Accession No. | Book Name | Author | Publisher | Subject | Claim Book |
29850 | Is pakistan Necesary ? 1. | Kulkarni V. B. | Hind Kitabs . Bombay. | Political Sciences. | Claim Book |
29851 | State . 1. | Woodraw Wilson | Heath D.C. & co. Boston. | Political Sciences. | Claim Book |
29852 | Friend of Friend . 1. | Garbett Colin. | Oxford Univer. press. Oxford. | Political Sciences. | Claim Book |
29853 | India In Crises . 1. | Duncan Arthur. | Putham .London. | Political Sciences. | Claim Book |
29854 | Britan And India 1600- 1941. | Coupland R. | Longmans | Political Sciences. | Claim Book |
29855 | Demands of democracy . 1. | Krishna Bal. | Taraporevala & co. Bom. | Political Sciences. | Claim Book |
29856 | Crips Mission. | Coupland R. | Oxford University Press. Oxford. | Political Sciences. | Claim Book |
29857 | Econmics background . | Shah Khushal Thomas. | oxford univer .Press. Oxford. | Political Sciences. | Claim Book |
29858 | Japaness Terror In China . 1. | Timperley H. J. | Thacker Spink &co . Calcutta. | Political Sciences. | Claim Book |
29859 | Indian States . 1. | Panikar K. M . | Oxford Uni. oxford. | Political Sciences. | Claim Book |
29860 | States and their People in the Indian constitation . 1. | Gundappaa D. V. | Karantak .India. | Political Sciences. | Claim Book |
29861 | Pulse of Oxford . 1. | Karaka D. F. | J.M. Dent&sons. London. | Political Sciences. | Claim Book |
29862 | Evolution of British . 1. | Panikar K. M . | S.K. Labin .Calcutta. | Political Sciences. | Claim Book |
29863 | Modern Democracy . 1. | Williers Brougham | T.Fisher unwin. London. | Political Sciences. | Claim Book |
29864 | Wealth of Nations . 1. | Smith Adam. | Ward Lock &co . london. | Political Sciences. | Claim Book |
29865 | Nations Voice. 1. | Rajagopalachari & Kumarappa. | M.M. Bhatta. Ahamadabad. | Political Sciences. | Claim Book |
29866 | Arsenal Of Democracy. | Brown A. J. | Oxford University Press. London. | Political Sciences. | Claim Book |
29867 | Acts and rehulations of the leges. in force in the pre. of bombay. | West Raymond. | Education societys press. Bom. | Political Sciences. | Claim Book |
29868 | Unfinished Revolution in China.1. | Epstein Jsrael. | Peples Pub. House. Bom. | Political Sciences. | Claim Book |
29869 | Indian States . 1. | Jadhav Khasherao. | --- | Political Sciences. | Claim Book |
29870 | Jpse Dixit or the Glad stonion settlement of ireland . 1. | Webb Thos E. | Weldrick Dublin | Political Sciences. | Claim Book |
29871 | Communist Reply to Congress working committees charges 1. | Joshi P. C. | Peoples Pub house . Bom. | Political Sciences. | Claim Book |
29872 | Imperialism . 1. | Linin V. I. | Peoples pub . h. Bom. | Political Sciences. | Claim Book |
29873 | Wheither India? 1. | Singh Iqbal. & Rao Raj a. | Padma pub . Baroda. | Political Sciences. | Claim Book |
29874 | 700 Million For Peace and Democracy . 1. | Foreign Language Press. | F.L. P . Peking. | Political Sciences. | Claim Book |
29875 | Corespondence Between Maha. Gandhi & P.C. Joshi 1. | Gandhi M. K. & Joshi P. C. | Peples pub . House . Bom. | Political Sciences. | Claim Book |
29876 | Revision of the consitution. 1. | Ruthnaswamy M. | Good Paster. Madras. | Political Sciences. | Claim Book |
29877 | Government of India. 1. | Duxkinson John. | Basu Allahabad | Political Sciences. | Claim Book |
29878 | Sovereign Of India Princes.1. | Das Tarakanath. | Ganesh & Co. Madras. | Political Sciences. | Claim Book |
29879 | Colinization If India By Europens.1. | Basu B. D. | R. Chatterij ee. Calcutta. | Political Sciences. | Claim Book |
29880 | Common Sense about India . 1. | Huntingdon. | willian Hiinman . london. | Political Sciences. | Claim Book |
29881 | Every Days Guide To Parliament. | Brown W. J. | George Allen. London. | Political Sciences. | Claim Book |
29882 | Deeds of Valour of the Indian soldier which own the indian order ofme. | Hypher P. P. | simala times . Simla. | Political Sciences. | Claim Book |
