आमची ओळख

ज्ञानाची उपासना हा समाजाच्या संस्कृतीचा मानदंड असतो. ज्ञानाला स्थल कालाच्या मर्यादा नसतात, तसेच त्याच्या उपासनेलादेखील जाती, धर्म, पंथ, भाषा, प्रांत यांची संकुचित बंधने अडवू शकत नाहीत. हेच ब्रीद मनाशी ठेवून गेली १६० वर्षे करवीर नगर वाचन मंदिर वाटचाल करीत आहे.


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Total Records : 1046

Accession No. Book Name Author Publisher Subject Claim Book
41768 Shri Hari Van vicharan kavyam part2. Shastri Gopalchandra. G. Shasrti. ENGLISH RELIGION. Claim Book
41784 Meditation it process practice and Culmination. Satprakashananda. Sri Ramkrishna Math. ENGLISH RELIGION. Claim Book
41786 Swami Vivekanananda In The West New Discoveries His Profettic Mission. Burke Marie Louis. Swami. ENGLISH RELIGION. Claim Book
41787 Hinduism. Vivekanand Swami. Shri Ramakrishna Math. ENGLISH RELIGION. Claim Book
42001 Turning Point. Capra Fritjof. Fantana Paperbacks. ENGLISH RELIGION. Claim Book
42002 Tao Of Physics. Capra Eribjof. Bantom Books New York. ENGLISH RELIGION. Claim Book
42113 Bhakti or Devotion.-6. Vivekanand Swami. S. Ananyananda Himalayas. ENGLISH RELIGION. Claim Book
42114 Prince of Ayodhya.-3. Sarma D. S. The president Madras. ENGLISH RELIGION. Claim Book
42134 Stories from the Mahabharata.-2. Sivananada. S. Krishnananda U.P. ENGLISH RELIGION. Claim Book
42138 Book of Daily Thoughts and prayers. Paramananda. The prsident Madras. ENGLISH RELIGION. Claim Book
42140 Sri Krishna Pastroal and king Maker.-9. Ramakrishnananda. The President Madras. ENGLISH RELIGION. Claim Book
42141 Gems of Truth.-10. Goyandka Jayadayal. G. Bhavan Karyalaya Gorakhpur. ENGLISH RELIGION. Claim Book
42142 Gems of Truth.-9. Goyandka Jayadayal. G. Bhavan Karyalaya Gorakhpur. ENGLISH RELIGION. Claim Book
42143 Sure steps to god raalization. Goyandka Jayadayal. G.Bhavan Karyalaya Gorakhpur. ENGLISH RELIGION. Claim Book
42152 Myths and symbols in Indian civillization. Nityabodhananada. The President Madras. ENGLISH RELIGION. Claim Book
42277 Complete Prophecies of Nosteradamus. Roberts Henry C. Grafton Books London. ENGLISH RELIGION. Claim Book
42297 Gaj anan Bhaskar. Das Dnyaneshwar. Shri B. M. Sansthan Adgad. ENGLISH RELIGION. Claim Book
42301 Walks and words of Jusus.-11. Olmsted M. N. G. Mortimer N.Mcclintock. ENGLISH RELIGION. Claim Book
42340 Bhagavadgita.-2. Rajagopalachari C. Hindustan ltd. Delhi. ENGLISH RELIGION. Claim Book
42341 Bhagavad gita. Chidbhavananda. Tapovanam pub.House Tirup. ENGLISH RELIGION. Claim Book
42383 Bhagavad gita.-2. Iyer K. V. Paul and co. Madras. ENGLISH RELIGION. Claim Book
42394 His Life and Teahings. Ram Tirath. Ganest and co. Madras. ENGLISH RELIGION. Claim Book
42409 Boys and Girls life of Christ. Smyth Archdeacon Paterson. Hodder& Stoughton. London. ENGLISH RELIGION. Claim Book
42418 Essence Of The Gita (Gita Sara). Deshpande M. S. Gramaseva Pratishan. Manipal. ENGLISH RELIGION. Claim Book
42420 Bhagavadgita.-2. Ranade R. D. Bharatuta Vidyabhavan Bom ENGLISH RELIGION. Claim Book
42431 Struggle Within Islam. Zakaria Rafiq. Pengwing Book London. ENGLISH RELIGION. Claim Book
42743 Temples of South India. Srinivasan K. R. National book trust Delhi. ENGLISH RELIGION. Claim Book
42744 Temples of South India. Srinivasan K. R. National book trust Delhi. ENGLISH RELIGION. Claim Book
42745 Temples of South India. Srinivasan K. R. National book trust Delhi. ENGLISH RELIGION. Claim Book
42746 Temples of South India. Srinivasan K. R. National book trust Delhi. ENGLISH RELIGION. Claim Book
