Accession No. | Book Name | Author | Publisher | Subject | Claim Book |
93406 | When The Shoe Fits. | Tzu Chuang. | Rajneesh Foundation India. | ENGLISH ESSAYS. | Claim Book |
93451 | The Third Wave. | Toffler Alvin. | --- | ENGLISH ESSAYS. | Claim Book |
93483 | Lenin Selected Works 1. | Lenin V. I. | Progress Publisher Moscow. | ENGLISH ESSAYS. | Claim Book |
93484 | Lenin Selected Works 2. | Lenin V. I. | Progress Publishers Moscow. | ENGLISH ESSAYS. | Claim Book |
93485 | Lenin Selected Works 3. | Lenin V. I. | Progress Publishers Moscow. | ENGLISH ESSAYS. | Claim Book |
93486 | Karl Marx and Frederick Engles. | Progress Publishers. | Progress Publishers Moscow. | ENGLISH ESSAYS. | Claim Book |
93495 | What Buddhists Believe. | Dhammananda K. | Buddha Educational Foundation Taiwan. | ENGLISH ESSAYS. | Claim Book |
93514 | The Secret Doctrine 1. | Blavatsky H. P. | Theosophical Publishing House Madras. | ENGLISH ESSAYS. | Claim Book |
93515 | The Secret Doctrine 2. | Blavatsky H. P. | Theosophical Publishing House Madras. | ENGLISH ESSAYS. | Claim Book |
93516 | The Secret Doctrine. | Blavatsky H. P. | Theosophical Publishing House Madras. | ENGLISH ESSAYS. | Claim Book |
93519 | Selected Works 1. | Marx Karl. | Progress Publishers Moscow. | ENGLISH ESSAYS. | Claim Book |
93520 | Selected Works 2. | Marx Karl. | Progress Publishers Moscow. | ENGLISH ESSAYS. | Claim Book |
93539 | Tickets To Heaven. | Vaswani J. P. | Gita Publishing House Pune. | ENGLISH ESSAYS. | Claim Book |
93561 | Aristotle. | Losev Alexei. | Progress Publishers Moscow. | ENGLISH ESSAYS. | Claim Book |
93574 | Burn Anger Before Anger Burns You. | Vaswani J. P. | Gita Publishing House Pune. | ENGLISH ESSAYS. | Claim Book |
94371 | Where will all this take us. | Shourie Arun. | Rupa and Company Delhi. | ENGLISH ESSAYS. | Claim Book |
94656 | Sense and Nonsense. | Satpathy Sumanya. | Rupantar Prakashan Delhi. | ENGLISH ESSAYS. | Claim Book |
94721 | Art Truth And Politics. | Pinter Harold. | The Nobel Foundation Delhi. | ENGLISH ESSAYS. | Claim Book |
94726 | the Agrarian Questiom in Marx and his Successors. | Patnaik Utsa. | Left Word Books Delhi. | ENGLISH ESSAYS. | Claim Book |
94760 | Homemakers Without The Men. | Hussain Wasbir. | Indialog Publications Delhi. | ENGLISH ESSAYS. | Claim Book |
94766 | It Crossed My Mind. | Chandra Shailaja. | Rupa and Company Delhi. | ENGLISH ESSAYS. | Claim Book |
94787 | The Dissent Of Nazrul Islam. | Mitra Priti Kumar. | Oxford University Press Delhi. | ENGLISH ESSAYS. | Claim Book |
95001 | Socio Cultural And Political Role Of The Namghar In Assam. | Bhuyan Abhijit. | Towards Freedom Delhi. | ENGLISH ESSAYS. | Claim Book |
95006 | Encounters With Civilizations. | Alpion Gezim. | Meteor Books Kolkata. | ENGLISH ESSAYS. | Claim Book |
95012 | Sri Sankara The Poet. | Sharma V. S. | V. S. Sharma Trivandrum. | ENGLISH ESSAYS. | Claim Book |
