Accession No. | Book Name | Author | Publisher | Subject | Claim Book |
147001 | The Fountainhead. | Rand Ayn. | --- | ENGLISH NOVEL. | Claim Book |
147002 | The five people you meet in heaven. | Albom Mitch. | Hyperion . London. | ENGLISH NOVEL. | Claim Book |
147003 | The Age of Religious Wars 1559-1715 - II. | Dunn Richard. | W.W.Norton & Company London. | ENGLISH HISTORY. | Claim Book |
147004 | You can heal your life. | Hay Louise L. | Hay House India. | Psychology. | Claim Book |
147005 | Life of Pi. | Martel Yann. | Penguins book. | ENGLISH NOVEL. | Claim Book |
147006 | How to work a room. | Roane Susan. | Warner books N. Y. | General Workes. | Claim Book |
147007 | Countess by christmas. | Burrows Annie. | Boon & Mills. | ENGLISH NOVEL. | Claim Book |
147008 | The hard to get cowboy. | Green Crystal. | Harlequin London. | ENGLISH NOVEL. | Claim Book |
147009 | Bali. | Pringle Robert. | Allen & Unwin. | ENGLISH HISTORY. | Claim Book |
147010 | Sarahs Key. | Rosnay Tatiana. | St. Martins Press New York. | ENGLISH NOVEL. | Claim Book |
147011 | Success secret. | Douglass Merrill. | Pustak Mahal Delhi. | Philosophy. | Claim Book |
147012 | Away. | Kumar Amitava. | Routledge New York. | ENGLISH ESSAYS. | Claim Book |
147013 | Just like that. | Osho. | The Rebel publishing house. | POETRY. | Claim Book |
147014 | Secrets of mind power. | Lorayne Harry. | Pustak Mahal Delhi. | Philosophy. | Claim Book |
147015 | Dare to win. | Canfield Jack. | Magna Publishing Ltd Mumbai. | Philosophy. | Claim Book |
147016 | Rich dad poor dad. | Kiyosaki Robert T. | Warners books London. | ENGLISH NOVEL. | Claim Book |
147017 | Am I a Hindu. | Viswanathan Ed. | Rupa. | ENGLISH RELIGION. | Claim Book |
147018 | A Cold heart. | Kellerman Jonathan. | Ballantine Books. N. York. | ENGLISH NOVEL. | Claim Book |
147019 | The Bhagavad Gita. | Vaswani Sadhu T. L. | Gita Publishing House Pune. | ENGLISH. POETRY. | Claim Book |
147020 | Men are from mars women are from venus. | Gray John. | Harpers and Collins Publication Delhi. | ENGLISH NOVEL. | Claim Book |
147021 | Etiquette. | Kumar Vijaya. | Shree Book Centre. | General Workes. | Claim Book |
147022 | Feng shui. | Lin Henry. | Penguins book. Austrila. | Astrology. | Claim Book |
147023 | Indias biggest cover-up. | Dhar Anuj. | Vitasta. | biography. | Claim Book |
147024 | Culture of Encounters. | Truschke Audrey. | Penguins book. | ENGLISH ESSAYS. | Claim Book |
147025 | Artemis fowl and the time paradox. | Colfer Eoin. | Puffin. | ENGLISH NOVEL. | Claim Book |
147026 | This will make you smarter. | Brockman John. | Harper Perennial. | ENGLISH SCIENCE. | Claim Book |
147027 | The Potion of Eternity. | Kundu Kunal. | Puffin books India. | ENGLISH NOVEL. | Claim Book |
147028 | The Girl who kicked the hornets nest. | Larsson Stieg. | Machlehose press. | ENGLISH NOVEL. | Claim Book |
147029 | The Monk Who Sold His Ferrari. | Sharma Robin. | Jaico Publishing House. Mumbai. | ENGLISH ESSAYS. | Claim Book |
147030 | Ravens Gate.(Book 1). | Horowitz Anthony. | Walker Books. | ENGLISH NOVEL. | Claim Book |
147031 | Evil Star (Book 2). | Horowitz Anthony. | Walker Books. | ENGLISH NOVEL. | Claim Book |
147032 | Night Rise (Book 3). | Horowitz Anthony. | Walker Book. | ENGLISH NOVEL. | Claim Book |
147033 | Half Moon Investigation. | Colfer Eoin. | Puffin. | ENGLISH ESSAYS. | Claim Book |
