Accession No. | Book Name | Author | Publisher | Subject | Claim Book |
74763 | London life and the great exhibition 1851. | Yglesias J.R.C. | --- | ENGLISH ESSAYS. | Claim Book |
74764 | Wool Merchants of the fifteenth century. | Thomason G. S. | --- | ENGLISH ESSAYS. | Claim Book |
74770 | Quality Street. | Barrie J. M. | --- | ENGLISH ESSAYS. | Claim Book |
74771 | Saint Joan. | Shaw George Bernard. | --- | ENGLISH ESSAYS. | Claim Book |
75755 | Encyclopadic Dictionary of earth Sciences. | Lahiri Dipankar. | Sahitya Akadmi. Delhi. | ENGLISH ESSAYS. | Claim Book |
75756 | Aesops fables. | Jones V. S. Vernan. | G.M. pub. kolkata. | ENGLISH ESSAYS. | Claim Book |
76272 | My Ten Years In A Quandary And How They Grew. | Benchley Robert. | --- | ENGLISH ESSAYS. | Claim Book |
77409 | Black Americans. | Szwed John F. | U.S. Agency Washington. | ENGLISH ESSAYS. | Claim Book |
77532 | The Taming of the shrew. | Shakespeare William. | Pocket books. N.York. | ENGLISH ESSAYS. | Claim Book |
77533 | Henry VI Part 1 | Shakespeare William. | Pocket books N.York. | ENGLISH ESSAYS. | Claim Book |
77537 | King Lear. | Shakespeare William. | Methun London. | ENGLISH ESSAYS. | Claim Book |
77538 | Othello. | Shakespeare William. | Methun London. | ENGLISH ESSAYS. | Claim Book |
77557 | The merchant of Venice. | Shakespeare William. | Pocket books. N.York. | ENGLISH ESSAYS. | Claim Book |
77586 | The little Brown Book of Anecdotes. | Fadiman Cliftman. | Brown & Co.Boston. | ENGLISH ESSAYS. | Claim Book |
77587 | Psychology for Living. | Sorenson Herbert. | Mcyraw Hall pub. co. Delhi. | ENGLISH ESSAYS. | Claim Book |
77588 | Abnormal Psychology And Modern Life. | Coleman James C. | Taraporevala & Sons. Bombay. | ENGLISH ESSAYS. | Claim Book |
77809 | Lift up the Trumpet. | Herald Publication. | Herald Pub. Washington. | ENGLISH ESSAYS. | Claim Book |
77815 | An Anthology of Modern Verse. | Methuen A. | Methruen and co. London. | ENGLISH ESSAYS. | Claim Book |
77853 | On The Art Of Reading. | Couch Arthur Quiller. | Cambridge Uni. press N. York. | ENGLISH ESSAYS. | Claim Book |
77856 | New Year Letter. | Auden W. H. | Faber books London. | ENGLISH ESSAYS. | Claim Book |
77880 | Worlds Famous Questations. | Chaudhary Shreesh. | Neelam Agencieds Agra. | ENGLISH ESSAYS. | Claim Book |
77912 | The Mater Guide. | Doran. | Doran Co. N. York. | ENGLISH ESSAYS. | Claim Book |
77926 | What Do You Know?. | Collins Howard. | Phoenix H. London. | ENGLISH ESSAYS. | Claim Book |
77949 | Picture Composition. | Marsh Lewis. | Blackie & sons. London. | ENGLISH ESSAYS. | Claim Book |
77972 | A Selection from george crabbe. | Lucas J. | Longmans London . | ENGLISH ESSAYS. | Claim Book |
77976 | English saga. | Bryant Arthur. | --- | ENGLISH ESSAYS. | Claim Book |
78060 | Inner Plants. | Basu B. | Scholastic India Pvt ltd. N.York. | ENGLISH ESSAYS. | Claim Book |
78221 | Nano. | Rajan Mohan Sundara. | National Book Trust India. | ENGLISH ESSAYS. | Claim Book |
79398 | The savarkar contraversy. | Sahmat Safdar Hashmi Memorial Trust. | Sahmat pra. Delhi. | ENGLISH ESSAYS. | Claim Book |
79508 | Management Thoughts. | Batra Promad. | Living Media India Delhi. | ENGLISH ESSAYS. | Claim Book |
79689 | Tissue remedies. | Mitra B. N. | Roy pub. Ho. calcutta. | ENGLISH ESSAYS. | Claim Book |
79698 | The office encyclopedia. | Mager N. H. & S. K. | Poacket book N.York. | ENGLISH ESSAYS. | Claim Book |
85517 | Black Holes and Baby Universes and other Essaya. | Hawking Stephen W. | Bantam Books. London. | ENGLISH ESSAYS. | Claim Book |
85927 | The complete short stories - 1. | Maugham Somerset W. | Heinemann | ENGLISH ESSAYS. | Claim Book |
87202 | Shakespearean Tragedy. | Bradley A. C. | Macmillan Co. London. | ENGLISH ESSAYS. | Claim Book |
