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ज्ञानाची उपासना हा समाजाच्या संस्कृतीचा मानदंड असतो. ज्ञानाला स्थल कालाच्या मर्यादा नसतात, तसेच त्याच्या उपासनेलादेखील जाती, धर्म, पंथ, भाषा, प्रांत यांची संकुचित बंधने अडवू शकत नाहीत. हेच ब्रीद मनाशी ठेवून गेली १६० वर्षे करवीर नगर वाचन मंदिर वाटचाल करीत आहे.


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Total Records : 1046

Accession No. Book Name Author Publisher Subject Claim Book
31329 Monad. Leadbeater C. W. Theosophical . Madras. ENGLISH RELIGION. Claim Book
31330 Path To The Masters Wisdom. Besant Annie. Theosophical. Madras. ENGLISH RELIGION. Claim Book
31331 Doctrine Of The Heart. Besant Annie. Theosophiest. Madrass. ENGLISH RELIGION. Claim Book
31332 Theosophy & ModernThought. Jinarajadasa C. Theosophical . Madras. ENGLISH RELIGION. Claim Book
31333 Path Of Discipleship. Besant Annie. Theosophical. Madras. ENGLISH RELIGION. Claim Book
31334 Theosophical Outlook. Jinarajadasa C. Theosophical. Madras. ENGLISH RELIGION. Claim Book
31335 Gleanings From Light on the Path. Edger Lilion. Theosophical . Madras. ENGLISH RELIGION. Claim Book
31336 Chhandogya Upanishad. Sri Sankarar. India Printing press. Madras. ENGLISH RELIGION. Claim Book
31337 Theosophy. Besant Annie. T.C. & E.C. Jack . London. ENGLISH RELIGION. Claim Book
31338 Theosophy of Natural Theology. Jackson William. Hodder & co. London. ENGLISH RELIGION. Claim Book
31339 Hidden life inFreemasonry. Leadbeater C. W. Theosophical. Madras. ENGLISH RELIGION. Claim Book
31340 Evolution Of Life & Form. Besant Annie. Theosophical. Madras. ENGLISH RELIGION. Claim Book
31341 Works Of Creation Illustrated. Best. Binns & Goodwin. London. ENGLISH RELIGION. Claim Book
31342 Man and the Universe. Lodge Oliver. Methuen& co. london. ENGLISH RELIGION. Claim Book
31343 Death And After. Besant Annie. Theosophical. Madras. ENGLISH RELIGION. Claim Book
31344 Other side ofDeath. Leadbeater C. W. Theosophical. London. ENGLISH RELIGION. Claim Book
31345 Appeal to the Young. Foster John. America Tract so. N. York. ENGLISH RELIGION. Claim Book
31346 Theosophy inthe light ofHinduism. Sinha Purnendu N. Theosophical. Madras . ENGLISH RELIGION. Claim Book
31347 Doubt The Liberator. Brisy Serge. Theosophical. Madras. ENGLISH RELIGION. Claim Book
31348 Mediator. Jinarajadasa C. Theosophical . Madras . ENGLISH RELIGION. Claim Book
31350 Scientific Religion. Gokhale G.N. Educational. Karachi. ENGLISH RELIGION. Claim Book
31351 How I Know God Answers Prayer. Gogorth Rosalind. Moody Press. Chicago. ENGLISH RELIGION. Claim Book
31352 Krishna. Bhagavan Das. Theosophical .Madras. ENGLISH RELIGION. Claim Book
31353 Healing Forces and Healding Angels. Leadbeater C. W. Alban . London. ENGLISH RELIGION. Claim Book
31354 Astral Plane. Leadbeater C. W. THeosophical. Madras. ENGLISH RELIGION. Claim Book
31355 Mans Life In Three Worlds. Besant Annie. Theosophical. Madras. ENGLISH RELIGION. Claim Book
31356 Theosophy Exposed. Besant Annie. C.L. Society . Madras. ENGLISH RELIGION. Claim Book
31357 Communalism And Its Cure By Theosophy. Bhagavan Das. Theosophical. Madras. ENGLISH RELIGION. Claim Book
31358 Laws Of Manu. Bhagavan Das. Theosophical. Madras. ENGLISH RELIGION. Claim Book
31359 Science Of Peace. Bhagavan Das. Theosophical. ENGLISH RELIGION. Claim Book
