आमची ओळख

ज्ञानाची उपासना हा समाजाच्या संस्कृतीचा मानदंड असतो. ज्ञानाला स्थल कालाच्या मर्यादा नसतात, तसेच त्याच्या उपासनेलादेखील जाती, धर्म, पंथ, भाषा, प्रांत यांची संकुचित बंधने अडवू शकत नाहीत. हेच ब्रीद मनाशी ठेवून गेली १६० वर्षे करवीर नगर वाचन मंदिर वाटचाल करीत आहे.


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Total Records : 1046

Accession No. Book Name Author Publisher Subject Claim Book
133928 Srimad Bhagavatam 11. Vyasa Krishna D. The Bhaktivedanta Book Trust London. ENGLISH RELIGION. Claim Book
133929 Srimad Bhagavatam 12. Vyasa Krishna D. The Bhaktivedanta Book Trust London. ENGLISH RELIGION. Claim Book
134087 Classical Hindu Mythology. Dimmitt Cornelia. Motilal Banarsidass Publishers Delhi. ENGLISH RELIGION. Claim Book
134088 Role Of Sevakas of Lord Jagannath and Navakalevara. Mishra Manorama. Mayur Publications Bhubaneswar. ENGLISH RELIGION. Claim Book
134089 Puri The Divene Distination. Patnaik Sunil K. Mayur Publications Bhubaneswar. ENGLISH RELIGION. Claim Book
134095 Buddhist Heritage of Odisha. Patnaik Sunil K. Mayur Publications Bhubaneswar. ENGLISH RELIGION. Claim Book
134403 A Hindu-Buddhist Rejoinder. Swarup Ram. Voice of India New Delhi. ENGLISH RELIGION. Claim Book
134404 Understanding Islam thorough hadis. Swarup Ram. Voice of India New Delhi. ENGLISH RELIGION. Claim Book
134405 Islam vis-A-vis Hindu Temples. Goel sita Ram. Voice of India New Delhi. ENGLISH RELIGION. Claim Book
134409 Muslim Quest for separate identity. Chakrabarti Asim pada. Minerva Publication Kolkata. ENGLISH RELIGION. Claim Book
134412 Universal Hinduism. Frawley david. Aditya Prakashan ENGLISH RELIGION. Claim Book
134431 The Kaulajnananirnaya. Mukhopadhyayay Pandit Satkari. Aditya Prakashan Delhi. ENGLISH RELIGION. Claim Book
134484 Gotama the Buddha. Horner L. B. & Cumarswany. Vrinda Prakashan Delhi. ENGLISH RELIGION. Claim Book
134740 Lord Sri Dattatreya. Mishra Dwarika Mohan. Sterling Pulishing House Delhi. ENGLISH RELIGION. Claim Book
134791 Sri Isopanisad. Prabhupada Swami. Bhaktivedanta Book Trust London. ENGLISH RELIGION. Claim Book
134889 Hindu Manners Customs and Ceremonies. Singh Chitralekha. Rishabh Books Delhi. ENGLISH RELIGION. Claim Book
134891 Culture Kumari Arpita. Sharma and Brothers Publication Delhi. ENGLISH RELIGION. Claim Book
134899 Mahabharata. Arora Rekha. MP Publishers Delhi. ENGLISH RELIGION. Claim Book
134900 The Mighty Tale of Hanuman. Kishor Prannath. Apple Publishing House Delhi. ENGLISH RELIGION. Claim Book
135309 Gita for Everyday Living. Vedanta. Sri Ramkrishna Math Chennai. ENGLISH RELIGION. Claim Book
135885 Dramatis personac of Valmiki Ramayana. Krishnamurti T. S. Sanskrit Academy Hyderbad. ENGLISH RELIGION. Claim Book
135892 Ramcharit Manas. Tripathi S. A. Swastik Publishers Delhi. ENGLISH RELIGION. Claim Book
135900 Indian Myth And legend. Macjenbzie Donaklld. Bharatiya Kala Prakashan Delhi. ENGLISH RELIGION. Claim Book
135904 Shree Vishnu Sahasranaamah. Mohanty Digambar. Bhartiya Kala Prakashan Delhi. ENGLISH RELIGION. Claim Book
135908 All about Hinduism. Tyagi Ashok. Shipra Prakashan Delhi. ENGLISH RELIGION. Claim Book
135909 The Holy Geeta. Duneja Prabha. New Age Books Delhi. ENGLISH RELIGION. Claim Book
135990 Varanasi the City of Temples. Mishra Srikant. Sanket Prakashan Allahabad. ENGLISH RELIGION. Claim Book
136072 Temples of Tamil Nadu. Tiwari Rakesh. Chandra Publication Allahabad. ENGLISH RELIGION. Claim Book
136137 Horn Festival - Rainbow of North East. Rathore Kunwar IIshwar Singh. Aabha Publishers Delhi. ENGLISH RELIGION. Claim Book
136913 Maha Kumbh Yatra. Bose Jayashree. Akanksha Publisher Kolkata. ENGLISH RELIGION. Claim Book
136917 Image makers of Kumortuli and the Durga Puja. Dutta Krishna. Niyogi Books Delhi. ENGLISH RELIGION. Claim Book