87296 | The Human Comedy. | Saroyan William. | --- | ENGLISH ESSAYS. | Claim Book |
87310 | How To Get A Job In 30 Days. | Rao Sistla S. Siva. | Universal Publication Delhi. | ENGLISH ESSAYS. | Claim Book |
87388 | Prision Diary 1975. | Narayan Jayaprakash. | Popular Prakshan Mumbay. | ENGLISH ESSAYS. | Claim Book |
87403 | Various Influences Upon Rabindranath. | Bhattacharjee Dhirendranath. | D.N.B. Kolkata. | ENGLISH ESSAYS. | Claim Book |
87404 | Rabindranath Tagore and Popular forms Of Culture. | Ghosh Tapan Kumar. | Rabindra Bharati University Kolkata. | ENGLISH ESSAYS. | Claim Book |
87405 | The Bageswari Lectures of Art-1. | Tagore Abindranath. | Pranonti Publisher Kolkata. | ENGLISH ESSAYS. | Claim Book |
87433 | Corruption And Criminatisation In Public Life. | Irani C. R. | C.J.C. Publisher Kolkata. | ENGLISH ESSAYS. | Claim Book |
87437 | Media And The Market Forces. | Gosh Subir. | CJC Club Calcutta. | ENGLISH ESSAYS. | Claim Book |
87441 | Heidegger And Kant. | Bandyopadhyay Krishna. | Progressive Publisher Kolkata. | ENGLISH ESSAYS. | Claim Book |
87443 | What Is Pomodernism?. | Kaviraj Narahari. | K.P.Bagchi And Comp.Kolkata. | ENGLISH ESSAYS. | Claim Book |
87488 | Problem of Freedom. | Roy M. N. | Renaissance. pub. Kolkata. | ENGLISH ESSAYS. | Claim Book |
87489 | Crystallized Memories. | Rao Chekuri Rama. | Sahitya Akadmi. Delhi. | ENGLISH ESSAYS. | Claim Book |
87491 | Jane Alam Aur Mehak Pari. | Nusrat Naaheed. | Amir Ud Daula Pub. Lucknow. | ENGLISH ESSAYS. | Claim Book |
87501 | Handbook for consumers. | Mehta D. S. | Allied Publishers ltd. Delhi. | ENGLISH ESSAYS. | Claim Book |
87511 | Eminent Indian Women. | Advaita Ahrama Almora. | Advaita Ashrama Kolkata. | ENGLISH ESSAYS. | Claim Book |
87515 | Gikarat 3 Years Later. | ANHAD Publishing House Delhi. | Anhad | ENGLISH ESSAYS. | Claim Book |
87516 | Women And Womens Movement In India. | Sattar Nargis. | Best books Kolkata. | ENGLISH ESSAYS. | Claim Book |
87520 | The Global Warning Scenario. | Chakraborty Satyesh. | Thema | ENGLISH ESSAYS. | Claim Book |
87583 | Secularism In India. | Chighani H. R. | Kuda Bakhsh Oriental Publication Library Patna. | ENGLISH ESSAYS. | Claim Book |
87584 | Where The Child Is Without Fear. | Maccarthaigh. | --- | ENGLISH ESSAYS. | Claim Book |
87687 | Why I Am Not a Hindu. | Ilaiah Kancha. | Samya pub. Calcutta. | ENGLISH ESSAYS. | Claim Book |
87704 | Mahatma Gandhi. | Sahy Satya Narayan. | Prafulla pra. Kolkata. | ENGLISH ESSAYS. | Claim Book |
87712 | Curzons Partition of Bengal and Aftermath. | Sengupta Sukharanj an. | Naya Udyog Kolkata. | ENGLISH ESSAYS. | Claim Book |
87716 | On Art and Aesthetics. | Tagore Rabindranath. | Subarnarekna Kolkata. | ENGLISH ESSAYS. | Claim Book |
88392 | From Somnath To Babri. | Banerj ee Paritash. | Century Press Kolkata. | ENGLISH ESSAYS. | Claim Book |
88416 | Naughty and Lotus Heart. | Banerjee Nilanjan. | N.E. Pub. Kolkata. | ENGLISH ESSAYS. | Claim Book |
88429 | The Satthianadhan Damily Album. | Souza Eunice De. | Sahitya Akadmi. Delhi. | ENGLISH ESSAYS. | Claim Book |
88432 | From Western Science To Liberation Technology. | Pereira Winin. | Earthcare Books Delhi. | ENGLISH ESSAYS. | Claim Book |
88487 | Bengali Theatre. | Raha Kironmoy. | National Book Trust India. | ENGLISH ESSAYS. | Claim Book |
88565 | Development With Dignity. | Bhaduri Amit. | Nationl book Tr. India. | ENGLISH ESSAYS. | Claim Book |
88573 | The Communal Problem. | National Book Trust. India. | Nationsl Book Trust Delhi. | ENGLISH ESSAYS. | Claim Book |
88602 | What is Hinduism ?. | Gandhi M. K. | Nationsl Book Trust Delhi. | ENGLISH ESSAYS. | Claim Book |
88932 | Setting Right What Went Wrong?. | Bedi Kiran. | UBS Publishers. Delhi. | ENGLISH ESSAYS. | Claim Book |