29883 | History ofPolitical Thought . 1. | Doyle Phyllips. | Jonathan Cape . london. | Political Sciences. | Claim Book |
29884 | Grammar of Poliltics . 1. | Laski Harold J. | Georgr allen. London. | Political Sciences. | Claim Book |
29885 | Modern Democracies.1. | Bryce James. | Macmillan & Co. London. | Political Sciences. | Claim Book |
29886 | Eighteen Brumaire ofLouis Bonarprte . 1. | Marx Karl. | F.L.P. House . Moscoo. | Political Sciences. | Claim Book |
29887 | Wheather Congress. 1. | Nariman K. F. | D.R. Dewoolkar . Bom. | Political Sciences. | Claim Book |
29888 | Three Important writtings of Mao Tse- Tung . 1. | Tung Mao Tse. | Ppeples pub . Bom. | Political Sciences. | Claim Book |
29889 | Aspects of Chinas AntiJap Struggle . 1. | Tung Mao Tse. | Peples pub . h. Bom. | Political Sciences. | Claim Book |
29890 | Human order. 1. | Mudgal H. G. | Padma pub. Bom. | Political Sciences. | Claim Book |
29891 | Deportees. | Dangen Field Elma. | Indo Polish Lib. Bombay. | Political Sciences. | Claim Book |
29892 | Short History ofthe Red Party . 1. | Hooper A. S. | Red Star . Benaras. | Political Sciences. | Claim Book |
29893 | New Spirit . 1. | Pal Bipinchandra. | calcutta. | Political Sciences. | Claim Book |
29894 | Speeches Of Dr. R. B. Ghose.1. | Bhose Ras Bihari. | --- | Political Sciences. | Claim Book |
29895 | Western India . 1. | Grand Jacob G. Le. | Hennry King . London. | Political Sciences. | Claim Book |
29896 | Indian National Evolution . 1. | Muzumdar Amvika Charan. | G. A. Nateson . Madras. | Political Sciences. | Claim Book |
29897 | Liberalism . 1. | Hobhouse L.T. | williams & co. London. | Political Sciences. | Claim Book |
29898 | India in 1905. | Gokhale Gopal Krishna. | --- | Political Sciences. | Claim Book |
29899 | Notes on polities & History . 1. | Marley Viscount. | Macmillan &CO. London. | Political Sciences. | Claim Book |
29900 | Anti stalin campaign and International communison . 1. | Institute Russian. | colambiauni . N.York. | Political Sciences. | Claim Book |
29901 | History of october revolution. | Stalin Joseph. | Peoples pub. Bom. | Political Sciences. | Claim Book |
29902 | Communist Reply to Congress working committees charges. | Joshi P. C. | Peples Pub . bom. | Political Sciences. | Claim Book |
29903 | Escape from the Balkans . 1. | Padev Michael. | Cassell &co . London. | Political Sciences. | Claim Book |
29904 | Ends and Means . 1. | Huxley Aldous | Chatta & windus .London. | Political Sciences. | Claim Book |
29905 | Mass Extermination of Jews in Germen accupied poland . 1. | Hutchinson. | Hutchinson.London. | Political Sciences. | Claim Book |
29906 | Hindu society at cross roads . 1. | Panikar K. M . | Asia .pub . Bom. | Political Sciences. | Claim Book |
29907 | India and the Indian ocean . 1. | Panikar K. M . | George allen .London. | Political Sciences. | Claim Book |
29908 | Meaning Of Teheran. | Browder Eearl. & Dutt R. P. | Peoples Publication House. Bombay. | Political Sciences. | Claim Book |
29909 | Chiness woman & Freedom . 1. | Sliva Anil De. | Ketab publi .Poona. | Political Sciences. | Claim Book |
29910 | Theory Of Legistation.1. | Benthan Jermy. | Traziber. London. | Political Sciences. | Claim Book |
29911 | Problem Of The Common Wealth. | Curtis L. | Macmillion & Co. London. | Political Sciences. | Claim Book |
29913 | Epoch of Reform . 1. | Mecarthy Justin. | Longmans Green .London. | Political Sciences. | Claim Book |
29914 | Political Ideas. | Delisle Burns C. | Humphrcy M. London. | Political Sciences. | Claim Book |
29915 | Imperial Federation. 1. | Parkin George. | Macmillan & co . London. | Political Sciences. | Claim Book |
29916 | Speeches and papers Indian Questions - 1901& 1902. | Dutt Ramesh Chander. | E.L. M. Calcutta. | Political Sciences. | Claim Book |
