आमची ओळख

ज्ञानाची उपासना हा समाजाच्या संस्कृतीचा मानदंड असतो. ज्ञानाला स्थल कालाच्या मर्यादा नसतात, तसेच त्याच्या उपासनेलादेखील जाती, धर्म, पंथ, भाषा, प्रांत यांची संकुचित बंधने अडवू शकत नाहीत. हेच ब्रीद मनाशी ठेवून गेली १६० वर्षे करवीर नगर वाचन मंदिर वाटचाल करीत आहे.


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Pramukh Type Pad is used for typing easily into Indian languages. It follows 'The way you speak, the way you type' rule. Following image shows which character will be shown by pressing which corresponding English letter. Example for various combination of letters are given only for one character but it is true for each alphabet.
character map

Total Records : 1105

Accession No. Book Name Author Publisher Subject Claim Book
74763 London life and the great exhibition 1851. Yglesias J.R.C. --- ENGLISH ESSAYS. Claim Book
74764 Wool Merchants of the fifteenth century. Thomason G. S. --- ENGLISH ESSAYS. Claim Book
74770 Quality Street. Barrie J. M. --- ENGLISH ESSAYS. Claim Book
74771 Saint Joan. Shaw George Bernard. --- ENGLISH ESSAYS. Claim Book
75755 Encyclopadic Dictionary of earth Sciences. Lahiri Dipankar. Sahitya Akadmi. Delhi. ENGLISH ESSAYS. Claim Book
75756 Aesops fables. Jones V. S. Vernan. G.M. pub. kolkata. ENGLISH ESSAYS. Claim Book
76272 My Ten Years In A Quandary And How They Grew. Benchley Robert. --- ENGLISH ESSAYS. Claim Book
77409 Black Americans. Szwed John F. U.S. Agency Washington. ENGLISH ESSAYS. Claim Book
77532 The Taming of the shrew. Shakespeare William. Pocket books. N.York. ENGLISH ESSAYS. Claim Book
77533 Henry VI Part 1 Shakespeare William. Pocket books N.York. ENGLISH ESSAYS. Claim Book
77537 King Lear. Shakespeare William. Methun London. ENGLISH ESSAYS. Claim Book
77538 Othello. Shakespeare William. Methun London. ENGLISH ESSAYS. Claim Book
77557 The merchant of Venice. Shakespeare William. Pocket books. N.York. ENGLISH ESSAYS. Claim Book
77586 The little Brown Book of Anecdotes. Fadiman Cliftman. Brown & Co.Boston. ENGLISH ESSAYS. Claim Book
77587 Psychology for Living. Sorenson Herbert. Mcyraw Hall pub. co. Delhi. ENGLISH ESSAYS. Claim Book
77588 Abnormal Psychology And Modern Life. Coleman James C. Taraporevala & Sons. Bombay. ENGLISH ESSAYS. Claim Book
77809 Lift up the Trumpet. Herald Publication. Herald Pub. Washington. ENGLISH ESSAYS. Claim Book
77815 An Anthology of Modern Verse. Methuen A. Methruen and co. London. ENGLISH ESSAYS. Claim Book
77853 On The Art Of Reading. Couch Arthur Quiller. Cambridge Uni. press N. York. ENGLISH ESSAYS. Claim Book
77856 New Year Letter. Auden W. H. Faber books London. ENGLISH ESSAYS. Claim Book
77880 Worlds Famous Questations. Chaudhary Shreesh. Neelam Agencieds Agra. ENGLISH ESSAYS. Claim Book
77912 The Mater Guide. Doran. Doran Co. N. York. ENGLISH ESSAYS. Claim Book
77926 What Do You Know?. Collins Howard. Phoenix H. London. ENGLISH ESSAYS. Claim Book
77949 Picture Composition. Marsh Lewis. Blackie & sons. London. ENGLISH ESSAYS. Claim Book
77972 A Selection from george crabbe. Lucas J. Longmans London . ENGLISH ESSAYS. Claim Book
77976 English saga. Bryant Arthur. --- ENGLISH ESSAYS. Claim Book
78060 Inner Plants. Basu B. Scholastic India Pvt ltd. N.York. ENGLISH ESSAYS. Claim Book
78221 Nano. Rajan Mohan Sundara. National Book Trust India. ENGLISH ESSAYS. Claim Book
79398 The savarkar contraversy. Sahmat Safdar Hashmi Memorial Trust. Sahmat pra. Delhi. ENGLISH ESSAYS. Claim Book
79508 Management Thoughts. Batra Promad. Living Media India Delhi. ENGLISH ESSAYS. Claim Book
79689 Tissue remedies. Mitra B. N. Roy pub. Ho. calcutta. ENGLISH ESSAYS. Claim Book
