Accession No. | Book Name | Author | Publisher | Subject | Claim Book |
104161 | Amnesty International and its Neo Colonial Mission. | Kaul Maharaj K. | Archana Publications Kolkata. | ENGLISH ESSAYS. | Claim Book |
104162 | Dispelling the Silence. | Shanmugian S. | Orient Longman Delhi. | ENGLISH ESSAYS. | Claim Book |
104163 | Your Personal Guide To Victory. | Kapoor Virender. | UBS Publishers Delhi. | ENGLISH ESSAYS. | Claim Book |
104165 | Freelance Writing for the Newbie Writer. | Menon Sreelata. | Unicorn Books Delhi. | ENGLISH ESSAYS. | Claim Book |
104167 | Letters From A Sojourner In Europe. | Tagore Rabindranath. | Visva Bharati Publishing Kolkata. | ENGLISH ESSAYS. | Claim Book |
104169 | New Age Sruya Consciousness. | Choudhury Arun Dutta. | Sparrow Publishers Kolkata. | ENGLISH ESSAYS. | Claim Book |
104176 | Revolutionary Propaganda In Bengal Extremist And Militant Press. | Ray Kabita. | Papyrus Prakashan Calcutta. | ENGLISH ESSAYS. | Claim Book |
104877 | John Alexander Chapman. | Nair P. Thankappan. | R. N. Bhattacharya Kolkata. | ENGLISH ESSAYS. | Claim Book |
104943 | The Gigantic Casino. | Castro Fidel. | Left Word Publication Delhi. | ENGLISH ESSAYS. | Claim Book |
104946 | Dowry. | Bradley Tamsin. | Women Unlimited Delhi. | ENGLISH ESSAYS. | Claim Book |
104953 | Whats Wrong With The World. | Warerkar Chitra. | Royal Books Delhi. | ENGLISH ESSAYS. | Claim Book |
104974 | Woman Many hues Many Shades. | Wadva Satjit. | Lahore Book Shop Ludhiana. | ENGLISH ESSAYS. | Claim Book |
104975 | A Quest For Happiness. | Singh R. A. | Research India Press Delhi. | ENGLISH ESSAYS. | Claim Book |
105020 | Bermda Triangle. | Ganguly Tarun. | Noni Books Delhi. | ENGLISH ESSAYS. | Claim Book |
105173 | Know Your Words Worth. | Nulkar Sandeep. | Continental Prakashan Pune. | ENGLISH ESSAYS. | Claim Book |
105387 | The Happiness Factor. | Wilkinson Kirk. | Manjul Publishing House Pune. | ENGLISH ESSAYS. | Claim Book |
105390 | Go Kiss the World. | Bagchi Subroto. | Penguin Books Delhi. | ENGLISH ESSAYS. | Claim Book |
105392 | Speeches Changed world. | Whiticker Alan J. | Jaico Publishing House Delhi. | ENGLISH ESSAYS. | Claim Book |
105395 | The Difficulty Of Being Good. | Das Gurcharan. | Penguin Books Delhi. | ENGLISH ESSAYS. | Claim Book |
105405 | Indias Time Has Come. | Gurumurthy S. | Oxygen Books Delhi. | ENGLISH ESSAYS. | Claim Book |
105426 | Speeches Of War And Peace. | Buttrose Larry. | Mehta Publishing House. Pune. | ENGLISH ESSAYS. | Claim Book |
106282 | Sri Aurobindos Uttarpara Speech A Centennial Commemorative Vol. 1909-2009. | Uttarpara Sri Aurobindo Parishada. | Uttarpara Sri Aurobindo Parishada West Bengal. | ENGLISH ESSAYS. | Claim Book |
106284 | After Ayodhya Reclaining rhe Secular. | Sahmat Safdar Hashmi Memorial Trust. | Sahmat Safdar Hashmi Memorial Trust. | ENGLISH ESSAYS. | Claim Book |
106303 | Bharat Ratana Awardees. | Khanna Sahil. | East End Publishers Nodia. | ENGLISH ESSAYS. | Claim Book |