42747 Temples of South India. Srinivasan K. R. National book trust Delhi. ENGLISH RELIGION. Claim Book
43053 Buddhist remains In India. Sen A. C. Jnam R.Khan N. Delhi. ENGLISH RELIGION. Claim Book
43054 Buddhist remains In Indian. Sen A. C. Jnam R.Khan N. Delhi. ENGLISH RELIGION. Claim Book
43055 Buddhist remains In India. Sen A. C. Jnam R.Khan N. Delhi. ENGLISH RELIGION. Claim Book
43136 2500 Years of Buddhism.-3. Bapat P. V. Publications Division . N. Delhi. ENGLISH RELIGION. Claim Book
43181 Mosques Of India. Desai Ziyaud Din. Publications Division. Delhi. ENGLISH RELIGION. Claim Book
43182 Mosques Of India. Desai Ziyaud Din. Publications Division. Delhi. ENGLISH RELIGION. Claim Book
43185 Churches In India.-2. Thomas P. Publications Division . N. Delhi. ENGLISH RELIGION. Claim Book
43186 Churches In India.-2. Thomas P. Publications Division . N. Delhi. ENGLISH RELIGION. Claim Book
44725 Temple Of South India. Publication Division Government of India. Publications Div.N.Delhi. ENGLISH RELIGION. Claim Book
44779 Gospek of Budha. National Book Trust. India. National book N.Delhi. ENGLISH RELIGION. Claim Book
44850 Ramayana. Narayan R. K. Hind Pocket book. ENGLISH RELIGION. Claim Book
44851 Prayer. Gandhi M. K. Navaj ivan Pub. ENGLISH RELIGION. Claim Book
44858 Cultural Heritage Of India. Chatterj i Suniti Kumar. R. Mission. ENGLISH RELIGION. Claim Book
44940 Hindusim at a glance. Vivekanand Swami. Ramkrishna miss Calcutta. ENGLISH RELIGION. Claim Book
44945 Buddha and Buddhiom. Lillie Arthur. Sheel sethi N. Delhi. ENGLISH RELIGION. Claim Book
44946 Caste in India.-2. Senart Emile. Sheel sethi N. Delhi. ENGLISH RELIGION. Claim Book
45059 Valmikis Ramayan and Vyasas Mahabhartam. Garesan A. K. Higginbothams Madras. ENGLISH RELIGION. Claim Book
45060 Epic of Karma Viday Karam Kirati. Tinai K. T. --- ENGLISH RELIGION. Claim Book
45190 Ramayan Tradition in Asia. Raghavan Vijay. Sahitya Accademi . N. Delhi. ENGLISH RELIGION. Claim Book
45204 Excellent Qulities of the holy Quran. Wahab Abdul. Noor Pub. Ho. N.Delhi. ENGLISH RELIGION. Claim Book
45205 Muhammad The Prophet. Mashoor S. M. H. Noor Pub. Ho. N.Delhi. ENGLISH RELIGION. Claim Book
45248 Uni. In Diversity. Ghai O. P. Sterling Pub. Delhi. ENGLISH RELIGION. Claim Book
45280 Madhavodeva. Sharma Satyendvanath. Sahitya Aka. N. Delhi. ENGLISH RELIGION. Claim Book
45285 Eight lives. Gandhi Raj mohan. U.S.A. N. York. ENGLISH RELIGION. Claim Book
45405 Study on the Ramayanas. Sarkar Amal. Radhi India Calcutta. ENGLISH RELIGION. Claim Book
45429 Story Of Ramayan.10. Choudhary Bani Roy. Hemekunt Press. New Delhi. ENGLISH RELIGION. Claim Book
45459 Mahabharata. Nath Pratibha & Nath Suresh. S. Chand & C. N. Delhi. ENGLISH RELIGION. Claim Book
45460 Mudra Rakshasa. Nath Pratibha & Nath Suresh. S. Chand & C. N.Delhi. ENGLISH RELIGION. Claim Book
45461 Ramayanan. Nath Pratibha & Nath Suresh. S. Chand & C.N. Delhi. ENGLISH RELIGION. Claim Book
45462 Mahakavi Bharavi Kiratarj una. Nath Pratibha & Nath Suresh. S.Chand & C. N. Delhi. ENGLISH RELIGION. Claim Book
45463 Veda Wasa Bhagavadgita. Sahai Geeta Lal. S. Chand & C. N.Delhi. ENGLISH RELIGION. Claim Book
45464 Kumar Sambhava. Nath Pratibha & Nath Suresh. S. Chand & C. N. Delhi. ENGLISH RELIGION. Claim Book
45465 Raghu Vansh. Nath Pratibha & Nath Suresh. S. Chand & C.N. Delhi. ENGLISH RELIGION. Claim Book