95045 | Message Divine. | Sethi Shanti. | Radha Soami Satsang Beas. | ENGLISH ESSAYS. | Claim Book |
95056 | Introduction To Objective Epistemoligy. | Rand Ayn. | New American Library New York. | ENGLISH ESSAYS. | Claim Book |
95060 | Thought Power. | Besant Annie. | Thesophical Publishing House London. | ENGLISH ESSAYS. | Claim Book |
95061 | Doomsday 1999. | Berlitz Charles. | Granada London. | ENGLISH ESSAYS. | Claim Book |
95420 | Tehelka As Metaphor. | Trehan Madhu. | Roli Books Delhi. | ENGLISH ESSAYS. | Claim Book |
95580 | Outliers. | Gladwell Malcolm. | Penguin Books Delhi. | ENGLISH ESSAYS. | Claim Book |
95585 | ageing and spirituality. | Gokhale S. D. | Diamonds Publicatins Pune. | ENGLISH ESSAYS. | Claim Book |
95806 | Appreciating Sikhism. | Sachdeva Paramjit Singh. | UBS Publishers Delhi. | ENGLISH ESSAYS. | Claim Book |
95816 | Creating Democracy Celebrating Diversity. | Rav Vasant. | ANHAD Delhi. | ENGLISH ESSAYS. | Claim Book |
95906 | Talks In Japan. | Tagore Rabindranath. | Shizen Prakashan Delhi. | ENGLISH ESSAYS. | Claim Book |
95907 | Early Religious Poetry Of Persia. | Moulton James Hope. | Aravali Books International Pvt Delhi. | ENGLISH ESSAYS. | Claim Book |
95912 | The English Writings Of Rabindranath Tagore. | Ghosh Nityapriya. | Sahitya Akademi Delhi. | ENGLISH ESSAYS. | Claim Book |
95966 | Exploring Society and Economy in Medieval Bihar. | Ahmad Imtiaz. | Khuda Bakhsh Oriental Public Library Patna. | ENGLISH ESSAYS. | Claim Book |
95967 | An Essential Book Of Everday Letters. | Ray Amitava. | Book World Kolkata. | ENGLISH ESSAYS. | Claim Book |
96045 | The Fourth Way. | Ouspensky P. D. | Arkana Publications Delhi. | ENGLISH ESSAYS. | Claim Book |
96053 | This World And That. | Payne Phoebe D. | The Theosophical Publishing House London. | ENGLISH ESSAYS. | Claim Book |
96074 | Thought Forms. | Besant Annie. | The Theosophical Publication India. | ENGLISH ESSAYS. | Claim Book |
96076 | The Wisdom Of The Overself. | Brunton Paul. | B. I. Publications. Bombay. | ENGLISH ESSAYS. | Claim Book |
96096 | Breakfast With God. | Vaswani Sadhu T. L. | Gita Publishing House Pune. | ENGLISH ESSAYS. | Claim Book |
96108 | The Quest Of The Overself. | Brunton Paul. | B. I. Publications Delhi. | ENGLISH ESSAYS. | Claim Book |
96109 | New Soviet Constitution An Indian Assessment. | Sharma Jitendra. | Allied Publishers Bombay. | ENGLISH ESSAYS. | Claim Book |
96115 | A Study Of Shakespeare. | Tilak Raghukul. | Jai Prakashan Nath Meerut. | ENGLISH ESSAYS. | Claim Book |
96173 | Through Time into Healing. | Weiss Brian L. | A Fireside Book Publishing House London. | ENGLISH ESSAYS. | Claim Book |
96175 | A Tagore Testament. | Dutt Indu. | Jaico Publishing House Bombay. | ENGLISH ESSAYS. | Claim Book |
96178 | Why I am not a Christian. | Russell Bertrand. | Unwin Paperbacks London. | ENGLISH ESSAYS. | Claim Book |
