आमची ओळख

ज्ञानाची उपासना हा समाजाच्या संस्कृतीचा मानदंड असतो. ज्ञानाला स्थल कालाच्या मर्यादा नसतात, तसेच त्याच्या उपासनेलादेखील जाती, धर्म, पंथ, भाषा, प्रांत यांची संकुचित बंधने अडवू शकत नाहीत. हेच ब्रीद मनाशी ठेवून गेली १६० वर्षे करवीर नगर वाचन मंदिर वाटचाल करीत आहे.


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Pramukh Type Pad is used for typing easily into Indian languages. It follows 'The way you speak, the way you type' rule. Following image shows which character will be shown by pressing which corresponding English letter. Example for various combination of letters are given only for one character but it is true for each alphabet.
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Total Records : 147800

Accession No. Book Name Author Publisher Subject Claim Book
147001 The Fountainhead. Rand Ayn. --- ENGLISH NOVEL. Claim Book
147002 The five people you meet in heaven. Albom Mitch. Hyperion . London. ENGLISH NOVEL. Claim Book
147003 The Age of Religious Wars 1559-1715 - II. Dunn Richard. W.W.Norton & Company London. ENGLISH HISTORY. Claim Book
147004 You can heal your life. Hay Louise L. Hay House India. Psychology. Claim Book
147005 Life of Pi. Martel Yann. Penguins book. ENGLISH NOVEL. Claim Book
147006 How to work a room. Roane Susan. Warner books N. Y. General Workes. Claim Book
147007 Countess by christmas. Burrows Annie. Boon & Mills. ENGLISH NOVEL. Claim Book
147008 The hard to get cowboy. Green Crystal. Harlequin London. ENGLISH NOVEL. Claim Book
147009 Bali. Pringle Robert. Allen & Unwin. ENGLISH HISTORY. Claim Book
147010 Sarahs Key. Rosnay Tatiana. St. Martins Press New York. ENGLISH NOVEL. Claim Book
147011 Success secret. Douglass Merrill. Pustak Mahal Delhi. Philosophy. Claim Book
147012 Away. Kumar Amitava. Routledge New York. ENGLISH ESSAYS. Claim Book
147013 Just like that. Osho. The Rebel publishing house. POETRY. Claim Book
147014 Secrets of mind power. Lorayne Harry. Pustak Mahal Delhi. Philosophy. Claim Book
147015 Dare to win. Canfield Jack. Magna Publishing Ltd Mumbai. Philosophy. Claim Book
147016 Rich dad poor dad. Kiyosaki Robert T. Warners books London. ENGLISH NOVEL. Claim Book
147017 Am I a Hindu. Viswanathan Ed. Rupa. ENGLISH RELIGION. Claim Book
147018 A Cold heart. Kellerman Jonathan. Ballantine Books. N. York. ENGLISH NOVEL. Claim Book
147019 The Bhagavad Gita. Vaswani Sadhu T. L. Gita Publishing House Pune. ENGLISH. POETRY. Claim Book
147020 Men are from mars women are from venus. Gray John. Harpers and Collins Publication Delhi. ENGLISH NOVEL. Claim Book
147021 Etiquette. Kumar Vijaya. Shree Book Centre. General Workes. Claim Book
147022 Feng shui. Lin Henry. Penguins book. Austrila. Astrology. Claim Book
147023 Indias biggest cover-up. Dhar Anuj. Vitasta. biography. Claim Book
147024 Culture of Encounters. Truschke Audrey. Penguins book. ENGLISH ESSAYS. Claim Book
147025 Artemis fowl and the time paradox. Colfer Eoin. Puffin. ENGLISH NOVEL. Claim Book
147026 This will make you smarter. Brockman John. Harper Perennial. ENGLISH SCIENCE. Claim Book
147027 The Potion of Eternity. Kundu Kunal. Puffin books India. ENGLISH NOVEL. Claim Book
147028 The Girl who kicked the hornets nest. Larsson Stieg. Machlehose press. ENGLISH NOVEL. Claim Book