45532 Religions of The world. Ramkrishna Mission. Swami L. Secretary Calcutta. ENGLISH RELIGION. Claim Book
45534 Religions of The world. Ramakrishna Mission Institute. Kolkata. Swami L. Secretary Calcutta. ENGLISH RELIGION. Claim Book
45640 Buddhist Shrines. Bhattacharya Dinesh Chandra. Publications Div.N.Delhi. ENGLISH RELIGION. Claim Book
45641 Jaina Shrines In India. Tandon O. P. Publications Division . N. Delhi. ENGLISH RELIGION. Claim Book
45657 Story Of Jesus Christ. Thomas Vernon. Hemkunt Press N.Delhi. ENGLISH RELIGION. Claim Book
45658 Story Of Hanuman. Gupta Rupa. Hemukunt Press N.Delhi. ENGLISH RELIGION. Claim Book
45660 Immortal Tales From Kalidasa. Surveyor Suna K. Jaico Pub.House Madras. ENGLISH RELIGION. Claim Book
45663 Hindusiam And Islam. Pandey B. N. Sir Syed Aca. ENGLISH RELIGION. Claim Book
45664 Ramayan. Arnold Publication. New Delhi. Arnold Pub. N.Delhi. ENGLISH RELIGION. Claim Book
45666 Mahabharata of Vyasa. Lal P. Tarang Paper book N.Delhi. ENGLISH RELIGION. Claim Book
45667 Mahabharata of Vyasa. Lal P. Tarang Paper book N.Delhi. ENGLISH RELIGION. Claim Book
45669 Follow The Notes of the Flute. Vidya Niwas Misra. Sahitya Aka. N. Delhi. ENGLISH RELIGION. Claim Book
45711 Ramayan Vol. II. Sagar Ramanand. Arnold & Pub. N.Delhi. ENGLISH RELIGION. Claim Book
45712 Ramayan Vol. III. Sagar Ramanand. Gulab vozirani Delhi. ENGLISH RELIGION. Claim Book
45713 Ramayan Vol. V. Sagar Ramanand. Gulab vozirani Delhi. ENGLISH RELIGION. Claim Book
45714 Ramayan IV. Sagar Ramanand. Gulab vozirani Delhi. ENGLISH RELIGION. Claim Book
45732 Sitayana. Iyengar K. R. Srinivasa. Sadananda V. Madras. ENGLISH RELIGION. Claim Book
45738 Ambrosia Of Muthuswamy Dikshithar. Ramaswami M. S. Music Akademy ENGLISH RELIGION. Claim Book
45760 Indian Muslim Festivals And Customs. Asad Maj d Publications Division. ENGLISH RELIGION. Claim Book
49719 Introduction to Sikhism. Mansukhani G. S. Hemkunt press. Delhi. ENGLISH RELIGION. Claim Book
49977 Bhagvadgita. Gandhi M. K. Orient paperbacks. ENGLISH RELIGION. Claim Book
50586 Muslim Fundamentalism In the India Subcontinent. Raj Balj it. B. S. Publishers. ENGLISH RELIGION. Claim Book
50667 The City of God. Augustine Saint. Image Books \ N.York. ENGLISH RELIGION. Claim Book
50705 New English Bible New Testament. Penguin Books. Penguin Books . Austrilla. ENGLISH RELIGION. Claim Book
50742 Greatest Is Love. Taylor Ken. The world Home Bible League . Holl. ENGLISH RELIGION. Claim Book
51066 Ambrosia of Mathuswamy Diskshithar. Ramaswami M. S. --- ENGLISH RELIGION. Claim Book
52083 Muhammad and The Quran. Zakaria Rafiq. Penguin Books. London. ENGLISH RELIGION. Claim Book
52091 Ramayana. Lai Lakshmi. Disha Books. Hyderabad. ENGLISH RELIGION. Claim Book
52092 Mahabharata. Rao Shanta Rameshwar. Disha Books. Hyderabad. ENGLISH RELIGION. Claim Book
52415 Hinduism The Eternal Law. Stutley Margaret. Collins Pub. India. ENGLISH RELIGION. Claim Book
52425 Hindu Mythology. Wilkins W. J. Rupa and co. ENGLISH RELIGION. Claim Book
52617 1000 Religion Quiz. Jayakumar Saranya. Rupa and comp. Delhi. ENGLISH RELIGION. Claim Book
52686 Stories from the Bible- 1. Scott. Vikas pub. ENGLISH RELIGION. Claim Book
52687 Stoies from the Bible 2. Scott. Vikas Pub. Delhi. ENGLISH RELIGION. Claim Book
52688 Mahabharata. Alladin Bilkiz. Vikas Pub. Delhi. ENGLISH RELIGION. Claim Book
53365 Gospel Of Buddha. Carus Paul. Publication Division. India. ENGLISH RELIGION. Claim Book
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