आमची ओळख

ज्ञानाची उपासना हा समाजाच्या संस्कृतीचा मानदंड असतो. ज्ञानाला स्थल कालाच्या मर्यादा नसतात, तसेच त्याच्या उपासनेलादेखील जाती, धर्म, पंथ, भाषा, प्रांत यांची संकुचित बंधने अडवू शकत नाहीत. हेच ब्रीद मनाशी ठेवून गेली १६० वर्षे करवीर नगर वाचन मंदिर वाटचाल करीत आहे.


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Pramukh Type Pad is used for typing easily into Indian languages. It follows 'The way you speak, the way you type' rule. Following image shows which character will be shown by pressing which corresponding English letter. Example for various combination of letters are given only for one character but it is true for each alphabet.
character map

Total Records : 1105

Accession No. Book Name Author Publisher Subject Claim Book
93406 When The Shoe Fits. Tzu Chuang. Rajneesh Foundation India. ENGLISH ESSAYS. Claim Book
93451 The Third Wave. Toffler Alvin. --- ENGLISH ESSAYS. Claim Book
93483 Lenin Selected Works 1. Lenin V. I. Progress Publisher Moscow. ENGLISH ESSAYS. Claim Book
93484 Lenin Selected Works 2. Lenin V. I. Progress Publishers Moscow. ENGLISH ESSAYS. Claim Book
93485 Lenin Selected Works 3. Lenin V. I. Progress Publishers Moscow. ENGLISH ESSAYS. Claim Book
93486 Karl Marx and Frederick Engles. Progress Publishers. Progress Publishers Moscow. ENGLISH ESSAYS. Claim Book
93495 What Buddhists Believe. Dhammananda K. Buddha Educational Foundation Taiwan. ENGLISH ESSAYS. Claim Book
93514 The Secret Doctrine 1. Blavatsky H. P. Theosophical Publishing House Madras. ENGLISH ESSAYS. Claim Book
93515 The Secret Doctrine 2. Blavatsky H. P. Theosophical Publishing House Madras. ENGLISH ESSAYS. Claim Book
93516 The Secret Doctrine. Blavatsky H. P. Theosophical Publishing House Madras. ENGLISH ESSAYS. Claim Book
93519 Selected Works 1. Marx Karl. Progress Publishers Moscow. ENGLISH ESSAYS. Claim Book
93520 Selected Works 2. Marx Karl. Progress Publishers Moscow. ENGLISH ESSAYS. Claim Book
93539 Tickets To Heaven. Vaswani J. P. Gita Publishing House Pune. ENGLISH ESSAYS. Claim Book
93561 Aristotle. Losev Alexei. Progress Publishers Moscow. ENGLISH ESSAYS. Claim Book
93574 Burn Anger Before Anger Burns You. Vaswani J. P. Gita Publishing House Pune. ENGLISH ESSAYS. Claim Book
94371 Where will all this take us. Shourie Arun. Rupa and Company Delhi. ENGLISH ESSAYS. Claim Book
94656 Sense and Nonsense. Satpathy Sumanya. Rupantar Prakashan Delhi. ENGLISH ESSAYS. Claim Book
94721 Art Truth And Politics. Pinter Harold. The Nobel Foundation Delhi. ENGLISH ESSAYS. Claim Book
94726 the Agrarian Questiom in Marx and his Successors. Patnaik Utsa. Left Word Books Delhi. ENGLISH ESSAYS. Claim Book
94760 Homemakers Without The Men. Hussain Wasbir. Indialog Publications Delhi. ENGLISH ESSAYS. Claim Book
94766 It Crossed My Mind. Chandra Shailaja. Rupa and Company Delhi. ENGLISH ESSAYS. Claim Book
94787 The Dissent Of Nazrul Islam. Mitra Priti Kumar. Oxford University Press Delhi. ENGLISH ESSAYS. Claim Book
95001 Socio Cultural And Political Role Of The Namghar In Assam. Bhuyan Abhijit. Towards Freedom Delhi. ENGLISH ESSAYS. Claim Book
95006 Encounters With Civilizations. Alpion Gezim. Meteor Books Kolkata. ENGLISH ESSAYS. Claim Book
95012 Sri Sankara The Poet. Sharma V. S. V. S. Sharma Trivandrum. ENGLISH ESSAYS. Claim Book
95045 Message Divine. Sethi Shanti. Radha Soami Satsang Beas. ENGLISH ESSAYS. Claim Book
95056 Introduction To Objective Epistemoligy. Rand Ayn. New American Library New York. ENGLISH ESSAYS. Claim Book
95060 Thought Power. Besant Annie. Thesophical Publishing House London. ENGLISH ESSAYS. Claim Book
95061 Doomsday 1999. Berlitz Charles. Granada London. ENGLISH ESSAYS. Claim Book