147029 The Monk Who Sold His Ferrari. Sharma Robin. Jaico Publishing House. Mumbai. ENGLISH ESSAYS. Claim Book
147030 Ravens Gate.(Book 1). Horowitz Anthony. Walker Books. ENGLISH NOVEL. Claim Book
147031 Evil Star (Book 2). Horowitz Anthony. Walker Books. ENGLISH NOVEL. Claim Book
147032 Night Rise (Book 3). Horowitz Anthony. Walker Book. ENGLISH NOVEL. Claim Book
147033 Half Moon Investigation. Colfer Eoin. Puffin. ENGLISH ESSAYS. Claim Book
147034 Artemis Fowl and the Opal Deception. Colfer Eoin. Puffin. ENGLISH ESSAYS. Claim Book
147035 The Anarchy. Dalrymple William. --- ENGLISH HISTORY. Claim Book
147036 The Tales of Beedle The Bard. Rowling J. K. Bloomsbury. ENGLISH NOVEL. Claim Book
147037 The 39 Clues. Watson Jude. Scholastic N. Y. ENGLISH NOVEL. Claim Book
147038 The Secret To Teen Power. Harrington Paul. Simon Pulse London. General Periodicals. Claim Book
147039 The Adventures of Sherlock Holmes (Vol. II). Doyle Sir. Scholastic. ENGLISH NOVEL. Claim Book
147040 The Help. Stockett Kathryn. Berkley Books. ENGLISH NOVEL. Claim Book
147041 In Xanadu A Quest. Dalrymple William. Penguins book. General Workes. Claim Book
147042 The Girl in Room 105. Bhagat Chetan. Westland Seattle. ENGLISH NOVEL. Claim Book
147043 Master of the Game. Sheldon Sidney. Harper. ENGLISH NOVEL. Claim Book
147044 Inferno. Brown Dan. Bantam Press, London. ENGLISH NOVEL. Claim Book
147045 Grey. James E.L. Arrow Books. ENGLISH NOVEL. Claim Book
147046 Maneaters. Cormick Alex. Robinson Publishing London. ENGLISH NOVEL. Claim Book
147047 Necropolis. Horowitz Anthony. Walker Books. ENGLISH NOVEL. Claim Book
147048 The Girl who Played with Fire. Larsson Stieg. Maclehose Press London. ENGLISH NOVEL. Claim Book
147049 The thousand nights and one night.Vol.I. Mathers Powys. Books Today. ENGLISH NOVEL. Claim Book
147050 Superstar India. De Shobhaa. Penguins book. ENGLISH NOVEL. Claim Book
147051 Grey Wolf. Williams Gerrard. Sterling New York. ENGLISH HISTORY. Claim Book
147052 Aint She Sweet. Phillips Susan. William Morrow. ENGLISH NOVEL. Claim Book
147053 Early Autumn. Parker Robert. Delocorte Press N. Y. ENGLISH NOVEL. Claim Book
147054 What is Hinduism a Guide for the Global Mind. Frawley David. Bloomsbury London. ENGLISH ESSAYS. Claim Book
147055 Tantra. White David. Princeton Readings in Religions. ENGLISH RELIGION. Claim Book
147056 Spider World the Tower. Wilson Colin. Grafton Books . ENGLISH NOVEL. Claim Book
147057 Reading Lolita in Tehran. Nafisi Azar. Random House. N. York. ENGLISH LITERATURE. Claim Book
147058 10-lb Penalty. Francis Dick. Michel Joseph ltd. London. ENGLISH NOVEL. Claim Book
147059 Annihilation Of Caste. Ambedkar B. R. Navayana. ENGLISH ESSAYS. Claim Book
147060 The Drop. Connelly Michael. Little Brown . London. ENGLISH NOVEL. Claim Book
147061 Sextrology The Astrology of Sex and the Sexes. Cox. Harper. London. Psychology. Claim Book
147062 Vedanta. Osho. A Rebel Book. Philosophy. Claim Book
147063 It Happened in India. Biyani Kishore. Rupa. biography. Claim Book
147064 The Way of the Knife. Mazzetti Mark. Penguin Book. ENGLISH NOVEL. Claim Book
147065 Know your Ailment. Pagdi Gayatri. Indus Source Books Delhi. ENGLISH ESSAYS. Claim Book
147066 One Hundred Years of Solitude. Rabass Gregory. Harper Perennial.3. ENGLISH LITERATURE. Claim Book
