Accession No. | Book Name | Author | Publisher | Subject | Claim Book |
29541 | Face of Revolution. | John Michael. | Macmillan co. N. York. | Political Sciences. | Claim Book |
29543 | Indias Case for Swaraj .1. | Gandhi M. K. | Waman P Kabadi . Bom. | Political Sciences. | Claim Book |
29544 | Indias Case for Swaraj 2. | Gandhi M. K. | Waman P Kabadi . Bom. | Political Sciences. | Claim Book |
29546 | Indian Crisis. | Brockway Fenner. | Victor Gollancz. London. | Political Sciences. | Claim Book |
29547 | Federal Government .1. | Wheare Fenner. | Oxford university . London. | Political Sciences. | Claim Book |
29549 | Basis of an Indo - British Treaty . 1. | Panikar K. M . | Indian Conuncil of w.a. N.Delhi. | Political Sciences. | Claim Book |
29550 | Politics of Charkha .1. | Kripalani J. B. | Vora & co. Bom. | Political Sciences. | Claim Book |
29551 | Some Fundsmentls of Indian problem . | Sitaramayya Pattabhi. | --- | Political Sciences. | Claim Book |
29552 | Ruin that British wrought .1. | Manshi K. M. | bhatatiya vidya . bombay. | Political Sciences. | Claim Book |
29553 | On Livinig in a Revolution . 1. | Huxley Julian | Chatto & windous . London. | Political Sciences. | Claim Book |
29554 | Thougts and Adventures 1. | Winston Churchill. | Thornton B. ltd. London. | Political Sciences. | Claim Book |
29555 | Spiritual Basis of Democracy .1. | Wellock Willferd. | S. Gaeson .Madras. | Political Sciences. | Claim Book |
29556 | Indian Franchise CommitteeVoL III. 1. | Provincial Franchise Committe. | Central pub . Calcutta. | Political Sciences. | Claim Book |
29557 | Untouchable Classes Of Maharashtra.1. | Bhagat M. G. | University Of Cassell Co. Bombay. | Political Sciences. | Claim Book |
29558 | These TImes. | Spender J. A. | Cassell & co Sydney. | Political Sciences. | Claim Book |
29559 | Liberty In The Modern state 2. | Laski Harold J. | Penguin books ltd. England. | Political Sciences. | Claim Book |
29560 | Socialism And The National Revolution. | Deo Narendra. | Padma Publication Ltd. Bombay. | Political Sciences. | Claim Book |
29562 | Control of the Tropics . | Kidd Benj amin. | Macmillan co. N.York. | Political Sciences. | Claim Book |
29563 | How can India Become Free ? 1. | Gandhi M. K. | Allied Indian pub . London. | Political Sciences. | Claim Book |
29564 | Mahatma and the world . 1. | Shridharani Krishnalal. | Thacker & co. Bom. | Political Sciences. | Claim Book |
29565 | Britains Blockade. | Clarke R. W. B. | Clarendon Press. Oxford. | Political Sciences. | Claim Book |
29566 | Menace of Fascism . 1. | Strachey John. | Victor Godlaz.London. | Political Sciences. | Claim Book |
29567 | Up From Poverty In India . 1. | Spencer Hatch D. | Oxford University press .Bom. | Political Sciences. | Claim Book |
29568 | Problems of peace . 1. | Laski H. J. & Zimmern. | Geneva Institue .London. | Political Sciences. | Claim Book |
29569 | Anti -semitism and the Jewish Question1. | Rennap J. | Lawrence & W . London. | Political Sciences. | Claim Book |
29570 | Let Us Unite .1. | Chandrasekharan K. | Allied Indian Pub. London. | Political Sciences. | Claim Book |
29571 | Nationalisam Democracy And Freedom. 1. | Roy M. N. | V. B. Karnik. Bombay. | Political Sciences. | Claim Book |
29572 | Future of Dmocrancy In India . 1. | Roy M. N. | Radical Democradic party .Delhi. | Political Sciences. | Claim Book |
29574 | Trials of British Freedom . 1. | Jackson T. A. | Lawrence & ltd . London. | Political Sciences. | Claim Book |
29575 | How to think about war and peace. 1. | Adler Morhimer J. | Sommon & Schuster. New York. | Political Sciences. | Claim Book |
29576 | Speeches And Papers on Indian Questions 1897to 1900. 1. | Dutt Ramesh Chander. | Elm press. Calcutta. | Political Sciences. | Claim Book |
29578 | Imperial Germany . 1. | Von Bulow Bernhard. | Cassell & co .Ltd . London. | Political Sciences. | Claim Book |