89477 | Gaining Success in Call Centers. | Siddiqui A. K. | Sparrow pulicaion. | ENGLISH ESSAYS. | Claim Book |
89511 | Authors Speak. | Satachidanandan K. | Sahitya Akademi. | ENGLISH ESSAYS. | Claim Book |
89667 | Siddha System of Heral Cure Part - 2. | Pillai S. Chidambarathanu. | Siddha Medical Research Centre. | ENGLISH ESSAYS. | Claim Book |
89728 | the Book of Gems. | Sarma Nataraja. | Rupa and Co. Delhi. | ENGLISH ESSAYS. | Claim Book |
89730 | State and Diplomacy under Tipu sultan. | Habib Irfan. | Tulika Books Delhi. | ENGLISH ESSAYS. | Claim Book |
89867 | Parasara Smrti. | Jha awadh Bihari. | Aggarwal Prakashan Delhi. | ENGLISH ESSAYS. | Claim Book |
90023 | In The Wonderland of Indian Managers. | Rangnekar Sharu. | Tarang Paperback Delhi. | ENGLISH ESSAYS. | Claim Book |
90024 | How To Win Friends And Influence People. | Carnegie Dale. | --- | ENGLISH ESSAYS. | Claim Book |
90048 | Global Warming. | Sakdeo Babita Marutirao. | Sakdeo B. M. Pune. | ENGLISH ESSAYS. | Claim Book |
90162 | karl Marx and Our Time. | Novosti Press Agency. Moscow. | Novosti Press Agency Moscow. | ENGLISH ESSAYS. | Claim Book |
90202 | Echoes Of Bats And Men. | Griffin Donald R. | Simons Private Ltd. Bombay. | ENGLISH ESSAYS. | Claim Book |
90598 | Inside IB and Raw. | Nair K. Sankaran. | Manas Publications Delhi. | ENGLISH ESSAYS. | Claim Book |
90890 | Lectures On Broadcast Journalism. | Ravindranath P. K. | Authors Press Delhi. | ENGLISH ESSAYS. | Claim Book |
90932 | Studies In Select Short Stories. | Bhattai Arunodoy. | Books Way. Kolkata. | ENGLISH ESSAYS. | Claim Book |
90933 | A Constellatiopn of Literary and Critica Terms. | Dutta Kalyannath. | Books Way Kolkata. | ENGLISH ESSAYS. | Claim Book |
90963 | Rainbow Of Linguistics. | Dasgupta Probal. | T. Media Pulications Kolkata. | ENGLISH ESSAYS. | Claim Book |
90964 | Rainbow Of Linguistics. | Dasgupta Probal. | T. Media Publications Kolkata. | ENGLISH ESSAYS. | Claim Book |
90969 | Indian Buddhist Literature And Chinese Moral Books. | Der-huey Lee. | Vidyanidhi Prakashan. Delhi. | ENGLISH ESSAYS. | Claim Book |
91693 | The Horizons And Beyond. | Waghmare. | Sagar Prakashan Delhi. | ENGLISH ESSAYS. | Claim Book |
92179 | Music and Modernity. | Gupta Amlan Das. | Thema Kolkata. | ENGLISH ESSAYS. | Claim Book |
92199 | Sriniketan. | Bandyopadhyay Sandip. | Earthcare Books Delhi. | ENGLISH ESSAYS. | Claim Book |
92235 | The Protest Is Still On. | Mitra Ashok. | Emancipation Kolkata. | ENGLISH ESSAYS. | Claim Book |
92254 | Information Collections and Archives Domain. | Saxena Arun. | Indian Publishers Delhi. | ENGLISH ESSAYS. | Claim Book |
92255 | Studies in English Literature. | Raychaudhuri Tapan | Books Way Kolkata. | ENGLISH ESSAYS. | Claim Book |
92259 | Aura. | Ghua Buddhadeb. | Fineprint Delhi. | ENGLISH ESSAYS. | Claim Book |
92287 | Beyond Demography. | Bose Ashish. | B. R. Pulishing Delhi. | ENGLISH ESSAYS. | Claim Book |
92366 | Global Warming. | Ghosh Ashish. | Natun Shatak Kolkata. | ENGLISH ESSAYS. | Claim Book |
92391 | Celebrating Life The Santal Experiment in Freedom. | Baski Boro. | Ghosaldanga Bishnubati Trust Bengal. | ENGLISH ESSAYS. | Claim Book |
92440 | Light From The Orient. | Tathagatananda Swami. | Advaita Ashrama Kolkata. | ENGLISH ESSAYS. | Claim Book |
93191 | The Penguin Book Of Modern Indian Speeches. | Batabyal Rakesh. | Penguin Books. Delhi. | ENGLISH ESSAYS. | Claim Book |
93398 | Inspiring People Fifty Who Made a Defference. | RDI Print & Publishing House Bombay. | RDI Print And Publishing House Bombay. | ENGLISH ESSAYS. | Claim Book |
93405 | Our Tomorrow. | Rao Vakati Panduranga. | Samaalochana Vijaywada. | ENGLISH ESSAYS. | Claim Book |