29917 | Papacy In Politics To-Day . 1. | Mccabe Joseph. | Walts &co. London. | Political Sciences. | Claim Book |
29918 | Russia Against India. | Colquhoun A. R. | Harper & Co. London. | Political Sciences. | Claim Book |
29919 | Europe since the war .1. | Jackson J. Hampden. | Victor collancz. London. | Political Sciences. | Claim Book |
29920 | Honorary secretaryship. 1. | Thorne Benson. | Jsac Pittman . London. | Political Sciences. | Claim Book |
29921 | Electorate&the Legislature . 1. | Walpole Spencer | Macmillan &co. London. | Political Sciences. | Claim Book |
29922 | International Politics. | Burns C. Delisle. | Metheun & Co. London. | Political Sciences. | Claim Book |
29923 | Outline of English Local Goverment . 1. | Jenks Edward. | Methun &co . London. | Political Sciences. | Claim Book |
29924 | Speeches & writings of Mahatma Gandhi . 1. | Gandhi M. K. | G.A. Nateson. | Political Sciences. | Claim Book |
29925 | American Foregin Policy. | Brogan D. W. | Oxford Uni. Press. London. | Political Sciences. | Claim Book |
29926 | Italian Foreign Policy. | Ward Barbara. | Clarendon &co. London. | Political Sciences. | Claim Book |
29927 | Compaign inAbysinia . 1. | Shephard H. H. | Times of India . Bom. | Political Sciences. | Claim Book |
29928 | History of the sepoy war in. India 1857- 58. 3. | Kaye John William. | W.H. Allen . London. | Political Sciences. | Claim Book |
29929 | Onthe State Of The Society In France. | De Tocquevile Alxis. | John Murray. London. | Political Sciences. | Claim Book |
29930 | English Monarchy.1. | Bain F. W. | James Parkar. London. | Political Sciences. | Claim Book |
29931 | Making ofBritish India . 1. | Muir Ramday. | University press.Manches. | Political Sciences. | Claim Book |
29932 | Lord Hastings and the Indian states. 1. | Mehta M. S. | D.B. Tarapervala . Bom. | Political Sciences. | Claim Book |
29933 | Clash of Colour . 1. | Methews Basil. | Edinburgh . H.P. L0ndon. | Political Sciences. | Claim Book |
29934 | How To Restore Self Goverment & Prosperity. 1. | Casson Herbert. | Efficiency. London. | Political Sciences. | Claim Book |
29935 | Revolution In India. | Dellbridge John. | Morley Mitchbell. London. | Political Sciences. | Claim Book |
29936 | Indian Princes Under British Protection. | Chudgar P. L. | Willams & Norgate. London. | Political Sciences. | Claim Book |
29937 | Lion and theUnicorn . 1. | Orwell George. | Selker & wavtirg. London. | Political Sciences. | Claim Book |
29938 | Fedral India . 1. | Haksar K. N. & Panikkar. | Marin H. London. | Political Sciences. | Claim Book |
29939 | Indias Political Crisis. 1. | Hull Willam J. | Johns Hopkin. London. | Political Sciences. | Claim Book |
29940 | Doiminion Autonomy In Practice . 1. | Keith Arthur B. | University press | Political Sciences. | Claim Book |
29941 | Modern State. 1. | Woolt Lenoard | Geoge Allen . LOndon. | Political Sciences. | Claim Book |
29942 | Indian states . 1. | Sen D. K. | Sweet & Maxwell. London. | Political Sciences. | Claim Book |
29943 | Mamorandum of the Indian states peoples conference . 1. | Indians States Commitee. | Indians states comt. London. | Political Sciences. | Claim Book |
29944 | First Principles inPolitics . 1. | Lilly William Samuel. | John Murry. London. | Political Sciences. | Claim Book |
29945 | Governance of England . 1. | Law Sindtey. | T. Fisher unwin . London. | Political Sciences. | Claim Book |
29946 | States and Minorities. 1. | Ambedkar B. R. | Thacker&co . Bom. | Political Sciences. | Claim Book |
29947 | Articles on India . 1. | Marx Karl. | Peoples pub . Bom. | Political Sciences. | Claim Book |
29948 | Marriage and Morals . 1. | Russell Bertrand. | George allen &co. london. | Political Sciences. | Claim Book |
29949 | Epic Fast . 1. | Pyarelal. | Ahemadabad . | Political Sciences. | Claim Book |
29950 | Report to Gandhiji. 1. | Abhas K.A. & Jog N.G. | Hind Kitab. Bombay. | Political Sciences. | Claim Book |