96189 | Joy Peace Pills. | Vaswani J. P. | --- | ENGLISH ESSAYS. | Claim Book |
96216 | The Fall Of the House Of Usher and Other Writings. | Galloway David. | Penguin Books Delhi. | ENGLISH ESSAYS. | Claim Book |
96228 | Creative Unity. | Tagore Rabindranath. | Macmillan India. | ENGLISH ESSAYS. | Claim Book |
96230 | Lectures and Addresses. | Tagore Rabindranath. | Macmillan India. | ENGLISH ESSAYS. | Claim Book |
96232 | Glimpses Of Bengal. | Tagore Rabindranath. | Macmillan India. | ENGLISH ESSAYS. | Claim Book |
96234 | Gitanjali. | Tagore Rabindranath. | Macmillan India. | ENGLISH ESSAYS. | Claim Book |
96238 | Gitanjali. | Tagore Rabindranath. | Macmillan India. | ENGLISH ESSAYS. | Claim Book |
96240 | Lovers Gift and Crossing. | Tagore Rabindranath. | Macmillan India. | ENGLISH ESSAYS. | Claim Book |
96252 | Being And Nothingness. | Sartre Jean Paul. | Pocket Books New York. | ENGLISH ESSAYS. | Claim Book |
96268 | Man Visible And Invisible. | Leadbeater C. W. | Theosophical Publishing House India. | ENGLISH ESSAYS. | Claim Book |
96289 | The Greatest Works Of Kahlil Gibran. | Gibran Khalil. | Jaico Publishing House Delhi. | ENGLISH ESSAYS. | Claim Book |
96606 | The Road Ahead. | Gates Bill. | Viking Publicactions Delhi. | ENGLISH ESSAYS. | Claim Book |
96609 | H. P. Blavatsky And the Secret Doctrine. | Hanson Virginia. | The Theosophical Publishing House India. | ENGLISH ESSAYS. | Claim Book |
96673 | Explorations Of Excellence. | Rao I. V. Chalapathi. | Jubilee Publications Hyderabad. | ENGLISH ESSAYS. | Claim Book |
96718 | Feeling Truly. | Reddy J. Bapu. | Jubilee Publications Hyderbad. | ENGLISH ESSAYS. | Claim Book |
96719 | Twice Born. | Raghavan Vijay. | Indian Writing Delhi. | ENGLISH ESSAYS. | Claim Book |
96727 | Essays On Indian Nationalism. | Chandra Bipan. & Tripahti Amales De Barun. | Har Anand Publication Delhi. | ENGLISH ESSAYS. | Claim Book |
96731 | Essays On contemporary India. | Chandra Bipan. & Tripahti Amales De Barun. | Har AnandPublications Delhi. | ENGLISH ESSAYS. | Claim Book |
96733 | Indian National Movement. | Chandra Bipan. & Tripahti Amales De Barun. | Har Anand Publications Delhi. | ENGLISH ESSAYS. | Claim Book |
96898 | Profiles In Inspiration. | Kalelkar Kaka. | Gandhi Hindustani Sahitya Sabha Delhi. | ENGLISH ESSAYS. | Claim Book |
97188 | A Brief History Of Time. | Hawking Stephen W. | Harper Collins Publisher India. | ENGLISH ESSAYS. | Claim Book |
97234 | The Riddle Of The Self. | Mikhailov F. T. | Progress Publishers Moscow. | ENGLISH ESSAYS. | Claim Book |
97242 | The Holy Family or Critique Of Critical Criticism. | Engeles Marx. | Progress Publishers Moscow. | ENGLISH ESSAYS. | Claim Book |
97243 | On Religion. | Engeles Marx. | Progress Publishing Moscow. | ENGLISH ESSAYS. | Claim Book |
97244 | Why Im Like Dad. | Luchnik N. | Mir Publication Moscow. | ENGLISH ESSAYS. | Claim Book |
