आमची ओळख

ज्ञानाची उपासना हा समाजाच्या संस्कृतीचा मानदंड असतो. ज्ञानाला स्थल कालाच्या मर्यादा नसतात, तसेच त्याच्या उपासनेलादेखील जाती, धर्म, पंथ, भाषा, प्रांत यांची संकुचित बंधने अडवू शकत नाहीत. हेच ब्रीद मनाशी ठेवून गेली १६० वर्षे करवीर नगर वाचन मंदिर वाटचाल करीत आहे.


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Pramukh Type Pad is used for typing easily into Indian languages. It follows 'The way you speak, the way you type' rule. Following image shows which character will be shown by pressing which corresponding English letter. Example for various combination of letters are given only for one character but it is true for each alphabet.
character map

Total Records : 1105

Accession No. Book Name Author Publisher Subject Claim Book
104161 Amnesty International and its Neo Colonial Mission. Kaul Maharaj K. Archana Publications Kolkata. ENGLISH ESSAYS. Claim Book
104162 Dispelling the Silence. Shanmugian S. Orient Longman Delhi. ENGLISH ESSAYS. Claim Book
104163 Your Personal Guide To Victory. Kapoor Virender. UBS Publishers Delhi. ENGLISH ESSAYS. Claim Book
104165 Freelance Writing for the Newbie Writer. Menon Sreelata. Unicorn Books Delhi. ENGLISH ESSAYS. Claim Book
104167 Letters From A Sojourner In Europe. Tagore Rabindranath. Visva Bharati Publishing Kolkata. ENGLISH ESSAYS. Claim Book
104169 New Age Sruya Consciousness. Choudhury Arun Dutta. Sparrow Publishers Kolkata. ENGLISH ESSAYS. Claim Book
104176 Revolutionary Propaganda In Bengal Extremist And Militant Press. Ray Kabita. Papyrus Prakashan Calcutta. ENGLISH ESSAYS. Claim Book
104877 John Alexander Chapman. Nair P. Thankappan. R. N. Bhattacharya Kolkata. ENGLISH ESSAYS. Claim Book
104943 The Gigantic Casino. Castro Fidel. Left Word Publication Delhi. ENGLISH ESSAYS. Claim Book
104946 Dowry. Bradley Tamsin. Women Unlimited Delhi. ENGLISH ESSAYS. Claim Book
104953 Whats Wrong With The World. Warerkar Chitra. Royal Books Delhi. ENGLISH ESSAYS. Claim Book
104974 Woman Many hues Many Shades. Wadva Satjit. Lahore Book Shop Ludhiana. ENGLISH ESSAYS. Claim Book
104975 A Quest For Happiness. Singh R. A. Research India Press Delhi. ENGLISH ESSAYS. Claim Book
105020 Bermda Triangle. Ganguly Tarun. Noni Books Delhi. ENGLISH ESSAYS. Claim Book
105173 Know Your Words Worth. Nulkar Sandeep. Continental Prakashan Pune. ENGLISH ESSAYS. Claim Book
105387 The Happiness Factor. Wilkinson Kirk. Manjul Publishing House Pune. ENGLISH ESSAYS. Claim Book
105390 Go Kiss the World. Bagchi Subroto. Penguin Books Delhi. ENGLISH ESSAYS. Claim Book
105392 Speeches Changed world. Whiticker Alan J. Jaico Publishing House Delhi. ENGLISH ESSAYS. Claim Book
105395 The Difficulty Of Being Good. Das Gurcharan. Penguin Books Delhi. ENGLISH ESSAYS. Claim Book
105405 Indias Time Has Come. Gurumurthy S. Oxygen Books Delhi. ENGLISH ESSAYS. Claim Book