95420 Tehelka As Metaphor. Trehan Madhu. Roli Books Delhi. ENGLISH ESSAYS. Claim Book
95580 Outliers. Gladwell Malcolm. Penguin Books Delhi. ENGLISH ESSAYS. Claim Book
95585 ageing and spirituality. Gokhale S. D. Diamonds Publicatins Pune. ENGLISH ESSAYS. Claim Book
95806 Appreciating Sikhism. Sachdeva Paramjit Singh. UBS Publishers Delhi. ENGLISH ESSAYS. Claim Book
95816 Creating Democracy Celebrating Diversity. Rav Vasant. ANHAD Delhi. ENGLISH ESSAYS. Claim Book
95906 Talks In Japan. Tagore Rabindranath. Shizen Prakashan Delhi. ENGLISH ESSAYS. Claim Book
95907 Early Religious Poetry Of Persia. Moulton James Hope. Aravali Books International Pvt Delhi. ENGLISH ESSAYS. Claim Book
95912 The English Writings Of Rabindranath Tagore. Ghosh Nityapriya. Sahitya Akademi Delhi. ENGLISH ESSAYS. Claim Book
95966 Exploring Society and Economy in Medieval Bihar. Ahmad Imtiaz. Khuda Bakhsh Oriental Public Library Patna. ENGLISH ESSAYS. Claim Book
95967 An Essential Book Of Everday Letters. Ray Amitava. Book World Kolkata. ENGLISH ESSAYS. Claim Book
96045 The Fourth Way. Ouspensky P. D. Arkana Publications Delhi. ENGLISH ESSAYS. Claim Book
96053 This World And That. Payne Phoebe D. The Theosophical Publishing House London. ENGLISH ESSAYS. Claim Book
96074 Thought Forms. Besant Annie. The Theosophical Publication India. ENGLISH ESSAYS. Claim Book
96076 The Wisdom Of The Overself. Brunton Paul. B. I. Publications. Bombay. ENGLISH ESSAYS. Claim Book
96096 Breakfast With God. Vaswani Sadhu T. L. Gita Publishing House Pune. ENGLISH ESSAYS. Claim Book
96108 The Quest Of The Overself. Brunton Paul. B. I. Publications Delhi. ENGLISH ESSAYS. Claim Book
96109 New Soviet Constitution An Indian Assessment. Sharma Jitendra. Allied Publishers Bombay. ENGLISH ESSAYS. Claim Book
96115 A Study Of Shakespeare. Tilak Raghukul. Jai Prakashan Nath Meerut. ENGLISH ESSAYS. Claim Book
96173 Through Time into Healing. Weiss Brian L. A Fireside Book Publishing House London. ENGLISH ESSAYS. Claim Book
96175 A Tagore Testament. Dutt Indu. Jaico Publishing House Bombay. ENGLISH ESSAYS. Claim Book
96178 Why I am not a Christian. Russell Bertrand. Unwin Paperbacks London. ENGLISH ESSAYS. Claim Book
96189 Joy Peace Pills. Vaswani J. P. --- ENGLISH ESSAYS. Claim Book
96216 The Fall Of the House Of Usher and Other Writings. Galloway David. Penguin Books Delhi. ENGLISH ESSAYS. Claim Book
96228 Creative Unity. Tagore Rabindranath. Macmillan India. ENGLISH ESSAYS. Claim Book
96230 Lectures and Addresses. Tagore Rabindranath. Macmillan India. ENGLISH ESSAYS. Claim Book
96232 Glimpses Of Bengal. Tagore Rabindranath. Macmillan India. ENGLISH ESSAYS. Claim Book
96234 Gitanjali. Tagore Rabindranath. Macmillan India. ENGLISH ESSAYS. Claim Book
96238 Gitanjali. Tagore Rabindranath. Macmillan India. ENGLISH ESSAYS. Claim Book
96240 Lovers Gift and Crossing. Tagore Rabindranath. Macmillan India. ENGLISH ESSAYS. Claim Book
96252 Being And Nothingness. Sartre Jean Paul. Pocket Books New York. ENGLISH ESSAYS. Claim Book
96268 Man Visible And Invisible. Leadbeater C. W. Theosophical Publishing House India. ENGLISH ESSAYS. Claim Book
96289 The Greatest Works Of Kahlil Gibran. Gibran Khalil. Jaico Publishing House Delhi. ENGLISH ESSAYS. Claim Book
96606 The Road Ahead. Gates Bill. Viking Publicactions Delhi. ENGLISH ESSAYS. Claim Book
96609 H. P. Blavatsky And the Secret Doctrine. Hanson Virginia. The Theosophical Publishing House India. ENGLISH ESSAYS. Claim Book
96673 Explorations Of Excellence. Rao I. V. Chalapathi. Jubilee Publications Hyderabad. ENGLISH ESSAYS. Claim Book
96718 Feeling Truly. Reddy J. Bapu. Jubilee Publications Hyderbad. ENGLISH ESSAYS. Claim Book
96719 Twice Born. Raghavan Vijay. Indian Writing Delhi. ENGLISH ESSAYS. Claim Book