31360 Talks With A Class. Besant Annie. Theosophical Society. Madras. ENGLISH RELIGION. Claim Book
31361 Revival of Religion. Edwards Jonathan. Ameraican Tract. N. York. ENGLISH RELIGION. Claim Book
31362 Analogy of Riligion. Butler Joseph. Religious . Tract. London. ENGLISH RELIGION. Claim Book
31363 Letters To A Friend on The Evidence doctrines and duties of the chrishiac religion. Greory Olinthus. --- ENGLISH RELIGION. Claim Book
31364 Tales for Little Readers about the Heathen. Scudders. Tract . Soci. ENGLISH RELIGION. Claim Book
31365 Cause and Cure of Infidelity. Nelson David. Tract Socity . American . ENGLISH RELIGION. Claim Book
31366 Bible True Infidelity wicled. Plumer Win S. Tract Society. ENGLISH RELIGION. Claim Book
31367 Natural Theology. Paley William. Tract Socicty. ENGLISH RELIGION. Claim Book
31368 Religio Medici. Browne Thomas. Rivington . London. ENGLISH RELIGION. Claim Book
31369 Elements of Theosophy. Edger Lilion. Theosophical. London. ENGLISH RELIGION. Claim Book
31370 Indian Wisdom. Williams Monier. H. Allen &co. London. ENGLISH RELIGION. Claim Book
31371 Hidden side of Things. Leadbeater C. W. Theosophical . Madras. ENGLISH RELIGION. Claim Book
31372 Rationalism In Europe. Lecky W. E. H. Longmans Green . London. ENGLISH RELIGION. Claim Book
31373 Withered Branch Revived. Clark John A. A.T.C. N. York. ENGLISH RELIGION. Claim Book
31374 Four Pastors and as Unbiliever. Rationalist Association. R.A. Thaeasophical. Bom. ENGLISH RELIGION. Claim Book
31375 Occultism. Besant Annie. Theasophical . Madras. ENGLISH RELIGION. Claim Book
31376 Essays on Religion & science . Taylor Helen. --- ENGLISH RELIGION. Claim Book
31377 Instroduction ToThe Principles Of Moral And Legislation. Benthan Jermy. Clarendon. Oxford. ENGLISH RELIGION. Claim Book
31378 When God Splits the Atom. Haynes Carlyle B. P.A. Southen . ENGLISH RELIGION. Claim Book
31379 Holy Bible. Bible Society. George E Eyre . London. ENGLISH RELIGION. Claim Book
31380 Holy Bible. Bible Society. George E. Eyre . London. ENGLISH RELIGION. Claim Book
31381 Precept Upon Recept. Gallaudet T. H. A.T. Societ . N. York. ENGLISH RELIGION. Claim Book
31382 Line Upon Line. Gallaudet T. H. A.T. Societ . N. York. ENGLISH RELIGION. Claim Book
31383 Peep of Day. Gallaudet T. H. A.T.S. N. York. ENGLISH RELIGION. Claim Book
31384 Adventurs of the Black Man In his Search for GOd. Singh H. M. Lion Press. Lohoure. ENGLISH RELIGION. Claim Book
31385 Fire of Creation. Vander Leeuw J. J. Theosphical London. ENGLISH RELIGION. Claim Book
31386 Children Of The Bible. Caulkins Frances M. American Tract. New York. ENGLISH RELIGION. Claim Book
31387 Night of Toil. Gaullaudet. American Tract. N. York. ENGLISH RELIGION. Claim Book
31388 Our Day In the Light of Prophency. Spicer W. A. Oxiental Poona. ENGLISH RELIGION. Claim Book
31389 Mystic Christianty. Ramachandraka. Yogi . Chicago. ENGLISH RELIGION. Claim Book
31390 Jesus. The Last Great Initiate. Schure Edouard. Yogi . Chicago. ENGLISH RELIGION. Claim Book
31391 At The Feet of God. Ranadas. Anand Ashraw . Ramnagar. ENGLISH RELIGION. Claim Book
31392 Anthropological Religion. Muller F. Max. Longmans Green. London. ENGLISH RELIGION. Claim Book
31393 God And Personality. Webb Clement J. George Allen . london. ENGLISH RELIGION. Claim Book
31394 Body And Soul. Dearmer Percxy. Issac Pitman. London. ENGLISH RELIGION. Claim Book