136961 Understanding Islam. Kumar B. B. Niyogi Books Delhi. ENGLISH RELIGION. Claim Book
137031 Three Great Gods. Singh Lovkush. Animesh Publication Ghaziabad. ENGLISH RELIGION. Claim Book
137034 The Bhagavad Gita. Jacobs Alan. Arora Book Company Delhi. ENGLISH RELIGION. Claim Book
137066 Mahabharata. Prasad Sanjeev. M. K. Publishers Delhi. ENGLISH RELIGION. Claim Book
137487 Sikhism. Kaur Kulneet. Lenin Media Delhi. ENGLISH RELIGION. Claim Book
137538 Festivals and Folk Theatre of Odisha. Satapathy Manmath Kumar. Shubhi Publications Delhi. ENGLISH RELIGION. Claim Book
138048 Rise of Bhakti Movement In India. Kumari Monika. Shreya Trader Co. Delhi. ENGLISH RELIGION. Claim Book
138088 The Bhagavata Gita According to Gandhi. Singh Manoj Kumar. Rupa Prakashan Delhi. ENGLISH RELIGION. Claim Book
138218 The Battle for Rama. Jain Meenakshi. Arya Books International Delhi. ENGLISH RELIGION. Claim Book
138263 Ayodhya Revisited. Kunal Kishore. Occean Books Delhi. ENGLISH RELIGION. Claim Book
138480 Modern Relevance Of Theravada Buddhist Ethics. Tater Sohan Raj. Literary Circle Jaipur. ENGLISH RELIGION. Claim Book
138481 Tales From Hindu Literature. Nivedita Sister. M. P. Publisher Delhi. ENGLISH RELIGION. Claim Book
138508 Buddhism and Ambedkar. Ahir D. C. Budhist World Press Delhi. ENGLISH RELIGION. Claim Book
138563 Hinduism. Benwal Gokul Chand. Guru Sahib Prakashan Delhi. ENGLISH RELIGION. Claim Book
138897 Hinduism. Dwivedi Om. Noni Books Delhi. ENGLISH RELIGION. Claim Book
138966 Despite Stolen Dreams. Krishnan Anita Fingerprint Delhi. ENGLISH RELIGION. Claim Book
139013 Hindu Mythology. Singh Ajay. Prakashan kendra. ENGLISH RELIGION. Claim Book
139017 Hindu Religion And Culture. Swami Sri. Lakshamanacharya. Text Book Promotion Society of India. ENGLISH RELIGION. Claim Book
139026 Death Anniversary. Ramanunni K.P. OxfordUniversity Press. Delhi. ENGLISH RELIGION. Claim Book
139027 Hinduism And The Clash Of Civilization. Frawley david. Voice of India New Delhi. ENGLISH RELIGION. Claim Book
139028 Nagationism In India. Elst Koenraad. Voice of India Delhi. ENGLISH RELIGION. Claim Book
139117 The Terrible Tribunal For The East The Goa Inquisition. Pariolkar A.K. Voice of India New Delhi. ENGLISH RELIGION. Claim Book
139118 Tipu Sultan Villian Or Hero. An Anthology. Voice of India New Delhi. ENGLISH RELIGION. Claim Book
139134 On Cetain Ground Displaced Kashmiri Pandits In Jammu and Kashmir. Datta Ankur. Oxford university Press---. ENGLISH RELIGION. Claim Book
139302 The Philophy Of Advita. Mahadevan T.M.P. Bhartiya Kala Prakashan Delhi. ENGLISH RELIGION. Claim Book
139305 Daatu (Crossing Over). Bhyrappa S.L. Sahitya Akedami. ENGLISH RELIGION. Claim Book
139383 Katha SaritSagar. Bhatt Somdev. R.R. Prakashan Delhi. ENGLISH RELIGION. Claim Book
139628 New Narratives From Indias NortheastStangers No More. Hazarika Sanjay. Aleph Book Company New Delhi. ENGLISH RELIGION. Claim Book
139630 Shree Durga A Spritual Journey. Kapoor Kanwal Narayan. Isha Gyandeep New Delhi. ENGLISH RELIGION. Claim Book
139638 Early Buddhism. Tiwari Durga Nandan. Prachya Vidya Bhawan Varanasi. ENGLISH RELIGION. Claim Book
139639 The Hindu Phenomenon. Jain Girilal. Voice Of India New Delhi. ENGLISH RELIGION. Claim Book
139643 Panj Piare. Singh Rajinder Pal. Lahore Book Shop Ludhiana. ENGLISH RELIGION. Claim Book
139644 Guru Messege The Ultimate Freedom. Singh Gurudeep. Lahore Book Shop Ludhiana. ENGLISH RELIGION. Claim Book
139645 Five Arrows of Banda Singh Bahadur. Singh Mohinder Paul. Lahore Book Shop Ludhiana. ENGLISH RELIGION. Claim Book
139648 Hindu Dharma. Dubey Om Prakash. Sahitya Bhandar Allahbad. ENGLISH RELIGION. Claim Book