105426 Speeches Of War And Peace. Buttrose Larry. Mehta Publishing House. Pune. ENGLISH ESSAYS. Claim Book
106282 Sri Aurobindos Uttarpara Speech A Centennial Commemorative Vol. 1909-2009. Uttarpara Sri Aurobindo Parishada. Uttarpara Sri Aurobindo Parishada West Bengal. ENGLISH ESSAYS. Claim Book
106284 After Ayodhya Reclaining rhe Secular. Sahmat Safdar Hashmi Memorial Trust. Sahmat Safdar Hashmi Memorial Trust. ENGLISH ESSAYS. Claim Book
106303 Bharat Ratana Awardees. Khanna Sahil. East End Publishers Nodia. ENGLISH ESSAYS. Claim Book
106391 Coconut Water. Viswanathan Sujatha. Stellar Publisher Delhi. ENGLISH ESSAYS. Claim Book
106418 Protest And Indian Fiction In English. Urbashi Barat. Surabhi Publication Jaipur. ENGLISH ESSAYS. Claim Book
106484 Wisdom Of Kalam. Gupta Prshant. Ocean Books Pvt. Ltd. Delhi. ENGLISH ESSAYS. Claim Book
106486 Modern Science- Philosophy Of M.N. Roy And Other Essays. Sengupta Swarajbrata. Renassiance Delhi. ENGLISH ESSAYS. Claim Book
106600 A Calmer You : Witty Tips To Beat Everday Stress. Kalra Sonal. Wisdom Tree Academic Delhi. ENGLISH ESSAYS. Claim Book
106601 Nandigram And Media Between The Battlelines. Roy Biswajit. Sampark Kolkata. ENGLISH ESSAYS. Claim Book
106663 Power Tikekar Aroon. Rohan Prakashan Pune. ENGLISH ESSAYS. Claim Book
107237 Does He Know a Mothers Heart. Shourie Arun. Harper Collins Publishers India. ENGLISH ESSAYS. Claim Book
107386 Harmony Essays On Culture. Sharma V. S. V. S. Sharma Trivandrum. ENGLISH ESSAYS. Claim Book
107388 World Literature. Khiangte Lltluangliana. LTL Publications Aizawl. ENGLISH ESSAYS. Claim Book
107403 The Tower And The Sea. Guha Chinmoy. Sahitya Akademi Delhi. ENGLISH ESSAYS. Claim Book
107412 Style in English Prose. Guha Bhudev Chandra. Ebang Mushayera Kolkata. ENGLISH ESSAYS. Claim Book
107468 Girish And Gulabi Talkies : A Critique. Biswas Pradip. Dasgupta and co. Pvt.ltd. Kolkata. ENGLISH ESSAYS. Claim Book
107469 Naomi Kawase : Woman Director In Progress. Biswas Pradip. Dasgupta and co. Pvt.ltd. Kolkata. ENGLISH ESSAYS. Claim Book
107476 Tagore For You. Ghosh Baridbaran. Deep Prakashan Kolkata. ENGLISH ESSAYS. Claim Book
107492 Pyarelals Unpublished Correspondence. Maksud Syed Abul. Bibliophil Kolkata. ENGLISH ESSAYS. Claim Book
107564 The Frontline Years. Namboodripad E. M. S. Left Word Books Delhi. ENGLISH ESSAYS. Claim Book
107565 History Society and Land Relations. Namboodripad E. M. S. Left Word Books Delhi. ENGLISH ESSAYS. Claim Book
107588 Mathnawi Rumi 1. Gupta M. G. Huma Books Delhi. ENGLISH ESSAYS. Claim Book
107625 The Twin Dreams Of Rabindranath Tagore. Neogy Ajit K. National Book Trust India. ENGLISH ESSAYS. Claim Book
107703 Films Of Samira Makhmalbaf. Biswas Pradip. Dasgupta and co. Pvt.ltd. Kolkata. ENGLISH ESSAYS. Claim Book
107704 Five Indian Directors. Biswas Pradip. Dasgupta and co. Pvt.ltd. Kolkata. ENGLISH ESSAYS. Claim Book
