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Total Records : 2365

Accession No. Book Name Author Publisher Subject Claim Book
32987 Works of The Right Honourable Joseph Addison. Addison Joseph. Bell & Dadley. London. ENGLISH LITERATURE. Claim Book
32988 Collected writings ofThomas De Quincey. Masson David. --- ENGLISH LITERATURE. Claim Book
32989 Critical & Historical Essays. Macaulay. Longmans . London. ENGLISH LITERATURE. Claim Book
32990 Nature . Utility of Religion and Theism. Mill John Stuart. Longmans London. ENGLISH LITERATURE. Claim Book
32991 Works of The Right. Addison Joseph. Bell & Daddey. London. ENGLISH LITERATURE. Claim Book
32992 Works of The Right Hounrble Joseph Addison.-4. Addison Joseph. Bell & Daddey. London. ENGLISH LITERATURE. Claim Book
32993 Anessay on the Evils Popular Ignorance. Foster John. Bell & Daddey . London. ENGLISH LITERATURE. Claim Book
32994 Essay: Scientific Spencer Herbert. Williams . London. ENGLISH LITERATURE. Claim Book
32995 Essays : Scientific Spencer Herbert. Williams . London. ENGLISH LITERATURE. Claim Book
32996 Essays: Scientific Herbert Spencer. williams . London. ENGLISH LITERATURE. Claim Book
32997 Modern Painters.-2. Ruskin John. G. ROuttedge . London. ENGLISH LITERATURE. Claim Book
32998 Modern Painters.= 3. Ruskin John. G. Routledge . London. ENGLISH LITERATURE. Claim Book
32999 Modern Painters.4. Ruskin John. G. Routtedge . London. ENGLISH LITERATURE. Claim Book
33000 Modern Painters.-5. Ruskin John. G. Rounttedge . London. ENGLISH LITERATURE. Claim Book
33001 Free Opinions. Corelli Marie. --- ENGLISH LITERATURE. Claim Book
33002 Sartor Resartus. Cralyle Thomas. --- ENGLISH LITERATURE. Claim Book
33003 First Book of Francis Becon. Becon Francis. --- ENGLISH LITERATURE. Claim Book
33004 Style & Conservation. De Quincey Thomas. A & C. Black. Edinburgh. ENGLISH LITERATURE. Claim Book
33005 Boons And Persons. Bennett Arnold. Chatto . London. ENGLISH LITERATURE. Claim Book
33006 Confessions On English Opoum Eater. De Quincey Thomas. H. Frowde. London. ENGLISH LITERATURE. Claim Book
33007 Foot Steps of Freedom. Cousins James H. Ganest & Co. Madras. ENGLISH LITERATURE. Claim Book
33008 History of Freedom. Edward John E. & Acton Dalberg. Macmillon . London---. ENGLISH LITERATURE. Claim Book
33009 Essays in war Time. Ellis Havelock. Canstable . London. ENGLISH LITERATURE. Claim Book
33010 Books and Bookmen. Lang Andrew. Longmans . London. ENGLISH LITERATURE. Claim Book
33011 Virginibus Puerisque. Stevenson Robert Louis. Chatto . london-. ENGLISH LITERATURE. Claim Book
33012 Works of Ralph waldo Emerson . 1. Emerson Ralph Waldo. George Bell .London. ENGLISH LITERATURE. Claim Book
33013 Works of Ralph waldo Emerson.-3. Emerson Ralph Waldo. George Bell . London. ENGLISH LITERATURE. Claim Book
33014 Works of Ralph Waldo Emerson.-4. Emerson Ralph Waldo. George bell . London. ENGLISH LITERATURE. Claim Book
33015 Essays Modern. Myers E. W. H. Macmillon . London. ENGLISH LITERATURE. Claim Book
33016 Sor Roger de Coverley. Addison --- ENGLISH LITERATURE. Claim Book
33017 Thus I Live. Deshmukh V.G. Popular Bk. Dept. Bombay. ENGLISH LITERATURE. Claim Book
33018 Inequality of man. Haldane J. B. S. Penguin . LOndon. ENGLISH LITERATURE. Claim Book