147034 | Artemis Fowl and the Opal Deception. | Colfer Eoin. | Puffin. | ENGLISH ESSAYS. | Claim Book |
147035 | The Anarchy. | Dalrymple William. | --- | ENGLISH HISTORY. | Claim Book |
147036 | The Tales of Beedle The Bard. | Rowling J. K. | Bloomsbury. | ENGLISH NOVEL. | Claim Book |
147037 | The 39 Clues. | Watson Jude. | Scholastic N. Y. | ENGLISH NOVEL. | Claim Book |
147038 | The Secret To Teen Power. | Harrington Paul. | Simon Pulse London. | General Periodicals. | Claim Book |
147039 | The Adventures of Sherlock Holmes (Vol. II). | Doyle Sir. | Scholastic. | ENGLISH NOVEL. | Claim Book |
147040 | The Help. | Stockett Kathryn. | Berkley Books. | ENGLISH NOVEL. | Claim Book |
147041 | In Xanadu A Quest. | Dalrymple William. | Penguins book. | General Workes. | Claim Book |
147042 | The Girl in Room 105. | Bhagat Chetan. | Westland Seattle. | ENGLISH NOVEL. | Claim Book |
147043 | Master of the Game. | Sheldon Sidney. | Harper. | ENGLISH NOVEL. | Claim Book |
147044 | Inferno. | Brown Dan. | Bantam Press, London. | ENGLISH NOVEL. | Claim Book |
147045 | Grey. | James E.L. | Arrow Books. | ENGLISH NOVEL. | Claim Book |
147046 | Maneaters. | Cormick Alex. | Robinson Publishing London. | ENGLISH NOVEL. | Claim Book |
147047 | Necropolis. | Horowitz Anthony. | Walker Books. | ENGLISH NOVEL. | Claim Book |
147048 | The Girl who Played with Fire. | Larsson Stieg. | Maclehose Press London. | ENGLISH NOVEL. | Claim Book |
147049 | The thousand nights and one night.Vol.I. | Mathers Powys. | Books Today. | ENGLISH NOVEL. | Claim Book |
147050 | Superstar India. | De Shobhaa. | Penguins book. | ENGLISH NOVEL. | Claim Book |
147051 | Grey Wolf. | Williams Gerrard. | Sterling New York. | ENGLISH HISTORY. | Claim Book |
147052 | Aint She Sweet. | Phillips Susan. | William Morrow. | ENGLISH NOVEL. | Claim Book |
147053 | Early Autumn. | Parker Robert. | Delocorte Press N. Y. | ENGLISH NOVEL. | Claim Book |
147054 | What is Hinduism a Guide for the Global Mind. | Frawley David. | Bloomsbury London. | ENGLISH ESSAYS. | Claim Book |
147055 | Tantra. | White David. | Princeton Readings in Religions. | ENGLISH RELIGION. | Claim Book |
147056 | Spider World the Tower. | Wilson Colin. | Grafton Books . | ENGLISH NOVEL. | Claim Book |
147057 | Reading Lolita in Tehran. | Nafisi Azar. | Random House. N. York. | ENGLISH LITERATURE. | Claim Book |
147058 | 10-lb Penalty. | Francis Dick. | Michel Joseph ltd. London. | ENGLISH NOVEL. | Claim Book |
147059 | Annihilation Of Caste. | Ambedkar B. R. | Navayana. | ENGLISH ESSAYS. | Claim Book |
147060 | The Drop. | Connelly Michael. | Little Brown . London. | ENGLISH NOVEL. | Claim Book |
147061 | Sextrology The Astrology of Sex and the Sexes. | Cox. | Harper. London. | Psychology. | Claim Book |
147062 | Vedanta. | Osho. | A Rebel Book. | Philosophy. | Claim Book |
147063 | It Happened in India. | Biyani Kishore. | Rupa. | biography. | Claim Book |
147064 | The Way of the Knife. | Mazzetti Mark. | Penguin Book. | ENGLISH NOVEL. | Claim Book |
147065 | Know your Ailment. | Pagdi Gayatri. | Indus Source Books Delhi. | ENGLISH ESSAYS. | Claim Book |
147066 | One Hundred Years of Solitude. | Rabass Gregory. | Harper Perennial.3. | ENGLISH LITERATURE. | Claim Book |
147067 | The Inheritance of Loss. | Desai Kiran. | Grove Press N. Y. | ENGLISH NOVEL. | Claim Book |
147068 | Memories of Midnight. | Sheldon Sidney. | HarperColins Publisher Ltd. | ENGLISH NOVEL. | Claim Book |