106391 | Coconut Water. | Viswanathan Sujatha. | Stellar Publisher Delhi. | ENGLISH ESSAYS. | Claim Book |
106418 | Protest And Indian Fiction In English. | Urbashi Barat. | Surabhi Publication Jaipur. | ENGLISH ESSAYS. | Claim Book |
106484 | Wisdom Of Kalam. | Gupta Prshant. | Ocean Books Pvt. Ltd. Delhi. | ENGLISH ESSAYS. | Claim Book |
106486 | Modern Science- Philosophy Of M.N. Roy And Other Essays. | Sengupta Swarajbrata. | Renassiance Delhi. | ENGLISH ESSAYS. | Claim Book |
106600 | A Calmer You : Witty Tips To Beat Everday Stress. | Kalra Sonal. | Wisdom Tree Academic Delhi. | ENGLISH ESSAYS. | Claim Book |
106601 | Nandigram And Media Between The Battlelines. | Roy Biswajit. | Sampark Kolkata. | ENGLISH ESSAYS. | Claim Book |
106663 | Power | Tikekar Aroon. | Rohan Prakashan Pune. | ENGLISH ESSAYS. | Claim Book |
107237 | Does He Know a Mothers Heart. | Shourie Arun. | Harper Collins Publishers India. | ENGLISH ESSAYS. | Claim Book |
107386 | Harmony Essays On Culture. | Sharma V. S. | V. S. Sharma Trivandrum. | ENGLISH ESSAYS. | Claim Book |
107388 | World Literature. | Khiangte Lltluangliana. | LTL Publications Aizawl. | ENGLISH ESSAYS. | Claim Book |
107403 | The Tower And The Sea. | Guha Chinmoy. | Sahitya Akademi Delhi. | ENGLISH ESSAYS. | Claim Book |
107412 | Style in English Prose. | Guha Bhudev Chandra. | Ebang Mushayera Kolkata. | ENGLISH ESSAYS. | Claim Book |
107468 | Girish And Gulabi Talkies : A Critique. | Biswas Pradip. | Dasgupta and co. Pvt.ltd. Kolkata. | ENGLISH ESSAYS. | Claim Book |
107469 | Naomi Kawase : Woman Director In Progress. | Biswas Pradip. | Dasgupta and co. Pvt.ltd. Kolkata. | ENGLISH ESSAYS. | Claim Book |
107476 | Tagore For You. | Ghosh Baridbaran. | Deep Prakashan Kolkata. | ENGLISH ESSAYS. | Claim Book |
107492 | Pyarelals Unpublished Correspondence. | Maksud Syed Abul. | Bibliophil Kolkata. | ENGLISH ESSAYS. | Claim Book |
107564 | The Frontline Years. | Namboodripad E. M. S. | Left Word Books Delhi. | ENGLISH ESSAYS. | Claim Book |
107565 | History Society and Land Relations. | Namboodripad E. M. S. | Left Word Books Delhi. | ENGLISH ESSAYS. | Claim Book |
107588 | Mathnawi Rumi 1. | Gupta M. G. | Huma Books Delhi. | ENGLISH ESSAYS. | Claim Book |
107625 | The Twin Dreams Of Rabindranath Tagore. | Neogy Ajit K. | National Book Trust India. | ENGLISH ESSAYS. | Claim Book |
107703 | Films Of Samira Makhmalbaf. | Biswas Pradip. | Dasgupta and co. Pvt.ltd. Kolkata. | ENGLISH ESSAYS. | Claim Book |
107704 | Five Indian Directors. | Biswas Pradip. | Dasgupta and co. Pvt.ltd. Kolkata. | ENGLISH ESSAYS. | Claim Book |
107706 | The Many Worlds of Sarala Devi. | Ray Sukhendu. | Social Science Press Kolkata. | ENGLISH ESSAYS. | Claim Book |
107708 | Together We Survive. | Satchidanandan K. | Foundation Of Saarc Writers Delhi. | ENGLISH ESSAYS. | Claim Book |
108489 | Kamasutra. | Vatsyayana. | Penguin Books Delhi. | ENGLISH ESSAYS. | Claim Book |