107706 The Many Worlds of Sarala Devi. Ray Sukhendu. Social Science Press Kolkata. ENGLISH ESSAYS. Claim Book
107708 Together We Survive. Satchidanandan K. Foundation Of Saarc Writers Delhi. ENGLISH ESSAYS. Claim Book
108489 Kamasutra. Vatsyayana. Penguin Books Delhi. ENGLISH ESSAYS. Claim Book
108737 Essential Communication Skills. Agarwal Shalini. Ane Books Pvt Ltd. Delhi. ENGLISH ESSAYS. Claim Book
108850 The Invisible Man. Wells H. G. GunGun Books Delhi. ENGLISH ESSAYS. Claim Book
108854 Chinese Women Writers and Gender Discourse. Mitra Sabaree. Books Plus Delhi. ENGLISH ESSAYS. Claim Book
108857 Postmodernism. Tak A. H. Books Plus Delhi. ENGLISH ESSAYS. Claim Book
108858 Diasporic Writing The Dynamics Of Be/Longing. Singh Neera. Books Plus Delhi. ENGLISH ESSAYS. Claim Book
108859 Living On the Edge. Chakraborty Madhumita. Books Plus Delhi. ENGLISH ESSAYS. Claim Book
108861 Survival Strategies In The Manawaka Novels Of Margaret Laurence. Singh Neera. Books Plus Delhi. ENGLISH ESSAYS. Claim Book
108885 8 Successful Business Women. Mishra Prebna Kaula. Vitasta Publishing House Delhi. ENGLISH ESSAYS. Claim Book
108886 Problems And Prospects Of Bodoland. Banerjee Amalesh Chandra. Mittal Publication Delhi. ENGLISH ESSAYS. Claim Book
108924 Selected Writings. Dange S. A. Vichar Bharati Prakashan Delhi. ENGLISH ESSAYS. Claim Book
108927 Flux to Fixity. Banerjee Bhaskar. Sparrow Publication Delhi. ENGLISH ESSAYS. Claim Book
109009 The Ideal Made Real. Larson Christian. Kie Publication India. ENGLISH ESSAYS. Claim Book
109191 Target 3 Billion. Kalan A. P. J. Abdul. Penguin Books Delhi. ENGLISH ESSAYS. Claim Book
109518 The Scientist In Society. Ray P. C. Thema Kolkata. ENGLISH ESSAYS. Claim Book
109519 Talking The Political Culturally And Other Essays. Deshpande G. P. Thema Kolkata. ENGLISH ESSAYS. Claim Book
109623 The Magic Of Thinking Big. Schwartz David Joseph. Pocket Books New York. ENGLISH ESSAYS. Claim Book
109624 Simple Essays. Macmillan M. S. Chand and Company Delhi. ENGLISH ESSAYS. Claim Book
110188 Robert Bridges A Critical Study. Brett F. E. Martin Secker London. ENGLISH ESSAYS. Claim Book
110189 John Galsworthy. Schalit Leon. William Heinemann London. ENGLISH ESSAYS. Claim Book
110191 Rimbauds Illuminations A Study In Angelism. Fowlie Wallace. Harvill Press London. ENGLISH ESSAYS. Claim Book
110192 Selected Works. Rilke Rainer Maria. The Hogarth Press London. ENGLISH ESSAYS. Claim Book
110255 Illumining The Dark. Banerjee Bhaskar. Dover Pub. N. Y. ENGLISH ESSAYS. Claim Book
110310 Learning True Love. Khong Sister Chan. Full Circle Publishing Delhi. ENGLISH ESSAYS. Claim Book
110861 Terms Of Trade and Class Relations. Mitra Ashok. Rupa and Company Delhi. ENGLISH ESSAYS. Claim Book
111587 Glimpses Into Some Museums Of Havana. Bandyopadhyay Saikat. Readers Service Kolkata. ENGLISH ESSAYS. Claim Book