29579 | Germany And England. | Cramb J. A. | John Murray. London. | Political Sciences. | Claim Book |
29580 | --- | अज्ञात. | --- | Political Sciences. | Claim Book |
29581 | Essays and Lectures on Social and poliltical subject . 1. | Fawcett Henry. | Macmillan & co. London. | Political Sciences. | Claim Book |
29582 | Germanys War Mania . 1. | German Emperor. Etc. | A.W. Shaw co. London. | Political Sciences. | Claim Book |
29583 | Will war come toIndia ? 1. | Jog N. G. | New book . co . Bombay. | Political Sciences. | Claim Book |
29584 | Century of Revilution. | Lilly William Samuel. | Campman & Hall. London. | Political Sciences. | Claim Book |
29585 | Darvinism and Politics . 1. | Ritchie David R. | Swan Sonneschien. London. | Political Sciences. | Claim Book |
29586 | Theory of Political Economy . 1. | Stanely Jevons W. | Macmillan & co. London. | Political Sciences. | Claim Book |
29587 | Future Of the Indo British common wealth . 1. | Wedgwood J. C. | Theosophical pub . | Political Sciences. | Claim Book |
29589 | Lamp and The Lampstand . 1. | Menon K. P. S. | Oxford Univer. Press ;. | Political Sciences. | Claim Book |
29590 | New Testament . 1. | Williams Charles B. | Moody press . Chicago. | Political Sciences. | Claim Book |
29591 | Anglo American Future .1. | Gardiner A. G. | Oxford Univer. press .London. | Political Sciences. | Claim Book |
29592 | Growttb and Administration of the British colonics 1837- 1887.1. | Greswell W. P. | Blackiw& son . London. | Political Sciences. | Claim Book |
29593 | Backward peples and our Relations with Them . 1. | Johnson Harry. | Oxford Univer. press.London. | Political Sciences. | Claim Book |
29594 | Question Whither India?. | Coelho A. F. | Thacker & co. Bombay. | Political Sciences. | Claim Book |
29595 | Mind And Face of Nazi Germany . 1. | Ganguli B. N. | John Murray . London. | Political Sciences. | Claim Book |
29596 | Churchills Blind -spot : India . 1. | Jog N. G. | New book co. Bom. | Political Sciences. | Claim Book |
29597 | Colonies And Dependenies Part I & II. | Cotton J. S. & Payne E. J. | Macmillan & Co. London. | Political Sciences. | Claim Book |
29598 | Englands Work In India . 1. | Hunter William Wilson. | Cristian Vernacular soc. Madras. | Political Sciences. | Claim Book |
29599 | And New China . 1. | Vidya K. B. | Thacker & co. Bom. | Political Sciences. | Claim Book |
29600 | --- | अज्ञात. | --- | Political Sciences. | Claim Book |
29601 | Intriduction To Political science . 1. | Seeley J. K. | Macmillan & co . London. | Political Sciences. | Claim Book |
29602 | Liberalism Inthe Modern world . | Lothian C. H. | Lovat Dickson Ltd. London. | Political Sciences. | Claim Book |
29603 | Alternative . 1. | Roy M. N. | Independent India .Bom . | Political Sciences. | Claim Book |
29604 | Challenge To Liberty . 1. | Halifax Viscount. | Clarendon Press. Oxford. | Political Sciences. | Claim Book |
29605 | God of war . 1. | Mccabe Joseph. | watts & co .London. | Political Sciences. | Claim Book |
29606 | Sinews Of War. | Crowther Gefforey. | Clarendon Press. Oxford. | Political Sciences. | Claim Book |
29607 | National Socilism and Christianity 1. | Micklem N. | claerndon Press .Oxford. | Political Sciences. | Claim Book |
29608 | Gestapo . 1. | Giles O. C. | Clarendon Press. Oxford. | Political Sciences. | Claim Book |
29609 | What Acts of war are Justitable? 1. | Goodhart A. L. | Clarenfon press .Oxford. | Political Sciences. | Claim Book |
29610 | Latin America . 1. | Humpherys Robin A. | Claerndon press. Oxford. | Political Sciences. | Claim Book |
29611 | Lies As Allies . 1. | Maugham Somerset W. | Oxford University press. London. | Political Sciences. | Claim Book |
29612 | 42 Rebellion . 1. | Sahai Govind. | Raj kamal pub . Ltd . Delhi. | Political Sciences. | Claim Book |
29613 | War and Indias Freedom . 1. | Lele P. R. | Popular Book . Bom. | Political Sciences. | Claim Book |
29614 | Gandhis Fight For Freedom.1. | Khanna R. N. | Allied Indian pub . London. | Political Sciences. | Claim Book |