108737 | Essential Communication Skills. | Agarwal Shalini. | Ane Books Pvt Ltd. Delhi. | ENGLISH ESSAYS. | Claim Book |
108850 | The Invisible Man. | Wells H. G. | GunGun Books Delhi. | ENGLISH ESSAYS. | Claim Book |
108854 | Chinese Women Writers and Gender Discourse. | Mitra Sabaree. | Books Plus Delhi. | ENGLISH ESSAYS. | Claim Book |
108857 | Postmodernism. | Tak A. H. | Books Plus Delhi. | ENGLISH ESSAYS. | Claim Book |
108858 | Diasporic Writing The Dynamics Of Be/Longing. | Singh Neera. | Books Plus Delhi. | ENGLISH ESSAYS. | Claim Book |
108859 | Living On the Edge. | Chakraborty Madhumita. | Books Plus Delhi. | ENGLISH ESSAYS. | Claim Book |
108861 | Survival Strategies In The Manawaka Novels Of Margaret Laurence. | Singh Neera. | Books Plus Delhi. | ENGLISH ESSAYS. | Claim Book |
108885 | 8 Successful Business Women. | Mishra Prebna Kaula. | Vitasta Publishing House Delhi. | ENGLISH ESSAYS. | Claim Book |
108886 | Problems And Prospects Of Bodoland. | Banerjee Amalesh Chandra. | Mittal Publication Delhi. | ENGLISH ESSAYS. | Claim Book |
108924 | Selected Writings. | Dange S. A. | Vichar Bharati Prakashan Delhi. | ENGLISH ESSAYS. | Claim Book |
108927 | Flux to Fixity. | Banerjee Bhaskar. | Sparrow Publication Delhi. | ENGLISH ESSAYS. | Claim Book |
109009 | The Ideal Made Real. | Larson Christian. | Kie Publication India. | ENGLISH ESSAYS. | Claim Book |
109191 | Target 3 Billion. | Kalan A. P. J. Abdul. | Penguin Books Delhi. | ENGLISH ESSAYS. | Claim Book |
109518 | The Scientist In Society. | Ray P. C. | Thema Kolkata. | ENGLISH ESSAYS. | Claim Book |
109519 | Talking The Political Culturally And Other Essays. | Deshpande G. P. | Thema Kolkata. | ENGLISH ESSAYS. | Claim Book |
109623 | The Magic Of Thinking Big. | Schwartz David Joseph. | Pocket Books New York. | ENGLISH ESSAYS. | Claim Book |
109624 | Simple Essays. | Macmillan M. | S. Chand and Company Delhi. | ENGLISH ESSAYS. | Claim Book |
110188 | Robert Bridges A Critical Study. | Brett F. E. | Martin Secker London. | ENGLISH ESSAYS. | Claim Book |
110189 | John Galsworthy. | Schalit Leon. | William Heinemann London. | ENGLISH ESSAYS. | Claim Book |
110191 | Rimbauds Illuminations A Study In Angelism. | Fowlie Wallace. | Harvill Press London. | ENGLISH ESSAYS. | Claim Book |
110192 | Selected Works. | Rilke Rainer Maria. | The Hogarth Press London. | ENGLISH ESSAYS. | Claim Book |
110255 | Illumining The Dark. | Banerjee Bhaskar. | Dover Pub. N. Y. | ENGLISH ESSAYS. | Claim Book |
110310 | Learning True Love. | Khong Sister Chan. | Full Circle Publishing Delhi. | ENGLISH ESSAYS. | Claim Book |
110861 | Terms Of Trade and Class Relations. | Mitra Ashok. | Rupa and Company Delhi. | ENGLISH ESSAYS. | Claim Book |
111587 | Glimpses Into Some Museums Of Havana. | Bandyopadhyay Saikat. | Readers Service Kolkata. | ENGLISH ESSAYS. | Claim Book |
111589 | First As Tragedy Then As Farce. | Zizek Slavoj. | Navayana Publishing London. | ENGLISH ESSAYS. | Claim Book |