31395 Holy Bible. Bible Society. Henry Froud . London. ENGLISH RELIGION. Claim Book
31396 Adventures of the Black Girl in her Search for God. Shaw George Bernard. Constable . London. ENGLISH RELIGION. Claim Book
31397 Pool of Wisdom. Krishnamurti J. Star. Holland. ENGLISH RELIGION. Claim Book
31398 Giddy God At Luck. Protonius. Watts & co. London. ENGLISH RELIGION. Claim Book
31399 Key To Theosophy. Blavatsky H. P. Theosophy co. Bom. ENGLISH RELIGION. Claim Book
31400 Foundation Of Word unity. Adbul Baha. Bahai pub. ENGLISH RELIGION. Claim Book
31401 Fairies at work and at play. Hoddson Geoffrey. Theosophical . London. ENGLISH RELIGION. Claim Book
31402 Islam and Christianity. Kheaj a Kamal Ud-Din. Working Muslim Mission. Moscow. ENGLISH RELIGION. Claim Book
31403 Creation Centred In Christ. Grattan Guinness H. Hodder . London. ENGLISH RELIGION. Claim Book
31404 Vision of god. Ramdas. Anandashram. Ramnagar. ENGLISH RELIGION. Claim Book
31405 Varieties of Religioue Experience. James William. Longmans London. ENGLISH RELIGION. Claim Book
31406 God The Invisible King. Wells H. G. Cassell. London. ENGLISH RELIGION. Claim Book
31407 God In a world At war. Hadham John. Penguin . Lonodon. ENGLISH RELIGION. Claim Book
31408 Wisdom Of The Upanishads. Besant Annie. Theosophilcal. London. ENGLISH RELIGION. Claim Book
31409 Renanis Life Of Jesus. Hutchison William G. W.Scott. London. ENGLISH RELIGION. Claim Book
31410 Gospel of Life. Westocott Brooke Foss. Macmillion .London. ENGLISH RELIGION. Claim Book
31411 Faith of An American. Millis Walter. Oxford University. ENGLISH RELIGION. Claim Book
31412 Scourge of Christ. Richard Paul. Ganesh & co. Madras. ENGLISH RELIGION. Claim Book
31413 Lord of the nations. Richard Paul. Ganesh &co . Madras. ENGLISH RELIGION. Claim Book
31414 Three Paths. Besant Annie. Thiosohiest. Madras. ENGLISH RELIGION. Claim Book
31415 Story Of Christ. PapiniGiovanni. Hodder. London. ENGLISH RELIGION. Claim Book
31416 Human Origins. Laing Samuel. Chapman . London. ENGLISH RELIGION. Claim Book
31417 Apologia Provita Sua. Newman John N. Cardinal. Longman . London. ENGLISH RELIGION. Claim Book
31418 Communism. Seeley J. R. --- ENGLISH RELIGION. Claim Book
31419 Deliverance. Rutherford J. F. J. Bible . Ass. N. York. ENGLISH RELIGION. Claim Book
31420 Cinception OF God. Vethanayagam G. N. Christian . Council. Madras. ENGLISH RELIGION. Claim Book
31421 Brotherhood Of angles and of Man. Hoddson Geoffrey. Theosophical . London. ENGLISH RELIGION. Claim Book
31422 Meditations. Higgins E. --- ENGLISH RELIGION. Claim Book
31423 Christ Knocking At the Door. Flavel John. American Tract Society . N. York. ENGLISH RELIGION. Claim Book
31424 Method of Grace. Flavel John D. Amercian Tract Society. New York. ENGLISH RELIGION. Claim Book
31425 Make Your Own Religion. Gowans Whyte A. Walts & co. London. ENGLISH RELIGION. Claim Book
31426 Riches Of Bunyan. Chaplin Charle. A. T. S. New York. ENGLISH RELIGION. Claim Book
31427 Forgiveness of Sin. Owen John. A.T.S. N. York. ENGLISH RELIGION. Claim Book
31428 Lectures Adopted To the Capacity Of Children. Fletcher Alex. Amaearican Tract Soceity. ENGLISH RELIGION. Claim Book
31429 Word of the Cross to Hindus. Thompson Edgar. Epworth Press. LOndon. ENGLISH RELIGION. Claim Book
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