29615 | Froniter And Its Gnadhi.1. | Brignt J. S. | Allied Indian Publication. London. | Political Sciences. | Claim Book |
29616 | What Congress and Gandhi have done to the untouchables. 1. | Ambedkar B. R. | Thacker & co . Bombay. | Political Sciences. | Claim Book |
29617 | Science of Politics . 1. | Amos Sheldon. | Kegan Paul Trench. London. | Political Sciences. | Claim Book |
29618 | Indian war of Indopendence . 1. | Savarkar V. D. | K.B. Dhawale . Bom. | Political Sciences. | Claim Book |
29620 | Gandhi and Gandhism Vol. 2. | Pattabhi Sitaramayya B. | Kitabistan . Allahabad. | Political Sciences. | Claim Book |
29621 | Journey Through the war Mind . 1. | Joad C. E. M. | Faber & Faber .London. | Political Sciences. | Claim Book |
29622 | Heredity and Polities . 1. | Harlrane H.B.S. | George Allen & co . London. | Political Sciences. | Claim Book |
29623 | Indian Crisis. | Brockway Fenner. | Victor Gollazcz. London. | Political Sciences. | Claim Book |
29625 | Race In Europe . 1. | Huxley Julian | Claerndon press .Oxford. | Political Sciences. | Claim Book |
29626 | Munshi : The Man And His Message l. | Munshi Kanaiyalal M . | K. Munshi . Bom. | Political Sciences. | Claim Book |
29627 | Peace with the Dictators ?. | Angell Norman & Buzher Doroghy Franes. | Hamish Hamilton. London. | Political Sciences. | Claim Book |
29628 | Enlist India for freedom ! . 1. | Thompson Edward. | Victor Gollancz .London. | Political Sciences. | Claim Book |
29629 | Indian Unrest.1. | Chirol Valentine. | Macmillan & Co. London. | Political Sciences. | Claim Book |
29630 | Case For Federal Union. | Curry W. B. | Pengwin Books Ltd. England. | Political Sciences. | Claim Book |
29631 | Gandhi Muslim Conspiracy . 1. | Hindu Nationalist. | R.D. Ghanekar .Poona. | Political Sciences. | Claim Book |
29632 | Whrer stands Democray ? 1. | Members Of Fabian Society. | Macmillan & co . London. | Political Sciences. | Claim Book |
29633 | My Appeal TO The British . 1. | Gandhi M. K. | --- | Political Sciences. | Claim Book |
29634 | Out of Dust . 1. | Karaka D. F. | Thacker & Co .Bom. | Political Sciences. | Claim Book |
29635 | Darwin Marx | Barzun Jacques. | Little Brown & Co. Boston. | Political Sciences. | Claim Book |
29636 | Constitation of theJrish Free state. | Kohn Leo. | Geroge Allen & co . London. | Political Sciences. | Claim Book |
29637 | In the Fire Of the Heart . 1. | Ralph W. Trine. | George Bell & sons .London. | Political Sciences. | Claim Book |
29638 | Why Pakistan ? and why not? . 1. | Shah Khushal Thomas. | Pratibha pub . Bombay. | Political Sciences. | Claim Book |
29639 | Prospects of Civlization . 1. | Zimmern Alfred | Clarendon press. oxford . | Political Sciences. | Claim Book |
29640 | Colonies and Raw Materiaks . 1. | Henderson H. D. | clarendon press . oxford. | Political Sciences. | Claim Book |
29641 | Crowds . 1. | Lee Gerild Stanley. | Methuen & co . london. | Political Sciences. | Claim Book |
29642 | Speeches And weitings of M.K. Gandhi . 1. | Gandhi M. K. | G.A.Natesan & co . Madras. | Political Sciences. | Claim Book |
29643 | Indian Nationalism.1. | Bevan Edwyan. | Macimillan & Co. London. | Political Sciences. | Claim Book |
29644 | Who Is Responsible? Armageddon & After !1. | Brereton Cloudesley. | George G. Harrap. & Co. | Political Sciences. | Claim Book |
29645 | Liberalism And The House of Lords . 1. | Jones Harry. | Methuen &co . London. | Political Sciences. | Claim Book |
29646 | Indian Unrest.1. | Chirol Valentine. | Macmillan & Co. London. | Political Sciences. | Claim Book |
29647 | Indain Nationalisn . 1. | Gupta Nagendranath. | Hind Kitabs . Bom. | Political Sciences. | Claim Book |
29648 | New orientation . 1. | Roy M. N. | Renaissance pub .Calcutty. | Political Sciences. | Claim Book |
29649 | How to Conduct Meetings . 1. | Foulsham W. | W. Foulish & co . London. | Political Sciences. | Claim Book |