139756 Rituals Saran Anil. Shreya Traders & co New Delhi. ENGLISH RELIGION. Claim Book
139793 The Shade of Swords Jihad And The Conflict Between Islam Christianity. Akbar M.J. Roli Books Pvt.Ltd. New Delhi. ENGLISH RELIGION. Claim Book
139809 The Essense of Buddhism. Jha V.N. Sanket Prakashan Allahbad. ENGLISH RELIGION. Claim Book
139813 Sri Ramakrishna and His Divine Play. Saradananda Swami. Vedanta Society Of St.Louis USA. ENGLISH RELIGION. Claim Book
139839 The Gospel Of Sri Ramakrishna Volume -1. Gupta Mahindranath. Sri Ramkrisna Math Chennai. ENGLISH RELIGION. Claim Book
139840 Holy Mother Sri Sarada Devi. Gambhirananda Swami. Sri Ramkrishna Math Chennai. ENGLISH RELIGION. Claim Book
139841 The Gospel Of Sri Ramakrihna Volume 2. Gupta Mahendranath. Sri Ramkrishna Math Chennai. ENGLISH RELIGION. Claim Book
139868 Krsna The Supreme Personality Of Godhead. Swami Prabhupada. The Bhaktivedant Trust Mumbai. ENGLISH RELIGION. Claim Book
139869 Bhagavad Gita As It It. Swami Prabhupada. The Bhaktivedanta Book Trust Mumbai. ENGLISH RELIGION. Claim Book
139875 Folk-Lore Of Northern India. Crooke W. Sanjay Prakashan Delhi. ENGLISH RELIGION. Claim Book
140016 Yogi Adityanath Blend of Spiritualism and political Realism. Adhikari Shekhar. Pentagon Press ENGLISH RELIGION. Claim Book
140474 Indian Religions. Ranjan Ravi. Academic Publication Delhi. ENGLISH RELIGION. Claim Book
140477 Moisture Trapped In A Stone. Rao K.N. Niyogi Books. Delhi. ENGLISH RELIGION. Claim Book
140479 A Comlete Book Of Upnishad. Mudgal Hariom. Kritika Marketing And Publishing. ENGLISH RELIGION. Claim Book
140481 Hindu Fats & Festivals. Kumar Geeta Anand. Sahitya Surbhi Delhi. ENGLISH RELIGION. Claim Book
140498 South Indian Temple and Their Mythology. Patra R. Monal Publication Himachal Pradesh. ENGLISH RELIGION. Claim Book
140513 Culture of Bengal. Mukherjee Pooja. Harshita Prakashan Delhi. ENGLISH RELIGION. Claim Book
140520 Guru Nanak Dev. Gohil Manoj Kumar. Creative Books Gaziabad. ENGLISH RELIGION. Claim Book
140634 Khaki Files. Kumar Neeraj. Penguin Random House Gurgaon. ENGLISH RELIGION. Claim Book
140968 Jagnnath Heritage. Baral Sarangdhar. Authers Press Delhi. ENGLISH RELIGION. Claim Book
140994 Zafarnamah. Singh Gurbachan. Lahore Book Shop Ludhiyana. ENGLISH RELIGION. Claim Book
141076 The Principles Of the Vedas. Sharma Rekha. Mukund Publication Delhi. ENGLISH RELIGION. Claim Book
141078 Customs & Traditions in India. Rawat D.S. Sanket Prakashan Allahbad. ENGLISH RELIGION. Claim Book
141181 Sampurna Bharat Param Vaibhav Bahrat. Swami Brahmayogananda. Shastralayam Kanchipuram. ENGLISH RELIGION. Claim Book
141369 How You Can Talk With God. Yogananda Paramhansa. Yogoda Satsanga Society Of India Kolkatta. ENGLISH RELIGION. Claim Book
141370 The Law Of Sucess. Yogananda Paramhansa. Yogoda Satsanga Society Of India Kolkata. ENGLISH RELIGION. Claim Book
141504 On Religion. Marx & Engles. Progress Publishers ENGLISH RELIGION. Claim Book
141673 Mahabharata. Rajagopalachari C. Bhartiya Vidya Bhawan Mumbai. ENGLISH RELIGION. Claim Book
141983 Srimadbhagavadgita Tattavivecani. Goyandka Jayadayal. Gita Press Gorakhpur. ENGLISH RELIGION. Claim Book
142103 The Jesus Code. Price Randolph John. Hay house. ENGLISH RELIGION. Claim Book
142110 The energy of prayer. Hanh Thich. Jaico Book. ENGLISH RELIGION. Claim Book
142119 American Veda. Smith Foreword. Three Rivers Press New York. ENGLISH RELIGION. Claim Book
142121 Vedic Metaphysics. Jagadguru Sankaracarya. Motilal Banarsidass Publishing Pvt. Ltd. ENGLISH RELIGION. Claim Book
142122 Techniques in prayer Therapy. Murphy Joseph. Martino Publishing. ENGLISH RELIGION. Claim Book
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