111649 | The Future Of The Image. | Ranciere Jacques. | Navayana Delhi. | ENGLISH ESSAYS. | Claim Book |
111650 | The World According to Monsanto. | Robin Marie Monique. | Tulika Publisher Delhi. | ENGLISH ESSAYS. | Claim Book |
112399 | Religious And Moral Instruction at the Secondary Stage. | Naik B. R. | Maharashtra Granth Bhandar Kolhapur. | ENGLISH ESSAYS. | Claim Book |
112402 | The Fixed Stars and Your Horoscope. | Tucker Wim J. | Sagar Publication Delhi. | ENGLISH ESSAYS. | Claim Book |
112602 | Jean Paul Sartre Typhus. | Turner Chris. | Seagull book Calcutta. | ENGLISH ESSAYS. | Claim Book |
112604 | Correspondence. | Bachmann Ingeborg. | Seagull book Calcutta. | ENGLISH ESSAYS. | Claim Book |
112675 | Thomas Bernhard Prose. | Chalmers Martin. | Seagull book Calcutta. | ENGLISH ESSAYS. | Claim Book |
112676 | My Father The Germans And I. | Becker Jurek. | Seagull book Calcutta. | ENGLISH ESSAYS. | Claim Book |
112680 | Status Of Women In India. | Nelasco Shobana. | Deep Prakashan Kolkata. | ENGLISH ESSAYS. | Claim Book |
112681 | How to Help Your autistic spectrum child. | Brealy Jackie. | Viva Books pvt. Ltd. Delhi. | ENGLISH ESSAYS. | Claim Book |
112735 | A Talent For The Particular. | Chakranarti Basudeb. | Worldview Publications Delhi . | ENGLISH ESSAYS. | Claim Book |
112736 | Ethics Classical And Contemporary Issues. | Sarkar Priyambada. | University Tutorial Press London. | ENGLISH ESSAYS. | Claim Book |
112742 | Not Out. | Dubey Nimish. | Ponytale Books Kolkata. | ENGLISH ESSAYS. | Claim Book |
112746 | Renaissance and Reaction From Rammohun to Bankimchandra. | Haldar M. K. | Minerva Publication Delhi. | ENGLISH ESSAYS. | Claim Book |
113011 | What Young India Wants.- Selected Essays And Columns. | Bhagat Chetan. | Rupa Publication India New Delhi. | ENGLISH ESSAYS. | Claim Book |
113461 | Fighting Corruption. | Bedi Kiran. | Sterling Pulishing House Delhi. | ENGLISH ESSAYS. | Claim Book |
113463 | Personal Best. | Woods Marc. | Willy Eastern Ltd London. | ENGLISH ESSAYS. | Claim Book |
113694 | Humour Stories. | Khatri Vikas. | Avishkar Prakashan Delhi. | ENGLISH ESSAYS. | Claim Book |
113874 | Life Worlds War Desire and Labour in Contemporary Tamil Womens Writing. | Geetha V. | Jadavpur Universty Kolkata. | ENGLISH ESSAYS. | Claim Book |
113880 | Problems Of Indian Renaissance. | Deshpande Bani. | Vichar Bharti Prakashan Mumbai. | ENGLISH ESSAYS. | Claim Book |
113881 | The Rose And The Nightingale. | Naravane V. S. | Anurag Publication Allahabad. | ENGLISH ESSAYS. | Claim Book |
113889 | Amrita Sher Gil 1. | Sundaram Vivan. | Tulika Books Delhi. | ENGLISH ESSAYS. | Claim Book |
113890 | Amirta Sher Gil 2. | Sundaram Vivan. | Tulika Books Delhi. | ENGLISH ESSAYS. | Claim Book |
113926 | The Red Badge Of Courage. | Crane Stephen. | Saint Joseph Publishing House Delhi. | ENGLISH ESSAYS. | Claim Book |
113929 | Worlds Greatest Unsolved Mysteries. | Nagrajan J. | Saint Joseph Publishing House Delhi. | ENGLISH ESSAYS. | Claim Book |