111589 First As Tragedy Then As Farce. Zizek Slavoj. Navayana Publishing London. ENGLISH ESSAYS. Claim Book
111649 The Future Of The Image. Ranciere Jacques. Navayana Delhi. ENGLISH ESSAYS. Claim Book
111650 The World According to Monsanto. Robin Marie Monique. Tulika Publisher Delhi. ENGLISH ESSAYS. Claim Book
112399 Religious And Moral Instruction at the Secondary Stage. Naik B. R. Maharashtra Granth Bhandar Kolhapur. ENGLISH ESSAYS. Claim Book
112402 The Fixed Stars and Your Horoscope. Tucker Wim J. Sagar Publication Delhi. ENGLISH ESSAYS. Claim Book
112602 Jean Paul Sartre Typhus. Turner Chris. Seagull book Calcutta. ENGLISH ESSAYS. Claim Book
112604 Correspondence. Bachmann Ingeborg. Seagull book Calcutta. ENGLISH ESSAYS. Claim Book
112675 Thomas Bernhard Prose. Chalmers Martin. Seagull book Calcutta. ENGLISH ESSAYS. Claim Book
112676 My Father The Germans And I. Becker Jurek. Seagull book Calcutta. ENGLISH ESSAYS. Claim Book
112680 Status Of Women In India. Nelasco Shobana. Deep Prakashan Kolkata. ENGLISH ESSAYS. Claim Book
112681 How to Help Your autistic spectrum child. Brealy Jackie. Viva Books pvt. Ltd. Delhi. ENGLISH ESSAYS. Claim Book
112735 A Talent For The Particular. Chakranarti Basudeb. Worldview Publications Delhi . ENGLISH ESSAYS. Claim Book
112736 Ethics Classical And Contemporary Issues. Sarkar Priyambada. University Tutorial Press London. ENGLISH ESSAYS. Claim Book
112742 Not Out. Dubey Nimish. Ponytale Books Kolkata. ENGLISH ESSAYS. Claim Book
112746 Renaissance and Reaction From Rammohun to Bankimchandra. Haldar M. K. Minerva Publication Delhi. ENGLISH ESSAYS. Claim Book
113011 What Young India Wants.- Selected Essays And Columns. Bhagat Chetan. Rupa Publication India New Delhi. ENGLISH ESSAYS. Claim Book
113461 Fighting Corruption. Bedi Kiran. Sterling Pulishing House Delhi. ENGLISH ESSAYS. Claim Book
113463 Personal Best. Woods Marc. Willy Eastern Ltd London. ENGLISH ESSAYS. Claim Book
113694 Humour Stories. Khatri Vikas. Avishkar Prakashan Delhi. ENGLISH ESSAYS. Claim Book
113874 Life Worlds War Desire and Labour in Contemporary Tamil Womens Writing. Geetha V. Jadavpur Universty Kolkata. ENGLISH ESSAYS. Claim Book
113880 Problems Of Indian Renaissance. Deshpande Bani. Vichar Bharti Prakashan Mumbai. ENGLISH ESSAYS. Claim Book
113881 The Rose And The Nightingale. Naravane V. S. Anurag Publication Allahabad. ENGLISH ESSAYS. Claim Book
113889 Amrita Sher Gil 1. Sundaram Vivan. Tulika Books Delhi. ENGLISH ESSAYS. Claim Book
113890 Amirta Sher Gil 2. Sundaram Vivan. Tulika Books Delhi. ENGLISH ESSAYS. Claim Book
113926 The Red Badge Of Courage. Crane Stephen. Saint Joseph Publishing House Delhi. ENGLISH ESSAYS. Claim Book
113929 Worlds Greatest Unsolved Mysteries. Nagrajan J. Saint Joseph Publishing House Delhi. ENGLISH ESSAYS. Claim Book
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