79698 The office encyclopedia. Mager N. H. & S. K. Poacket book N.York. ENGLISH ESSAYS. Claim Book
85517 Black Holes and Baby Universes and other Essaya. Hawking Stephen W. Bantam Books. London. ENGLISH ESSAYS. Claim Book
85927 The complete short stories - 1. Maugham Somerset W. Heinemann ENGLISH ESSAYS. Claim Book
87202 Shakespearean Tragedy. Bradley A. C. Macmillan Co. London. ENGLISH ESSAYS. Claim Book
87296 The Human Comedy. Saroyan William. --- ENGLISH ESSAYS. Claim Book
87310 How To Get A Job In 30 Days. Rao Sistla S. Siva. Universal Publication Delhi. ENGLISH ESSAYS. Claim Book
87388 Prision Diary 1975. Narayan Jayaprakash. Popular Prakshan Mumbay. ENGLISH ESSAYS. Claim Book
87403 Various Influences Upon Rabindranath. Bhattacharjee Dhirendranath. D.N.B. Kolkata. ENGLISH ESSAYS. Claim Book
87404 Rabindranath Tagore and Popular forms Of Culture. Ghosh Tapan Kumar. Rabindra Bharati University Kolkata. ENGLISH ESSAYS. Claim Book
87405 The Bageswari Lectures of Art-1. Tagore Abindranath. Pranonti Publisher Kolkata. ENGLISH ESSAYS. Claim Book
87433 Corruption And Criminatisation In Public Life. Irani C. R. C.J.C. Publisher Kolkata. ENGLISH ESSAYS. Claim Book
87437 Media And The Market Forces. Gosh Subir. CJC Club Calcutta. ENGLISH ESSAYS. Claim Book
87441 Heidegger And Kant. Bandyopadhyay Krishna. Progressive Publisher Kolkata. ENGLISH ESSAYS. Claim Book
87443 What Is Pomodernism?. Kaviraj Narahari. K.P.Bagchi And Comp.Kolkata. ENGLISH ESSAYS. Claim Book
87488 Problem of Freedom. Roy M. N. Renaissance. pub. Kolkata. ENGLISH ESSAYS. Claim Book
87489 Crystallized Memories. Rao Chekuri Rama. Sahitya Akadmi. Delhi. ENGLISH ESSAYS. Claim Book
87491 Jane Alam Aur Mehak Pari. Nusrat Naaheed. Amir Ud Daula Pub. Lucknow. ENGLISH ESSAYS. Claim Book
87501 Handbook for consumers. Mehta D. S. Allied Publishers ltd. Delhi. ENGLISH ESSAYS. Claim Book
87511 Eminent Indian Women. Advaita Ahrama Almora. Advaita Ashrama Kolkata. ENGLISH ESSAYS. Claim Book
87515 Gikarat 3 Years Later. ANHAD Publishing House Delhi. Anhad ENGLISH ESSAYS. Claim Book
87516 Women And Womens Movement In India. Sattar Nargis. Best books Kolkata. ENGLISH ESSAYS. Claim Book
87520 The Global Warning Scenario. Chakraborty Satyesh. Thema ENGLISH ESSAYS. Claim Book
87583 Secularism In India. Chighani H. R. Kuda Bakhsh Oriental Publication Library Patna. ENGLISH ESSAYS. Claim Book
87584 Where The Child Is Without Fear. Maccarthaigh. --- ENGLISH ESSAYS. Claim Book
87687 Why I Am Not a Hindu. Ilaiah Kancha. Samya pub. Calcutta. ENGLISH ESSAYS. Claim Book
87704 Mahatma Gandhi. Sahy Satya Narayan. Prafulla pra. Kolkata. ENGLISH ESSAYS. Claim Book
87712 Curzons Partition of Bengal and Aftermath. Sengupta Sukharanj an. Naya Udyog Kolkata. ENGLISH ESSAYS. Claim Book
87716 On Art and Aesthetics. Tagore Rabindranath. Subarnarekna Kolkata. ENGLISH ESSAYS. Claim Book
88392 From Somnath To Babri. Banerj ee Paritash. Century Press Kolkata. ENGLISH ESSAYS. Claim Book
88416 Naughty and Lotus Heart. Banerjee Nilanjan. N.E. Pub. Kolkata. ENGLISH ESSAYS. Claim Book
88429 The Satthianadhan Damily Album. Souza Eunice De. Sahitya Akadmi. Delhi. ENGLISH ESSAYS. Claim Book
88432 From Western Science To Liberation Technology. Pereira Winin. Earthcare Books Delhi. ENGLISH ESSAYS. Claim Book
88487 Bengali Theatre. Raha Kironmoy. National Book Trust India. ENGLISH ESSAYS. Claim Book
88565 Development With Dignity. Bhaduri Amit. Nationl book Tr. India. ENGLISH ESSAYS. Claim Book
88573 The Communal Problem. National Book Trust. India. Nationsl Book Trust Delhi. ENGLISH ESSAYS. Claim Book