96727 Essays On Indian Nationalism. Chandra Bipan. & Tripahti Amales De Barun. Har Anand Publication Delhi. ENGLISH ESSAYS. Claim Book
96731 Essays On contemporary India. Chandra Bipan. & Tripahti Amales De Barun. Har AnandPublications Delhi. ENGLISH ESSAYS. Claim Book
96733 Indian National Movement. Chandra Bipan. & Tripahti Amales De Barun. Har Anand Publications Delhi. ENGLISH ESSAYS. Claim Book
96898 Profiles In Inspiration. Kalelkar Kaka. Gandhi Hindustani Sahitya Sabha Delhi. ENGLISH ESSAYS. Claim Book
97188 A Brief History Of Time. Hawking Stephen W. Harper Collins Publisher India. ENGLISH ESSAYS. Claim Book
97234 The Riddle Of The Self. Mikhailov F. T. Progress Publishers Moscow. ENGLISH ESSAYS. Claim Book
97242 The Holy Family or Critique Of Critical Criticism. Engeles Marx. Progress Publishers Moscow. ENGLISH ESSAYS. Claim Book
97243 On Religion. Engeles Marx. Progress Publishing Moscow. ENGLISH ESSAYS. Claim Book
97244 Why Im Like Dad. Luchnik N. Mir Publication Moscow. ENGLISH ESSAYS. Claim Book
97273 Intercourse. Dworkin Andrea. Arrow Books Delhi. ENGLISH ESSAYS. Claim Book
97281 Women and Men In My Life. Singh Khushwant. Harper Collins Publisher Delhi. ENGLISH ESSAYS. Claim Book
97293 The Sky Will Be Blue. Gordon George. Mir Publishers Moscow. ENGLISH ESSAYS. Claim Book
97296 Tough Times Never Last But Tough People Do. Schuller Robert H. Orient Paperbacks Delhi. ENGLISH ESSAYS. Claim Book
98044 Leadership Wisdom. Sharma Robin S. Jaico Publishing House Delhi. ENGLISH ESSAYS. Claim Book
98045 Who Will Cry When You Die?. Sharma Robin S. Jaico Publishing House Delhi. ENGLISH ESSAYS. Claim Book
98046 Mega Living. Sharma Robin S. Jaico Publishing House Delhi. ENGLISH ESSAYS. Claim Book
98047 Family Wisdom. Sharma Robin S. Jaico Publishing House Delhi. ENGLISH ESSAYS. Claim Book
98049 Daily Inspiration. Sharma Robin S. Jaicp Publishing House Delhi. ENGLISH ESSAYS. Claim Book
98050 Discover Your Destiny. Sharma Robin S. Jaico Publishing House Delhi. ENGLISH ESSAYS. Claim Book
98194 Destination Museum. Chakravarti Shyamalkanti. Rabindra Bharati University Kolkata. ENGLISH ESSAYS. Claim Book
98195 Thoughts From Rabindranath Tagore. Tagore Rabindranath. Swastik Prakashan Panchkula. ENGLISH ESSAYS. Claim Book
98198 The Astadhyayi Of Panini. Joshi S. D. Sahitya Akademi Delhi. ENGLISH ESSAYS. Claim Book
98228 Life s Labyrinth. Nayak Jatindra Kumar. Grassroots Delhi. ENGLISH ESSAYS. Claim Book
98229 The Art Of Reading And Speaking. Fleming James. Swastik Prakashan Panchkula. ENGLISH ESSAYS. Claim Book
98310 Womens World. Walia Jasnita. Indian Publishers Distributors Delhi. ENGLISH ESSAYS. Claim Book
98355 Select Studies In Literature. Bhattacharya Jibesh. New Bengal Press Calcutta. ENGLISH ESSAYS. Claim Book
98395 The Bageswari Lectures On Art. Tagore Abindranath. Praboti Publishing House Kolkata. ENGLISH ESSAYS. Claim Book
98397 Recentdevelopment Of Disaster Management An Indian Perspective. Ghosh Amiya Kr. Progressive Publishers Kolkata. ENGLISH ESSAYS. Claim Book
98398 the Nutinies And The People. Mukherj ee Sambhu Chandra. Naya Udyog Kolkata. ENGLISH ESSAYS. Claim Book
98426 Essays On Orissan Society. Freeman James M. Prafulla Publications Delhi. ENGLISH ESSAYS. Claim Book
98456 Spiritual Masters Of Modern India. Mello Shilpa F. Magna Publishing Delhi. ENGLISH ESSAYS. Claim Book
98747 The Brahma Kumaris. Walliss John. Motilal Banarsidass Publishers Delhi. ENGLISH ESSAYS. Claim Book
98748 Culture And Conseciousness. Haney William S. Motilal Banarsidass Publishers Delhi. ENGLISH ESSAYS. Claim Book
98790 Theatre Of the Streets. Ghosh Arjun. Janam Publishing House Delhi. ENGLISH ESSAYS. Claim Book
Page 4 of 12