147067 The Inheritance of Loss. Desai Kiran. Grove Press N. Y. ENGLISH NOVEL. Claim Book
147068 Memories of Midnight. Sheldon Sidney. HarperColins Publisher Ltd. ENGLISH NOVEL. Claim Book
147069 The Thousand Nights and One Night Vol. III. Mathers Powys. Books Today. ENGLISH NOVEL. Claim Book
147070 Why Mars & Venus Collide. Gray John. Harper element. ENGLISH ESSAYS. Claim Book
147071 The Shadow of the sun. Kapuscinski Ryszard. Alfred A. Knopf N. Y. ENGLISH HISTORY. Claim Book
147072 The Man Within My Head. Iyer Pico. Penguins book. ENGLISH NOVEL. Claim Book
147073 Think & Grow Rich. Hill Napoleon. Highroads Media Inc. Business. Claim Book
147074 The Witch of Portobello. Paulo Coelho. Harper Collins publishers. ENGLISH NOVEL. Claim Book
147075 Shadow Country. Matthiessen Peter. The Modern Library. ENGLISH LITERATURE. Claim Book
147076 Love is the Key. Cartland Barbara. Mandarin. ENGLISH NOVEL. Claim Book
147077 Diddi My Mothers Voice. Pande Ira. Penguins book. ENGLISH LITERATURE. Claim Book
147078 The Deceiver. Forsyth Frederick. Corgi books. ENGLISH NOVEL. Claim Book
147079 Forget Kathmandu. Thapa Manjushree. Penguins book. ENGLISH HISTORY. Claim Book
147080 The Tao of Travel. Theroux Paul. Mariner Books. ENGLISH HISTORY. Claim Book
147081 The famous five - Five fall into Adventure. Blyton Enid. Hodder Children Books. ENGLISH NOVEL. Claim Book
147082 The Famous Five - Five on a Hike Together. Blyton Enid. Hodder Children Books. ENGLISH NOVEL. Claim Book
147083 The Famous Five -Five Go Down to the Sea. Blyton Enid. Hodder Children Books. ENGLISH NOVEL. Claim Book
147084 Dr. Jekyll & Mr. Hyde. Stevenson Robert. A Wilco Book. ENGLISH NOVEL. Claim Book
147085 The 39 Clues - The Vipers Nest. Lerangis Peter. Scholastic Inc. ENGLISH NOVEL. Claim Book
147086 The 39 Clues -The Emperors Code. Korman Gordon. Scholastic Inc. ENGLISH NOVEL. Claim Book
147087 The 39 Clues -Storm Warning. Park Linda. Scholastic Inc. ENGLISH NOVEL. Claim Book
147088 Dirk Gentlys Holistic Detective Agency. Adams Douglas. Pan London. General Workes. Claim Book
147089 Awaken The Giant Within. Robbins Anthony. A Fireside Book London. Psychology. Claim Book
147090 Time Machine & The War of the Worlds. Wells H.G. A Wilco Book. ENGLISH NOVEL. Claim Book
147091 Intimate Behaviour. Morris Desmond. Traid Grafton Books. ENGLISH LITERATURE. Claim Book
147092 Blossoms of Friendship. Thakar Vimal. Rodmell Press. Psychology. Claim Book
147093 The power of now. Tolle Eckhart. Yogi Impressions. Psychology. Claim Book
147094 With God On Their Side. Kaplan Esther. The New Press London. Political Sciences. Claim Book
147095 Dreams From My Father. Obama Barack. Crown Pub. N. York. ENGLISH NOVEL. Claim Book
147096 Beautiful Stranger. Lauren Christina. Gallery Books. N. York. ENGLISH NOVEL. Claim Book
147097 Fresh -Air-Fiend. Theroux Paul. Penguins book. ENGLISH HISTORY. Claim Book
147098 Luxury Brand Management. Mazzalovo Gerald. Wiley. ENGLISH LITERATURE. Claim Book
147099 The Complete Works of Swami Vivekananda 3. Vivekanand Swami. Advaita Ashrama, Kolkata. Philosophy. Claim Book
147100 The Complete Works of Swami Vivekananda 6. Vivekanand Swami. Advaita Ashram Kolkatta. Philosophy. Claim Book
Page 1471 of 1478