97273 | Intercourse. | Dworkin Andrea. | Arrow Books Delhi. | ENGLISH ESSAYS. | Claim Book |
97281 | Women and Men In My Life. | Singh Khushwant. | Harper Collins Publisher Delhi. | ENGLISH ESSAYS. | Claim Book |
97293 | The Sky Will Be Blue. | Gordon George. | Mir Publishers Moscow. | ENGLISH ESSAYS. | Claim Book |
97296 | Tough Times Never Last But Tough People Do. | Schuller Robert H. | Orient Paperbacks Delhi. | ENGLISH ESSAYS. | Claim Book |
98044 | Leadership Wisdom. | Sharma Robin S. | Jaico Publishing House Delhi. | ENGLISH ESSAYS. | Claim Book |
98045 | Who Will Cry When You Die?. | Sharma Robin S. | Jaico Publishing House Delhi. | ENGLISH ESSAYS. | Claim Book |
98046 | Mega Living. | Sharma Robin S. | Jaico Publishing House Delhi. | ENGLISH ESSAYS. | Claim Book |
98047 | Family Wisdom. | Sharma Robin S. | Jaico Publishing House Delhi. | ENGLISH ESSAYS. | Claim Book |
98049 | Daily Inspiration. | Sharma Robin S. | Jaicp Publishing House Delhi. | ENGLISH ESSAYS. | Claim Book |
98050 | Discover Your Destiny. | Sharma Robin S. | Jaico Publishing House Delhi. | ENGLISH ESSAYS. | Claim Book |
98194 | Destination Museum. | Chakravarti Shyamalkanti. | Rabindra Bharati University Kolkata. | ENGLISH ESSAYS. | Claim Book |
98195 | Thoughts From Rabindranath Tagore. | Tagore Rabindranath. | Swastik Prakashan Panchkula. | ENGLISH ESSAYS. | Claim Book |
98198 | The Astadhyayi Of Panini. | Joshi S. D. | Sahitya Akademi Delhi. | ENGLISH ESSAYS. | Claim Book |
98228 | Life s Labyrinth. | Nayak Jatindra Kumar. | Grassroots Delhi. | ENGLISH ESSAYS. | Claim Book |
98229 | The Art Of Reading And Speaking. | Fleming James. | Swastik Prakashan Panchkula. | ENGLISH ESSAYS. | Claim Book |
98310 | Womens World. | Walia Jasnita. | Indian Publishers Distributors Delhi. | ENGLISH ESSAYS. | Claim Book |
98355 | Select Studies In Literature. | Bhattacharya Jibesh. | New Bengal Press Calcutta. | ENGLISH ESSAYS. | Claim Book |
98395 | The Bageswari Lectures On Art. | Tagore Abindranath. | Praboti Publishing House Kolkata. | ENGLISH ESSAYS. | Claim Book |
98397 | Recentdevelopment Of Disaster Management An Indian Perspective. | Ghosh Amiya Kr. | Progressive Publishers Kolkata. | ENGLISH ESSAYS. | Claim Book |
98398 | the Nutinies And The People. | Mukherj ee Sambhu Chandra. | Naya Udyog Kolkata. | ENGLISH ESSAYS. | Claim Book |
98426 | Essays On Orissan Society. | Freeman James M. | Prafulla Publications Delhi. | ENGLISH ESSAYS. | Claim Book |
98456 | Spiritual Masters Of Modern India. | Mello Shilpa F. | Magna Publishing Delhi. | ENGLISH ESSAYS. | Claim Book |
98747 | The Brahma Kumaris. | Walliss John. | Motilal Banarsidass Publishers Delhi. | ENGLISH ESSAYS. | Claim Book |
98748 | Culture And Conseciousness. | Haney William S. | Motilal Banarsidass Publishers Delhi. | ENGLISH ESSAYS. | Claim Book |
98790 | Theatre Of the Streets. | Ghosh Arjun. | Janam Publishing House Delhi. | ENGLISH ESSAYS. | Claim Book |