33019 Bacons Essays With Annotations. Bacon Francis. Longmans . London. ENGLISH LITERATURE. Claim Book
33020 Critical Essays. Foster John. George bell. London. ENGLISH LITERATURE. Claim Book
33021 English Men Of Letters. Arnold Mathew. Macmillon . London. ENGLISH LITERATURE. Claim Book
33022 Literary Essays. Arnold Richard Holt. Macmillon . London. ENGLISH LITERATURE. Claim Book
33023 Mental Efficiency. Bennett Arnold. Hodder . London. ENGLISH LITERATURE. Claim Book
33024 Biglow Papers. Lowell James Russell. George R . London. ENGLISH LITERATURE. Claim Book
33025 Essays from Addison. Fowler J. H. Macmillon . London. ENGLISH LITERATURE. Claim Book
33026 Works of Jeoseph Addison. Addison Joseph. Bell & Dadley . London. ENGLISH LITERATURE. Claim Book
33027 Innocent Persuits. Jarvis C. S. John Murray . lOndon. ENGLISH LITERATURE. Claim Book
33028 Vagrant Mood. Somerset Maugham. W. Heinemann. London. ENGLISH LITERATURE. Claim Book
33029 Tagore Testament. Dutt Indu. Meridiam Book . London. ENGLISH LITERATURE. Claim Book
33030 In Praise of Idleness. Russell Bertrand. George Allen . London. ENGLISH LITERATURE. Claim Book
33031 Through Literature to life. Raymond Earnest. Casssell . London. ENGLISH LITERATURE. Claim Book
33032 Unpopular Essays. Russell Bertrand. George Allen . London. ENGLISH LITERATURE. Claim Book
33033 Lord Maculays Essays and Plays of Ancient Rome. Macaulay. Longmans . London. ENGLISH LITERATURE. Claim Book
33034 Stray Sketches in Chamakpore. Wishwanath Nagesh . m. Kane . Bom. ENGLISH LITERATURE. Claim Book
33035 Selected Essays. Goldsmith. University Press. Cambridge. ENGLISH LITERATURE. Claim Book
33036 Essays of David Hume. Hume David. --- ENGLISH LITERATURE. Claim Book
33037 Alpha of the Plolugh. Quiller Couch A. T. J. M. Bent . LOndon. ENGLISH LITERATURE. Claim Book
33038 Works of the Right Hounarable Joseph Addison. Addison Joseph. --- ENGLISH LITERATURE. Claim Book
33039 Essays of Lord Macaulays and Lays of Ancient Rome. Macaulay. Longman . London. ENGLISH LITERATURE. Claim Book
33040 Crimes Of England. Chesterton G. K. Cacill Palmer. London. ENGLISH LITERATURE. Claim Book
33041 Roger De Coverley. Addison Joseph. --- ENGLISH LITERATURE. Claim Book
33042 Table _ Talk. Hazlitt William. Cassell . London. ENGLISH LITERATURE. Claim Book
33043 Art of Living. Maurios Andrew. D. B. Taraoporwalla . Bombay. ENGLISH LITERATURE. Claim Book
33044 Walden. Henry David Thoreau. S. Chand . Lucknow . ENGLISH LITERATURE. Claim Book
33045 Essays. Emerson Ralph Wardo. Eurasia . N. Delhi. ENGLISH LITERATURE. Claim Book
33046 Essays of Elia. Lamb Charles. University . press .Cambridge. ENGLISH LITERATURE. Claim Book
33047 Works Of Right Hounarabke Edmund Burke. Burke Edmund. Bell & Dadlly. London. ENGLISH LITERATURE. Claim Book
33048 Three Lectures. Chttopadhyaya N. Educational . Soci . BOm. ENGLISH LITERATURE. Claim Book
33049 Speech onsome current Political Questions. Fawcett Henry. Macmillon . LOndon. ENGLISH LITERATURE. Claim Book
33050 How to make A little speech. Allen Gertrude M. George allen . ENGLISH LITERATURE. Claim Book
33051 Speeches By John Bright. Bright John. Macmillon. Bombay. ENGLISH LITERATURE. Claim Book
33052 T.S. Eliot : Collection of Critical Essays. Eliot T. S. Prentice Hall . N. jersey. ENGLISH LITERATURE. Claim Book
