGLISH RELIGION. Claim Book
65611 The Book of the Secrets I. Rajneesh. Rajnessh Foundation Pune. ENGLISH RELIGION. Claim Book
66931 Path way to GOd in Hindi Ranade R. D. Ranade Samadhi Trust ENGLISH RELIGION. Claim Book
67329 Burma: MYth of French Intrique. Ghosh Lipi. Naya Vdyog ENGLISH RELIGION. Claim Book
67339 AJaina Perspective on the Poilosophy of Religion. Sharma Arvind. Motial Banarsidass Pub. Delhi. ENGLISH RELIGION. Claim Book
67559 Pseudo secularism christian Missiions. Goel Sita Ram. Voice of Indea . Delhi. ENGLISH RELIGION. Claim Book
67594 Gita Its Message And Inportance. Kokandkar J. R. Bharatiya Vidya Bhavan . Mumbai. ENGLISH RELIGION. Claim Book
67657 Ethnicity of Hindu Culture. Sur A. K. Sahityaloke ENGLISH RELIGION. Claim Book
67661 Gita In Action. Sharma O. P. University Book House ENGLISH RELIGION. Claim Book
67679 Hinduism : THe Eternal Dharma. Mukhyananda Swami. UBS pub. Calcutta. ENGLISH RELIGION. Claim Book
68025 Way to GOd Realization. Poddar Hanumanprasad. Gita Press. Gorakhpur. ENGLISH RELIGION. Claim Book
68027 Path way to God. Ranade R. D. Bhartiya Vidya Bhavan Bom. ENGLISH RELIGION. Claim Book
68042 One GOd. Modi Bhupendra Kumar. Bharatiya Jyanpith Delhi. ENGLISH RELIGION. Claim Book
68520 The Worlds Living Religions . Hume Robert Ernest. Crest Pub. House. Delhi. ENGLISH RELIGION. Claim Book
68521 The Hindu Philosophy of sin Sanyal R. K. Creast Pub. House . Delhi. ENGLISH RELIGION. Claim Book
68528 Arise Again O India !. Gautier Francois. Har Anand Pub. Delhi. ENGLISH RELIGION. Claim Book
68601 The Bhagavad Gita. Besant Annie. Thesophical Pub. House. India. ENGLISH RELIGION. Claim Book
68673 Temples of South India. Srinivasan K. R. National book Trust . India. ENGLISH RELIGION. Claim Book
70068 Radhasoami Faith. S.D.Maheshwar S.D.Maheshwar ENGLISH RELIGION. Claim Book
71004 Political Islam in the Indian Subcontinent : The Jaaat -i- Islam. Grore Frederic. Centre De Sciences ; Delhi. ENGLISH RELIGION. Claim Book
72165 Ramayana. Rajagopalachari C. --- ENGLISH RELIGION. Claim Book
72690 Ganesh _ The God of India. Vidyananthan Sunil. . ENGLISH RELIGION. Claim Book
74690 Of the Imitation of Christ. Kempis Thomas. --- ENGLISH RELIGION. Claim Book
75691 Shreemad Bhagavad Gita. Roy R. N. Roy Pub. Nagpur. ENGLISH RELIGION. Claim Book
75698 Temples Of North India. Deva Krishna. National Truast Book. India. ENGLISH RELIGION. Claim Book
75815 Blue Hill.-2. Pani Subas. Rupa and co. Mumbai. ENGLISH RELIGION. Claim Book
75833 100 word read colour and learn. Fanthome Dorothy. Scholastic N.York. ENGLISH RELIGION. Claim Book
75834 My Gourmet kook book. Vasanth Anitha. Scholastic N.York. ENGLISH RELIGION. Claim Book
76033 Studies In the Gita. Paradkar M. D. Poupular Pra. Bom. ENGLISH RELIGION. Claim Book
76035 Holy Bible. Fleetway House. London. --- ENGLISH RELIGION. Claim Book
76036 Holy Bible. Placed Rhe Gideons. --- ENGLISH RELIGION. Claim Book
77474 Legends From The Puranas. Dayal Reva. TImes of India . Bombay. ENGLISH RELIGION. Claim Book
77500 The New Testament of our lord and saviour Jesus Christ. King George. --- ENGLISH RELIGION. Claim Book
77620 Stories from kathasaritsagara. Rangachari Devika. Children book Tr. Delhi. ENGLISH RELIGION. Claim Book
77798 The Ramayan. Narayan R. K. Hind Pocket books Delhi. ENGLISH RELIGION. Claim Book
77808 The Ramayan of Valmiki. Lal P. Tarang paperback Delhi. ENGLISH RELIGION. Claim Book
77878 Gita. Jagfiani G. M. G.M. Jantiani Mumabi. ENGLISH RELIGION. Claim Book
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