147069 | The Thousand Nights and One Night Vol. III. | Mathers Powys. | Books Today. | ENGLISH NOVEL. | Claim Book |
147070 | Why Mars & Venus Collide. | Gray John. | Harper element. | ENGLISH ESSAYS. | Claim Book |
147071 | The Shadow of the sun. | Kapuscinski Ryszard. | Alfred A. Knopf N. Y. | ENGLISH HISTORY. | Claim Book |
147072 | The Man Within My Head. | Iyer Pico. | Penguins book. | ENGLISH NOVEL. | Claim Book |
147073 | Think & Grow Rich. | Hill Napoleon. | Highroads Media Inc. | Business. | Claim Book |
147074 | The Witch of Portobello. | Paulo Coelho. | Harper Collins publishers. | ENGLISH NOVEL. | Claim Book |
147075 | Shadow Country. | Matthiessen Peter. | The Modern Library. | ENGLISH LITERATURE. | Claim Book |
147076 | Love is the Key. | Cartland Barbara. | Mandarin. | ENGLISH NOVEL. | Claim Book |
147077 | Diddi My Mothers Voice. | Pande Ira. | Penguins book. | ENGLISH LITERATURE. | Claim Book |
147078 | The Deceiver. | Forsyth Frederick. | Corgi books. | ENGLISH NOVEL. | Claim Book |
147079 | Forget Kathmandu. | Thapa Manjushree. | Penguins book. | ENGLISH HISTORY. | Claim Book |
147080 | The Tao of Travel. | Theroux Paul. | Mariner Books. | ENGLISH HISTORY. | Claim Book |
147081 | The famous five - Five fall into Adventure. | Blyton Enid. | Hodder Children Books. | ENGLISH NOVEL. | Claim Book |
147082 | The Famous Five - Five on a Hike Together. | Blyton Enid. | Hodder Children Books. | ENGLISH NOVEL. | Claim Book |
147083 | The Famous Five -Five Go Down to the Sea. | Blyton Enid. | Hodder Children Books. | ENGLISH NOVEL. | Claim Book |
147084 | Dr. Jekyll & Mr. Hyde. | Stevenson Robert. | A Wilco Book. | ENGLISH NOVEL. | Claim Book |
147085 | The 39 Clues - The Vipers Nest. | Lerangis Peter. | Scholastic Inc. | ENGLISH NOVEL. | Claim Book |
147086 | The 39 Clues -The Emperors Code. | Korman Gordon. | Scholastic Inc. | ENGLISH NOVEL. | Claim Book |
147087 | The 39 Clues -Storm Warning. | Park Linda. | Scholastic Inc. | ENGLISH NOVEL. | Claim Book |
147088 | Dirk Gentlys Holistic Detective Agency. | Adams Douglas. | Pan London. | General Workes. | Claim Book |
147089 | Awaken The Giant Within. | Robbins Anthony. | A Fireside Book London. | Psychology. | Claim Book |
147090 | Time Machine & The War of the Worlds. | Wells H.G. | A Wilco Book. | ENGLISH NOVEL. | Claim Book |
147091 | Intimate Behaviour. | Morris Desmond. | Traid Grafton Books. | ENGLISH LITERATURE. | Claim Book |
147092 | Blossoms of Friendship. | Thakar Vimal. | Rodmell Press. | Psychology. | Claim Book |
147093 | The power of now. | Tolle Eckhart. | Yogi Impressions. | Psychology. | Claim Book |
147094 | With God On Their Side. | Kaplan Esther. | The New Press London. | Political Sciences. | Claim Book |
147095 | Dreams From My Father. | Obama Barack. | Crown Pub. N. York. | ENGLISH NOVEL. | Claim Book |
147096 | Beautiful Stranger. | Lauren Christina. | Gallery Books. N. York. | ENGLISH NOVEL. | Claim Book |
147097 | Fresh -Air-Fiend. | Theroux Paul. | Penguins book. | ENGLISH HISTORY. | Claim Book |
147098 | Luxury Brand Management. | Mazzalovo Gerald. | Wiley. | ENGLISH LITERATURE. | Claim Book |
147099 | The Complete Works of Swami Vivekananda 3. | Vivekanand Swami. | Advaita Ashrama, Kolkata. | Philosophy. | Claim Book |
147100 | The Complete Works of Swami Vivekananda 6. | Vivekanand Swami. | Advaita Ashram Kolkatta. | Philosophy. | Claim Book |