33053 David Humes Political Essays. Hume David. Liberal Art . N. York. ENGLISH LITERATURE. Claim Book
33054 Son of Mad. Gaines William M. N. A. Lib. N. York. ENGLISH LITERATURE. Claim Book
33055 Peal of bells. Lynd Robert. Methuen . LOn. ENGLISH LITERATURE. Claim Book
33056 Selection from speeches and writing of ourke. Labback John. --- ENGLISH LITERATURE. Claim Book
33057 Some aspects of the Indian Problem. Irwin. H. Milford . london. ENGLISH LITERATURE. Claim Book
33058 Speeches and writings. Wedderbunn W. G.A. Nateson . Madras. ENGLISH LITERATURE. Claim Book
33059 Works Of Right Hounarabke Edmund Burke. Burke Edmund. Bell & Dadlly. London. ENGLISH LITERATURE. Claim Book
33060 Works Of Right Hounarabke Edmund Burke.1. Burke Edmund. Bell & Dadlly. London. ENGLISH LITERATURE. Claim Book
33061 Works Of Right Hounarabke Edmund Burke.1. Burke Edmund. Bell & Dadlly. London. ENGLISH LITERATURE. Claim Book
33062 67 Cabbages and Kings Kabir Humayan. Hind Kitab . Bombay. ENGLISH LITERATURE. Claim Book
33063 Cririques and addersses. Haxley Thomas H. Macmillon . London. ENGLISH LITERATURE. Claim Book
33064 Mohammed Buddha and christ. Marcus Dods. Macmillon. LOndon. ENGLISH LITERATURE. Claim Book
33065 Lectures On Heroes. Carlile. --- ENGLISH LITERATURE. Claim Book
33066 Introduction to the Science of Religion. Muller F. Max. LOngmans . LOndon. ENGLISH LITERATURE. Claim Book
33067 Lectures and Addressess. Tagore Rabindranath. --- ENGLISH LITERATURE. Claim Book
33068 Personality. Tagore Rabindranath. Macmillion . London. ENGLISH LITERATURE. Claim Book
33069 India and Freedom. Imery I. S. University Press. Oxford . ENGLISH LITERATURE. Claim Book
33070 On England. Baldwin Earl. Penguin . London. ENGLISH LITERATURE. Claim Book
33071 Our Heritage. Sharma S. R. Hind Kitab. Allahabad. ENGLISH LITERATURE. Claim Book
33072 Burke. Mouley John. Macmillion . London. ENGLISH LITERATURE. Claim Book
33073 India and China.4. Radhakrishanan Sarvepalli. Hind kitab. Bom. ENGLISH LITERATURE. Claim Book
33074 Works Of Right Hounarabke Edmund Burke. Burke Edmund. Bell & Dadlly. London. ENGLISH LITERATURE. Claim Book
33075 Law Chagla M. C. --- ENGLISH LITERATURE. Claim Book
33076 Works Of Right Hounarabke Edmund Burke.1. Burke Edmund. Bell & Dadlly. London. ENGLISH LITERATURE. Claim Book
33077 Public Speeches - 1880-90. Clarke Edward. George R. London. ENGLISH LITERATURE. Claim Book
33078 India and freedom. Amery L. S. University Press. Oxford. ENGLISH LITERATURE. Claim Book
33079 Cult of violence. Murray Gilbert. Dickson . London. ENGLISH LITERATURE. Claim Book
33080 Speeches By Mr. G. Yule. Yule George . S.K. Lahiri . Clacutta. ENGLISH LITERATURE. Claim Book
33081 Road to Buenos Ayres. Londres Albert. Constable . London. ENGLISH LITERATURE. Claim Book
33082 Short Studies on Great Subjects. Froude James A. Longmans . London. ENGLISH LITERATURE. Claim Book
33083 Selections from Eminent Authors. Lalcaca R. J. --- ENGLISH LITERATURE. Claim Book
33084 Typical Selections from the best English Writers. E. E. S. Clarendon . Oxford. ENGLISH LITERATURE. Claim Book
33085 Junior Reader. Nelson T. T. Nelson. London. ENGLISH LITERATURE. Claim Book
33086 Misecellany of sense and Nonsense. Jerome Jerome K. J. W. Wordswarth . Lon don. ENGLISH LITERATURE. Claim Book
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