88602 What is Hinduism ?. Gandhi M. K. Nationsl Book Trust Delhi. ENGLISH ESSAYS. Claim Book
88932 Setting Right What Went Wrong?. Bedi Kiran. UBS Publishers. Delhi. ENGLISH ESSAYS. Claim Book
89477 Gaining Success in Call Centers. Siddiqui A. K. Sparrow pulicaion. ENGLISH ESSAYS. Claim Book
89511 Authors Speak. Satachidanandan K. Sahitya Akademi. ENGLISH ESSAYS. Claim Book
89667 Siddha System of Heral Cure Part - 2. Pillai S. Chidambarathanu. Siddha Medical Research Centre. ENGLISH ESSAYS. Claim Book
89728 the Book of Gems. Sarma Nataraja. Rupa and Co. Delhi. ENGLISH ESSAYS. Claim Book
89730 State and Diplomacy under Tipu sultan. Habib Irfan. Tulika Books Delhi. ENGLISH ESSAYS. Claim Book
89867 Parasara Smrti. Jha awadh Bihari. Aggarwal Prakashan Delhi. ENGLISH ESSAYS. Claim Book
90023 In The Wonderland of Indian Managers. Rangnekar Sharu. Tarang Paperback Delhi. ENGLISH ESSAYS. Claim Book
90024 How To Win Friends And Influence People. Carnegie Dale. --- ENGLISH ESSAYS. Claim Book
90048 Global Warming. Sakdeo Babita Marutirao. Sakdeo B. M. Pune. ENGLISH ESSAYS. Claim Book
90162 karl Marx and Our Time. Novosti Press Agency. Moscow. Novosti Press Agency Moscow. ENGLISH ESSAYS. Claim Book
90202 Echoes Of Bats And Men. Griffin Donald R. Simons Private Ltd. Bombay. ENGLISH ESSAYS. Claim Book
90598 Inside IB and Raw. Nair K. Sankaran. Manas Publications Delhi. ENGLISH ESSAYS. Claim Book
90890 Lectures On Broadcast Journalism. Ravindranath P. K. Authors Press Delhi. ENGLISH ESSAYS. Claim Book
90932 Studies In Select Short Stories. Bhattai Arunodoy. Books Way. Kolkata. ENGLISH ESSAYS. Claim Book
90933 A Constellatiopn of Literary and Critica Terms. Dutta Kalyannath. Books Way Kolkata. ENGLISH ESSAYS. Claim Book
90963 Rainbow Of Linguistics. Dasgupta Probal. T. Media Pulications Kolkata. ENGLISH ESSAYS. Claim Book
90964 Rainbow Of Linguistics. Dasgupta Probal. T. Media Publications Kolkata. ENGLISH ESSAYS. Claim Book
90969 Indian Buddhist Literature And Chinese Moral Books. Der-huey Lee. Vidyanidhi Prakashan. Delhi. ENGLISH ESSAYS. Claim Book
91693 The Horizons And Beyond. Waghmare. Sagar Prakashan Delhi. ENGLISH ESSAYS. Claim Book
92179 Music and Modernity. Gupta Amlan Das. Thema Kolkata. ENGLISH ESSAYS. Claim Book
92199 Sriniketan. Bandyopadhyay Sandip. Earthcare Books Delhi. ENGLISH ESSAYS. Claim Book
92235 The Protest Is Still On. Mitra Ashok. Emancipation Kolkata. ENGLISH ESSAYS. Claim Book
92254 Information Collections and Archives Domain. Saxena Arun. Indian Publishers Delhi. ENGLISH ESSAYS. Claim Book
92255 Studies in English Literature. Raychaudhuri Tapan Books Way Kolkata. ENGLISH ESSAYS. Claim Book
92259 Aura. Ghua Buddhadeb. Fineprint Delhi. ENGLISH ESSAYS. Claim Book
92287 Beyond Demography. Bose Ashish. B. R. Pulishing Delhi. ENGLISH ESSAYS. Claim Book
92366 Global Warming. Ghosh Ashish. Natun Shatak Kolkata. ENGLISH ESSAYS. Claim Book
92391 Celebrating Life The Santal Experiment in Freedom. Baski Boro. Ghosaldanga Bishnubati Trust Bengal. ENGLISH ESSAYS. Claim Book
92440 Light From The Orient. Tathagatananda Swami. Advaita Ashrama Kolkata. ENGLISH ESSAYS. Claim Book
93191 The Penguin Book Of Modern Indian Speeches. Batabyal Rakesh. Penguin Books. Delhi. ENGLISH ESSAYS. Claim Book
93398 Inspiring People Fifty Who Made a Defference. RDI Print & Publishing House Bombay. RDI Print And Publishing House Bombay. ENGLISH ESSAYS. Claim Book
93405 Our Tomorrow. Rao Vakati Panduranga. Samaalochana Vijaywada. ENGLISH ESSAYS. Claim Book
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